Source code for

.. module::
validators (:mod:``)

.. autosummary::
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from typing import Any, Sequence

import re
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum

class ValidationError(Exception):

class Validator(ABC):
    def validate_input(self, arg) -> Any:
        """Try to convert arg to a valid value and return. Used to ensure
        commands sent to the instrument are the proper format."""

    def validate_output(self, arg) -> Any:
        """Try to convert arg to a valid value and return. Used to convert
        responses from the instrument to something useful. By default,
        this just calls validate_input, but can be overwritten in subclasses.
        (See EnumValidator)"""
        return self.validate_input(arg)

[docs] class IntValidator(Validator):
[docs] def __init__(self, min: int | None = None, max: int | None = None) -> None: self.min = min self.max = max
[docs] def validate_input(self, arg) -> int: try: arg = int(arg) except ValueError as err: raise ValidationError(f"Could not convert {arg} to an int") from err if self.min is not None or self.max is not None: self.check_bounds(arg) return arg
[docs] def check_bounds(self, arg): try: if self.min is not None: assert arg >= self.min except AssertionError as err: raise ValidationError(f"{arg} < {self.min}") from err try: if self.max is not None: assert arg <= self.max except AssertionError as err: raise ValidationError(f"{arg} > {self.max}") from err
[docs] class FloatValidator(Validator):
[docs] def __init__( self, min: float | None = None, max: float | None = None, decimal_places: int=50 ) -> None: self.min = min self.max = max self.dec_places = decimal_places
[docs] def validate_input(self, arg) -> float: try: arg = float(arg) except ValueError as err: raise ValidationError(f"Could not convert {arg} to a float") from err if self.min is not None or self.max is not None: self.check_bounds(arg) return round(arg, self.dec_places)
[docs] def check_bounds(self, arg): try: if self.min is not None: assert arg >= self.min except AssertionError as err: raise ValidationError(f"{arg} < {self.min}") from err try: if self.max is not None: assert arg <= self.max except AssertionError as err: raise ValidationError(f"{arg} > {self.max}") from err
[docs] class FreqValidator(Validator): freq_re = re.compile(r"(?P<val>\d+\.?\d*)\s*(?P<si_prefix>[kMG])?(?:[hH][zZ])?") si = {"k": 1e3, "M": 1e6, "G": 1e9}
[docs] def validate_input(self, arg) -> int: if isinstance(arg, str): f = re.fullmatch(self.freq_re, arg) if f is None: raise ValidationError("Invalid frequency string") return int(float(f["val"]) *["si_prefix"], 1)) else: try: return int(arg) except ValueError as err: raise ValidationError("Could not convert {arg} to an int") from err
[docs] def validate_output(self, arg) -> int: try: f = float(arg) return int(f) except ValueError as err: raise ValidationError(f"Response from instrument ({arg}) could not be converted to an int") from err
[docs] class EnumValidator(Validator):
[docs] def __init__(self, enum: Enum) -> None: self.Enum = enum
[docs] def validate_input(self, arg) -> Any: if isinstance(arg, Enum): return arg.value else: try: return self.Enum(arg).value except ValueError as err: raise ValidationError(f"{arg} is not a valid {self.Enum.__name__}") from err
[docs] def validate_output(self, arg) -> Any: try: return self.Enum(arg) except ValueError as err: raise ValidationError(f"Got unexpected response {arg}") from err
[docs] class SetValidator(Validator):
[docs] def __init__(self, valid: Sequence) -> None: dtype = type(valid[0]) if not all(isinstance(x, dtype) for x in valid): raise ValueError("All elements of set must be of the same type.") self.valid = valid self.dtype = dtype
[docs] def validate_input(self, arg) -> Any: arg = self.dtype(arg) if arg in self.valid: return arg else: raise ValidationError(f"{arg} is not in {self.valid}")
[docs] class DictValidator(Validator):
[docs] def __init__(self, arg_string: str, response_pattern: re.Pattern | str) -> None: self.arg_string = arg_string if isinstance(response_pattern, str): self.pattern = re.compile(response_pattern) else: self.pattern = response_pattern
[docs] def validate_input(self, arg) -> str: try: return self.arg_string.format(**arg) except KeyError as e: raise ValidationError(f"Missing expected argument '{e}'") from e
[docs] def validate_output(self, arg) -> dict: match = self.pattern.fullmatch(arg) if match: return match.groupdict() else: raise ValidationError( "Response did not fit regex. " f"Response: {arg} Pattern: {self.pattern.pattern}" )
[docs] class DelimitedStrValidator(Validator):
[docs] def __init__(self, dtype: type =str , sep: str = ',') -> None: self.dtype = dtype self.sep = sep
[docs] def validate_input(self, arg: Sequence) -> str: if not all(isinstance(x, self.dtype) for x in arg): raise ValidationError("All elements must be of type {self.dtype}.") return self.sep.join(str(x) for x in arg)
[docs] def validate_output(self, arg: str) -> list: arg = arg.replace('"', '') return [self.dtype(val) for val in arg.split(self.sep)]
[docs] class BooleanValidator(Validator): truthy = ['1', 'on', 'true'] falsey = ['0', 'off', 'false']
[docs] def __init__( self, true_response: str | None = None, false_response: str | None = None, true_setting: str='1', false_setting: str='0' ): if true_response: self.truthy.append(true_response.lower()) if false_response: self.falsey.append(false_response.lower()) self.true_val = true_setting self.false_val = false_setting
[docs] def validate_input(self, arg) -> str: if str(arg).lower() in self.truthy: return self.true_val elif str(arg).lower() in self.falsey: return self.false_val else: raise ValidationError('Argument must be a truthy or falsey value')
[docs] def validate_output(self, arg) -> bool: return str(arg).lower() in self.truthy