Source code for

.. module::
vna (:mod:``)

Provides the VNA base class
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING


import functools
import inspect
import re
from enum import Enum, auto

import numpy as np
import pyvisa

from ..scpi_errors import SCPIError
from ..validators import Validator

def _format_cmd(cmd: str, **kwargs) -> str:
    def sub(match_obj):
        prefix ="prefix")
        attr ="attr")

        if prefix:
            obj = kwargs[prefix]
            return str(getattr(obj, attr))
            return str(kwargs[attr])

    param_re = re.compile(r"\<(?:(?P<prefix>\w+):)?(?P<attr>\w+)\>")
    return re.sub(param_re, sub, cmd)

class ValuesFormat(Enum):
    """How values are written to and queried from the insturment"""

    #: 32 bits per value
    BINARY_32 = auto()
    #: 64 bits per value
    BINARY_64 = auto()
    #: Transferred as ASCII (e.g. representing numbers as strings)
    ASCII = auto()

class Channel:
    A single channel of the instrument.

    This is only for those instruments which support channels, and should be
    subclassed in those instrument classes.

    .. warning::
        This class should not be instantiated directly

    def __init__(
        self, parent, cnum: int | None = None, cname: str | None = None
    ) -> None:
        self.parent = parent
        self.cnum = cnum = cname =
        self.read_values = self.parent.read_values
        self.write = self.parent.write
        self.write_values = self.parent.write_values
        self.query = self.parent.query
        self.query_values = self.parent.query_values

class VNA:
    _scpi = True  # Set to false in subclasses that don't use SCPI

    def __init__(
        self, address: str, backend: str = "@py", timeout: int | None = None
    ) -> None:
        rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager(backend)
        self._resource = rm.open_resource(address, timeout=timeout)

        # Reading and setting the query values format is instrument specific
        # and must be done for each subclass. We default to using ASCII
        self._values_fmt: ValuesFormat = ValuesFormat.ASCII

        if self._scpi:

        self.echo = False

    def __init_subclass__(cls):
        if "Channel" in [c[0] for c in inspect.getmembers(cls, inspect.isclass)]:

    def _add_channel_support(cls):
        def create_channel(self, cnum: int, cname: str) -> None:
            ch_id = f"ch{cnum}"
            if hasattr(self, ch_id):
                raise RuntimeError(f"Channel {cnum} already exists")

            new_channel = self.Channel(self, cnum, cname)
            setattr(self, ch_id, new_channel)

        def delete_channel(self, cnum: str) -> None:
            ch_id = f"ch{cnum}"
            if not hasattr(self, ch_id):
            ch = getattr(self, ch_id)
            if hasattr(ch, "_on_delete"):
            delattr(self, ch_id)

        def _channels(self) -> list[Channel]:
            return [getattr(self, ch) for ch in dir(self) if re.fullmatch(r"ch\d+", ch)]

        def __getattr__(self, k):
            if not hasattr(self.Channel, k):
                raise AttributeError(f"{type(self).__name__} has no attribute {k}")
            return getattr(self.ch1, k)

        cls.create_channel = create_channel
        cls.delete_channel = delete_channel
        cls.channels = property(_channels)
        cls.__getattr__ = __getattr__

    def _setup_scpi(self) -> None:
        self.__class__.wait_for_complete = lambda self: self.query("*OPC?")
        self.__class__.status = property(lambda self: self.query("*STB?"))
        self.__class__.options = property(lambda self: self.query("*OPT?")) = property(lambda self: self.query("*IDN?"))
        self.__class__.clear_errors = lambda self: self.write("*CLS")

        def errcheck(self) -> None:
            err = self.query("SYST:ERR?")
            errno = int(err.split(",")[0])
            if errno == 0:
                raise SCPIError(errno)

        self.__class__.check_errors = errcheck

[docs] @staticmethod def command( get_cmd: str | None = None, set_cmd: str | None = None, doc: str | None = None, validator: Validator | None = None, values: bool = False, values_container: type | None = np.array, complex_values: bool = False, ) -> property: """ Create a property for the instrument. This method is used to add a property to an instrument. These properties can be read-only, write-only, read-write, and can validate values before sending to the instrument as well as validate responses from the instrument to return proper types. Parameters ---------- get_cmd Command sent to the instrument to request data set_cmd Command sent to the instrument to set data doc The docstring for the property validator The :class:`Validator` that will be used to transform data to the proper format before sending and after querying values Whether or not this command is using a `Sequence` to set data, or expects a `Sequence` in response. values_container: If values is true, you set set this to the type of container the values should be returned in. For example, this is np.array by default, meaning instead of return a `list`, you will get a numpy array. complex_values: If the values expected from the instrument are complex. If so, the values will be converted from [real[0], imag[0], real[1], imag[1], ...] to [complex(real[0], imag[0]), complex(real[1], imag[1]), ...] Returns ------- property The property constructed from the parameters passed. Should be set to a class variable """ def fget(self, get_cmd=get_cmd, validator=validator): if get_cmd is None: raise LookupError("Property cannot be read") cmd = _format_cmd(get_cmd, self=self) if values: arg = self.query_values( cmd, container=values_container, complex_values=complex_values ) else: arg = self.query(cmd) if hasattr(self, "wait_for_complete"): self.wait_for_complete() if validator: return validator.validate_output(arg) else: return arg def fset(self, arg, set_cmd=set_cmd, validator=validator): if set_cmd is None: raise LookupError("Property cannot be set") if validator: arg = validator.validate_input(arg) cmd = _format_cmd(set_cmd, self=self, arg=arg) self.write(cmd) if hasattr(self, "wait_for_complete"): self.wait_for_complete() fget.__doc__ = doc # TODO: Potentially add the validator docstring to add the verbosity to # the generated docs, but keep the code less verbose? return property(fget=fget, fset=fset)
@property def timeout(self) -> int | None: return self._resource.timeout @timeout.setter def timeout(self, timeout: int | None) -> None: self._resource.timeout = timeout def read(self, **kwargs) -> None: if isinstance(self._resource, pyvisa.resources.MessageBasedResource): fn = elif isinstance(self._resource, pyvisa.resources.RegisterBasedResource): raise NotImplementedError() else: raise RuntimeError("unreachable") return fn(**kwargs) def read_values(self, **kwargs) -> None: # noqa: B027 pass def write(self, cmd, **kwargs) -> None: if self.echo: print(cmd) if isinstance(self._resource, pyvisa.resources.MessageBasedResource): fn = self._resource.write elif isinstance(self._resource, pyvisa.resources.RegisterBasedResource): raise NotImplementedError() else: raise RuntimeError("unreachable") fn(cmd, **kwargs) def write_values(self, cmd, values, complex_values: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: if self.echo: print(cmd) if complex_values: values = np.array([(x.real, x.imag) for x in values]).flatten() if isinstance(self._resource, pyvisa.resources.MessageBasedResource): if self._values_fmt == ValuesFormat.ASCII: fn = self._resource.write_ascii_values elif self._values_fmt == ValuesFormat.BINARY_32: fn = self._resource.write_binary_values elif self._values_fmt == ValuesFormat.BINARY_64: fn = functools.partial(self._resource.write_binary_values, datatype="d") elif isinstance(self._resource, pyvisa.resources.RegisterBasedResource): raise NotImplementedError() else: raise RuntimeError("unreachable") return fn(cmd, values, **kwargs) def query(self, cmd, **kwargs) -> None: if self.echo: print(cmd) if isinstance(self._resource, pyvisa.resources.MessageBasedResource): fn = self._resource.query elif isinstance(self._resource, pyvisa.resources.RegisterBasedResource): raise NotImplementedError() else: raise RuntimeError("unreachable") return fn(cmd, **kwargs) def query_values(self, cmd, complex_values: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: if self.echo: print(cmd) if isinstance(self._resource, pyvisa.resources.MessageBasedResource): if self._values_fmt == ValuesFormat.ASCII: fn = self._resource.query_ascii_values elif self._values_fmt == ValuesFormat.BINARY_32: fn = self._resource.query_binary_values elif self._values_fmt == ValuesFormat.BINARY_64: fn = functools.partial(self._resource.query_binary_values, datatype="d") elif isinstance(self._resource, pyvisa.resources.RegisterBasedResource): raise NotImplementedError() else: raise RuntimeError("unreachable") vals = fn(cmd, **kwargs) if complex_values: vals = np.vectorize(complex)(vals[::2], vals[1::2]) return vals