Source code for

.. module::

general (:mod:``)

General input/output functions for reading and writing skrf objects

Pickle functions

The read/write methods use the pickle module. These should only be used
for temporary storage.

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/



.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/


Pandas dataframe

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/



.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/



.. autosummary::
   :toctree: generated/


from __future__ import annotations

import glob
import inspect
import json
import os
import pickle
import sys
import warnings
from io import StringIO
from pickle import UnpicklingError
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame, ExcelWriter, Series

from ..frequency import Frequency
from import Network
from ..networkSet import NetworkSet
from ..util import get_extn, get_fid

def _get_extension(inst: Any) -> str:
    """File extension conventions for skrf objects.
    from ..calibration.calibration import Calibration
    from import Media

    extensions = [
        (Frequency, "freq"),
        (Network, "ntwk"),
        (NetworkSet, "ns"),
        (Calibration, "cal"),
        (Media, "med"),

    for cls, ext in extensions:
        print(cls, ext)
        if isinstance(inst, cls):
            return ext
    return "p"

[docs] def read(file, *args, **kwargs): r""" Read skrf object[s] from a pickle file. Reads a skrf object that is written with :func:`write`, which uses the :mod:`pickle` module. Parameters ---------- file : str or file-object name of file, or a file-object \*args, \*\*kwargs : arguments and keyword arguments passed through to pickle.load .. note:: If `file` is a: * a file-object, it is left open * a filename, then a file-object is opened and closed. * a file-object and reading fails, then the position is reset back to 0 using seek if possible. Examples -------- >>> n = rf.Network(f=[1,2,3],s=[1,1,1],z0=50) >>> n.write('my_ntwk.ntwk') >>> n_2 ='my_ntwk.ntwk') See Also -------- read : read a skrf object write : write skrf object[s] read_all : read all skrf objects in a directory write_all : write dictionary of skrf objects to a directory """ fid = get_fid(file, mode='rb') try: obj = pickle.load(fid, *args, **kwargs) except (UnpicklingError, UnicodeDecodeError): # if fid is seekable then reset to beginning of file if isinstance(file, str): # we created the fid so close it fid.close() raise if isinstance(file, str): # we created the fid so close it fid.close() return obj
[docs] def write(file, obj, overwrite = True): """ Write skrf object[s] to a file. This uses the :mod:`pickle` module to write skrf objects to a file. Note that you can write any pickl-able python object. For example, you can write a list or dictionary of :class:`` objects or :class:`~skrf.calibration.calibration.Calibration` objects. This will write out a single file. If you would like to write out a separate file for each object, use :func:`write_all`. Parameters ---------- file : file or string File or filename to which the data is saved. If file is a file-object, then the filename is unchanged. If file is a string, an appropriate extension will be appended to the file name if it does not already have an extension. obj : an object, or list/dict of objects object or list/dict of objects to write to disk overwrite : Boolean if file exists, should it be overwritten? .. note:: If `file` is a string, but doesnt contain a suffix, one is chosen automatically. Here are the extensions: ==================================================== =============== skrf object extension ==================================================== =============== :class:`~skrf.frequency.Frequency` '.freq' :class:`` '.ntwk' :class:`~skrf.networkSet.NetworkSet` '.ns' :class:`~skrf.calibration.calibration.Calibration` '.cal' :class:`` '.med' other '.p' ==================================================== =============== .. note:: To make the file written by this method cross-platform, the pickling protocol 2 is used. See :mod:`pickle` for more info. Examples -------- Convert a touchstone file to a pickled Network, >>> n = rf.Network('my_ntwk.s2p') >>> rf.write('my_ntwk',n) >>> n_red ='my_ntwk.ntwk') Writing a list of different objects >>> n = rf.Network('my_ntwk.s2p') >>> ns = rf.NetworkSet([n,n,n]) >>> rf.write('out',[n,ns]) >>> n_red ='out.p') See Also -------- read : read a skrf object write : write skrf object[s] read_all : read all skrf objects in a directory write_all : write dictionary of skrf objects to a directory : write method of Network skrf.calibration.calibration.Calibration.write : write method of Calibration """ if isinstance(file, str): extn = get_extn(file) if extn is None: # if there is not extension add one file += f".{_get_extension(obj)}" if os.path.exists(file): if not overwrite: warnings.warn('file exists, and overwrite option is False. Not writing.', stacklevel=2) return with open(file, 'wb') as fid: pickle.dump(obj, fid, protocol=2) else: fid = file pickle.dump(obj, fid, protocol=2) fid.close()
[docs] def read_all(dir: str ='.', sort = True, contains = None, f_unit = None, obj_type=None, files: list=None, recursive=False) -> dict: """ Read all skrf objects in a directory. Attempts to load all files in `dir`, using :func:`read`. Any file that is not readable by skrf is skipped. Optionally, simple filtering can be achieved through the use of `contains` argument. Parameters ---------- dir : str, optional the directory to load from, default \'.\' sort: boolean, default is True filenames sorted by without arguements contains : str, optional if not None, only files containing this substring will be loaded f_unit : ['hz','khz','mhz','ghz','thz'] for all :class:`` objects, set their frequencies's :attr:`~skrf.frequency.Frequency.f_unit` obj_type : str Name of skrf object types to read (ie 'Network') files : list, optional list of files to load, bypasses dir parameter. recursive : bool, optional If True, search in the specified directory and all other nested directories Returns ------- out : dictionary dictionary containing all loaded skrf objects. keys are the filenames without extensions, and the values are the objects Examples -------- >>> rf.read_all('skrf/data/') {'delay_short': 1-Port Network: 'delay_short', 75-110 GHz, 201 pts, z0=[ 50.+0.j], 'line': 2-Port Network: 'line', 75-110 GHz, 201 pts, z0=[ 50.+0.j 50.+0.j], 'ntwk1': 2-Port Network: 'ntwk1', 1-10 GHz, 91 pts, z0=[ 50.+0.j 50.+0.j], 'one_port': one port Calibration: 'one_port', 500-750 GHz, 201 pts, 4-ideals/4-measured, ... >>> rf.read_all('skrf/data/', obj_type = 'Network') {'delay_short': 1-Port Network: 'delay_short', 75-110 GHz, 201 pts, z0=[ 50.+0.j], 'line': 2-Port Network: 'line', 75-110 GHz, 201 pts, z0=[ 50.+0.j 50.+0.j], 'ntwk1': 2-Port Network: 'ntwk1', 1-10 GHz, 91 pts, z0=[ 50.+0.j 50.+0.j], >>> rf.read_all(files = ['skrf/data/delay_short.s1p', 'skrf/data/line.s2p'], obj_type = 'Network') {'delay_short': 1-Port Network: 'delay_short', 75-110 GHz, 201 pts, z0=[ 50.+0.j], 'line': 2-Port Network: 'line', 75-110 GHz, 201 pts, z0=[ 50.+0.j 50.+0.j]} See Also ---------- read : read a skrf object write : write skrf object[s] read_all : read all skrf objects in a directory write_all : write dictionary of skrf objects to a directory """ out={} filelist = [] if files is None: if recursive: if not dir.endswith(os.path.sep): dir += os.path.sep dir += '**' for filename in glob.iglob(os.path.join(dir, '*.s*p'), recursive=recursive): filelist.append(filename) else: filelist.extend(files) if sort is True: filelist.sort() for filename in filelist: if contains is not None and contains not in filename: continue fullname = filename keyname = os.path.splitext(filename.split(os.path.sep)[-1])[0] try: out[keyname] = read(fullname) continue except Exception: pass try: out[keyname] = Network(fullname) continue except Exception: pass if f_unit is not None: for keyname in out: try: out[keyname].frequency.unit = f_unit except Exception: pass if obj_type is not None: out = {k: out[k] for k in out if isinstance(out[k],sys.modules[__name__].__dict__[obj_type])} return out
[docs] def read_all_networks(*args, **kwargs): """ Read all networks in a directory. This is a convenience function. It just calls:: read_all(*args,obj_type='Network', **kwargs) See Also -------- read_all """ return read_all(*args,obj_type='Network', **kwargs)
ran = read_all_networks
[docs] def write_all(dict_objs, dir='.', *args, **kwargs): r""" Write a dictionary of skrf objects individual files in `dir`. Each object is written to its own file. The filename used for each object is taken from its key in the dictionary. If no extension exists in the key, then one is added. See :func:`write` for a list of extensions. If you would like to write the dictionary to a single output file use :func:`write`. .. note:: Any object in dict_objs that is pickl-able will be written. Parameters ---------- dict_objs : dict dictionary of skrf objects dir : str directory to save skrf objects into \*args, \*\*kwargs : passed through to :func:``. `overwrite` option may be of use. See Also -------- read : read a skrf object write : write skrf object[s] read_all : read all skrf objects in a directory write_all : write dictionary of skrf objects to a directory Examples -------- Writing a diction of different skrf objects >>> from import line, short >>> d = {'ring_slot':ring_slot, 'one_port_cal':one_port_cal} >>> rf.write_all(d) """ if not os.path.exists('.'): raise OSError(f'No such directory: {dir}') for k in dict_objs: filename = k obj = dict_objs[k] extn = get_extn(filename) if extn is None: # if there is not extension add one filename += f".{_get_extension(obj)}" try: with open(os.path.join(dir+'/', filename), 'wb') as fid: write(fid, obj,*args, **kwargs) except Exception as inst: print(inst) warnings.warn(f'couldnt write {k}: {inst}', stacklevel=2) pass
[docs] def save_sesh(dict_objs, file='skrfSesh.p', module='skrf', exclude_prefix='_'): """ Save all `skrf` objects in the local namespace. This is used to save current workspace in a hurry, by passing it the output of :func:`locals` (see Examples). Note this can be used for other modules as well by passing a different `module` name. Parameters ---------- dict_objs : dict dictionary containing `skrf` objects. See the Example. file : str or file-object, optional the file to save all objects to module : str, optional the module name to grep for. exclude_prefix: str, optional dont save objects which have this as a prefix. See Also -------- read : read a skrf object write : write skrf object[s] read_all : read all skrf objects in a directory write_all : write dictionary of skrf objects to a directory Examples -------- Write out all skrf objects in current namespace. >>> rf.write_all(locals(), 'mysesh.p') """ objects = {} print('pickling: ') for k in dict_objs: try: if module in inspect.getmodule(dict_objs[k]).__name__: try: pickle.dumps(dict_objs[k]) if k[0] != '_': objects[k] = dict_objs[k] print(k+', ') finally: pass except(AttributeError, TypeError): pass if len (objects ) == 0: print('nothing') write(file, objects)
def load_all_touchstones(dir = '.', contains=None, f_unit=None): """ Loads all touchtone files in a given dir into a dictionary. Notes ------- Parameters ----------- dir : string the path contains : string a string the filenames must contain to be loaded. f_unit : ['hz','mhz','ghz'] the frequency unit to assign all loaded networks. see :attr:`frequency.Frequency.unit`. Returns --------- ntwkDict : a dictionary with keys equal to the file name (without a suffix), and values equal to the corresponding ntwk types Examples ---------- >>> ntwk_dict = rf.load_all_touchstones('.', contains ='20v') See Also ----------- read_all """ ntwkDict = {} for f in os.listdir (dir): if contains is not None and contains not in f: continue keyname,extn = os.path.splitext(f) extn = extn.lower() try: if extn[1]== 's' and extn[-1]=='p': ntwkDict[keyname]=(Network(dir +'/'+f)) if f_unit is not None: ntwkDict[keyname].frequency.unit=f_unit except Exception: pass return ntwkDict def write_dict_of_networks(ntwkDict, dir='.'): """ Saves a dictionary of networks touchstone files in a given directory The filenames assigned to the touchstone files are taken from the keys of the dictionary. Parameters ----------- ntwkDict : dictionary dictionary of :class:`Network` objects dir : string directory to write touchstone file to """ warnings.warn('Deprecated. use write_all.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) for ntwkKey in ntwkDict: ntwkDict[ntwkKey].write_touchstone(filename = dir+'/'+ntwkKey) def read_csv(filename): """ Read a 2-port s-parameter data from a csv file. Specifically, this reads a two-port csv file saved from a Rohde Schwarz ZVA-40, and possibly other network analyzers. It returns into a :class:`Network` object. Parameters ------------ filename : str name of file Returns -------- ntwk : :class:`Network` object the network representing data in the csv file """ ntwk = Network(name=filename[:-4]) try: data = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=3,delimiter=',',\ usecols=range(9)) s11 = data[:,1] +1j*data[:,2] s21 = data[:,3] +1j*data[:,4] s12 = data[:,5] +1j*data[:,6] s22 = data[:,7] +1j*data[:,8] ntwk.s = np.array([[s11, s21],[s12,s22]]).transpose().reshape(-1,2,2) except(IndexError): data = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=3,delimiter=',',\ usecols=range(3)) ntwk.s = data[:,1] +1j*data[:,2] ntwk.frequency.f = data[:,0] return ntwk ## file conversion
[docs] def statistical_2_touchstone(file_name, new_file_name=None,\ header_string='# GHz S RI R 50.0'): """ Converts Statistical file to a touchstone file. Converts the file format used by Statistical and other Dylan Williams software to standard touchstone format. Parameters ---------- file_name : string name of file to convert new_file_name : string name of new file to write out (including extension) header_string : string touchstone header written to first beginning of file """ remove_tmp_file = new_file_name is None if remove_tmp_file: new_file_name = 'tmp-'+file_name # This breaks compatibility with python 2.6 and older with open(file_name) as old_file, open(new_file_name, 'w') as new_file: new_file.write(f'{header_string}\n') for line in old_file: new_file.write(line) if remove_tmp_file: os.rename(new_file_name,file_name)
[docs] def network_2_spreadsheet(ntwk: Network, file_name: str = None, file_type: str = 'excel', form: str ='db', *args, **kwargs): r""" Write a Network object to a spreadsheet, for your boss. Write the s-parameters of a network to a spreadsheet, in a variety of forms. This functions makes use of the pandas module, which in turn makes use of the xlrd module. These are imported during this function call. For more details about the file-writing functions see the `pandas.DataFrom.to_???` functions. .. note:: The frequency unit used in the spreadsheet is take from `ntwk.frequency.unit` Parameters ---------- ntwk : :class:`` object the network to write file_name : str, None the file_name to write. if None, is used. file_type : ['csv','excel','html'] the type of file to write. See `pandas.DataFrame.to_???` functions. form : 'db','ma','ri' format to write data, * db = db, deg * ma = mag, deg * ri = real, imag \*args, \*\*kwargs : passed to `pandas.DataFrame.to_???` functions. See Also -------- networkset_2_spreadsheet : writes a spreadsheet for many networks """ file_extns = {'csv':'csv','excel':'xls','html':'html'} form = form.lower() if form not in ['db','ri','ma']: raise ValueError('`form` must be either `db`,`ma`,`ri`') file_type = file_type.lower() if file_type not in file_extns.keys(): raise ValueError('file_type must be `csv`,`html`,`excel` ') if is None and file_name is None: raise ValueError('Either ntwk must have name or give a file_name') if file_name is None and 'excel_writer' not in kwargs.keys(): file_name = + '.'+file_extns[file_type] d = {} index =ntwk.frequency.f if form =='db': for m,n in ntwk.port_tuples: d[f'S{ntwk._fmt_trace_name(m,n)} Log Mag(dB)'] = \ Series(ntwk.s_db[:,m,n], index = index) d[f'S{ntwk._fmt_trace_name(m,n)} Phase(deg)'] = \ Series(ntwk.s_deg[:,m,n], index = index) elif form =='ma': for m,n in ntwk.port_tuples: d[f'S{ntwk._fmt_trace_name(m,n)} Mag(lin)'] = \ Series(ntwk.s_mag[:,m,n], index = index) d[f'S{ntwk._fmt_trace_name(m,n)} Phase(deg)'] = \ Series(ntwk.s_deg[:,m,n], index = index) elif form =='ri': for m,n in ntwk.port_tuples: d[f'S{ntwk._fmt_trace_name(m,n)} Real'] = \ Series(ntwk.s_re[:,m,n], index = index) d[f'S{ntwk._fmt_trace_name(m,n)} Imag'] = \ Series(ntwk.s_im[:,m,n], index = index) df = DataFrame(d) df.__getattribute__(f'to_{file_type}')(file_name, index_label=f'Freq({ntwk.frequency.unit})', **kwargs)
[docs] def network_2_dataframe(ntwk: Network, attrs: list[str] =None, ports: list[tuple[int, int]] = None, port_sep: str | None = None): """ Convert one or more attributes of a network to a pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- ntwk : :class:`` object the network to write attrs : list Network attributes like ['s_db','s_deg'] ports : list of tuples list of port pairs to write. defaults to ntwk.port_tuples (like [(0,0)]) port_sep : string defaults to None, which means a empty string "" is used for networks with lower than 10 ports. (s_db 11, s_db 21) For more than ten ports a "_" is used to avoid ambiguity. (s_db 1_1, s_db 2_1) Returns ------- df : pandas DataFrame Object """ if attrs is None: attrs = ["s_db"] if ports is None: ports = ntwk.port_tuples if port_sep is None: port_sep = "_" if ntwk.nports > 10 else "" d = {} for attr in attrs: attr_array = getattr(ntwk, attr) for m, n in ports: d[f'{attr} {m+1}{port_sep}{n+1}'] = attr_array[:, m, n] return DataFrame(d, index=ntwk.frequency.f)
[docs] def networkset_2_spreadsheet(ntwkset: NetworkSet, file_name: str = None, file_type: str = 'excel', *args, **kwargs): r""" Write a NetworkSet object to a spreadsheet, for your boss. Write the s-parameters of a each network in the networkset to a spreadsheet. If the `excel` file_type is used, then each network, is written to its own sheet, with the sheetname taken from the network `name` attribute. This functions makes use of the pandas module, which in turn makes use of the xlrd module. These are imported during this function. .. note:: The frequency unit used in the spreadsheet is take from `ntwk.frequency.unit` Parameters ---------- ntwkset : :class:`~skrf.networkSet.NetworkSet` object the network to write file_name : str, None the file_name to write. if None, is used. file_type : ['csv','excel','html'] the type of file to write. See `pandas.DataFrame.to_???` functions. form : 'db','ma','ri' format to write data, * db = db, deg * ma = mag, deg * ri = real, imag \*args, \*\*kwargs : passed to `pandas.DataFrame.to_???` functions. See Also -------- networkset_2_spreadsheet : writes a spreadsheet for many networks """ if is None and file_name is None: raise(ValueError('Either ntwkset must have name or give a file_name')) if file_name is None: file_name = if file_type == 'excel': # add file extension if missing if not file_name.endswith('.xlsx'): file_name += '.xlsx' with ExcelWriter(file_name) as writer: [network_2_spreadsheet(k, writer,, **kwargs) for k in ntwkset] else: [network_2_spreadsheet(k,*args, **kwargs) for k in ntwkset]
StringBuffer = StringIO
[docs] class TouchstoneEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Serializes Network object by converting arrays to lists, splitting complex numbers into real and imaginary, and breaking down frequency objects into dicts. """
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() if isinstance(obj, complex): return np.real(obj), np.imag(obj) # split into [real, im] if isinstance(obj, Frequency): return {'flist': obj.f_scaled.tolist(), 'funit': obj.unit} return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
[docs] def to_json_string(network): """ Dumps Network to JSON string. Faster than converting and saving as touchstone. Safer than pickling (no arbitrary code execution on load). :param network: :class:`` object A Network object to be serialized and returned as a JSON string. :return: str JSON string representation of a network object. """ return json.dumps(network.__dict__, cls=TouchstoneEncoder)
[docs] def from_json_string(obj_string): """ Loads network object from JSON string representation. :param obj_string: str JSON string representation of a network object. :return: :class:`` object A Network object, rebuilt from JSON. """ obj = json.loads(obj_string) ntwk = Network() ntwk.variables = obj['variables'] = obj['name'] ntwk.comments = obj['comments'] ntwk.port_names = obj['port_names'] ntwk.z0 = np.array(obj['_z0'])[..., 0] + np.array(obj['_z0'])[..., 1] * 1j # recreate complex numbers ntwk.s = np.array(obj['_s'])[..., 0] + np.array(obj['_s'])[..., 1] * 1j ntwk.frequency = Frequency.from_f(np.array(obj['_frequency']['flist']), unit=obj['_frequency']['funit']) return ntwk