Source code for

.. module::
Keysight FieldFox (:mod:``)

Provides a class to interact with Keysight's FieldFox handheld analyzer.

This module additionally provides some enumerations to make certain commands
more clear.


.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


FieldFox Class

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


import itertools
from enum import Enum

import numpy as np

import skrf
from import vna
from import (

class WindowFormat(Enum):
    """How windows are arranged on the display."""

    #: A single trace in a window that takes up the whole display
    ONE_TRACE = "D1"
    #: Two traces in a single window
    TWO_TRACES = "D2"
    #: Three traces in a single window
    #: Two windows with one trace each, stacked vertically
    #: Three windows. The top window is two columns wide, the bottom two are one
    #: column each
    #: Four windows in a grid
    TWO_BY_TWO = "D12_34"

[docs] class FieldFox(vna.VNA): """Keysight FieldFox. The FieldFox is a class of handheld analyzers with numerous modes with different capabilities. This class only provides methods related to the network analyzer mode. """ freq_start = vna.VNA.command( get_cmd="SENS:FREQ:STAR?", set_cmd="SENS:FREQ:STAR <arg>", doc="""The start frequency [Hz]""", validator=FreqValidator(), ) freq_stop = vna.VNA.command( get_cmd="SENS:FREQ:STOP?", set_cmd="SENS:FREQ:STOP <arg>", doc="""The start frequency [Hz]""", validator=FreqValidator(), ) freq_center = vna.VNA.command( get_cmd="SENS:FREQ:CENT?", set_cmd="SENS:FREQ:CENT <arg>", doc="""The center frequency [Hz]""", validator=FreqValidator(), ) freq_span = vna.VNA.command( get_cmd="SENS:FREQ:SPAN?", set_cmd="SENS:FREQ:SPAN <arg>", doc="""The frequency span [Hz]""", validator=FreqValidator(), ) npoints = vna.VNA.command( get_cmd="SENS:SWE:POIN?", set_cmd="SENS:SWE:POIN <arg>", doc="""The number of frequency points""", validator=IntValidator(), ) sweep_time = vna.VNA.command( get_cmd="SENS:SWE:TIME?", set_cmd="SENS:SWE:TIME <arg>", doc="""The sweep time [s]""", validator=FloatValidator(), ) if_bandwidth = vna.VNA.command( get_cmd="SENS:BWID?", set_cmd="SENS:BWID <arg>", doc="""The center frequency [Hz]""", validator=SetValidator([10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, 10_000, 30_000, 100_000]), ) window_configuration = vna.VNA.command( get_cmd="DISP:WIND:SPL?", set_cmd="DISP:WIND:SPL <arg>", doc="""How multiple trace windows appear on screen""", validator=EnumValidator(WindowFormat), ) ntraces = vna.VNA.command( get_cmd="CALC:PAR:COUN?", set_cmd="CALC:PAR:COUN <arg>", doc="""The number of active traces.""", validator=IntValidator(min=1, max=4), ) active_trace = vna.VNA.command( set_cmd="CALC:PAR<arg>:SEL", doc="""Set the active trace. There is no command to read the active trace.""", validator=IntValidator(min=1, max=4), ) active_trace_sdata = vna.VNA.command( get_cmd="CALC:DATA:SDATA?", doc="""Get the current trace data as a network""", values=True, complex_values=True ) is_continuous = vna.VNA.command( get_cmd="INIT:CONT?", set_cmd="INIT:CONT <arg>", doc="""Get the current trace data as a network""", validator=BooleanValidator() ) _cal_term_map = { "forward directivity": "ed,1,1", "reverse directivity": "ed,2,2", "forward source match": "es,1,1", "reverse source match": "es,2,2", "forward reflection tracking": "er,1,1", "reverse reflection tracking": "er,2,2", "forward transmission tracking": "et,2,1", "reverse transmission tracking": "et,1,2", "forward load match": "el,2,1", "reverse load match": "el,1,2", "forward isolation": "ex,2,1", "reverse isolation": "ex,1,2" }
[docs] def __init__(self, address: str, backend: str = "@py") -> None: super().__init__(address, backend) self._resource.read_termination = "\n" self._resource.write_termination = "\n" _ = self.query_format # calling the getter sets _values_format to make sure we're in sync with the instrument
@property def nports(self) -> int: return 2 @property def freq_step(self) -> int: """The frequency step [Hz]""" f = self.frequency return int(f.step) @freq_step.setter def freq_step(self, f: int) -> None: freq = self.frequency self.npoints = len(range(int(freq.start), int(freq.stop) + f, f)) @property def frequency(self) -> skrf.Frequency: """The frequency bounds as a :class:`skrf.Frequency`""" return skrf.Frequency( start=self.freq_start, stop=self.freq_stop, npoints=self.npoints, unit='Hz' ) @frequency.setter def frequency(self, f: skrf.Frequency): self.freq_start = f.start self.freq_stop = f.stop self.npoints = f.npoints @property def calibration(self) -> skrf.Calibration: """The currently defined calibration as a :class:`skrf.calibration.calibration.Calibration`""" cal_dict = {} for cal_key, term in self._cal_term_map.items(): vals = self.query_values(f"SENS:CORR:COEF? {term}", container=np.array, complex_values=True) cal_dict[cal_key] = vals return skrf.Calibration.from_coefs(self.frequency, cal_dict) @calibration.setter def calibration(self, cal: skrf.Calibration) -> None: cal_dict = cal.coefs_12term for cal_key, term in self._cal_term_map.items(): self.write_values(f"SENS:CORR:COEF {term},", cal_dict[cal_key], complex_values=True) @property def query_format(self) -> vna.ValuesFormat: """ How values are written to / queried from the instrument (ascii or binary) When transferring a large number of values from the instrument (like trace data), it can be done either as ascii characters or as binary. Transferring in binary is much faster, as large numbers can be represented much more succinctly. """ fmt = self.query("FORM?") if fmt == "ASC,0": self._values_fmt = vna.ValuesFormat.ASCII elif fmt == "REAL,32": self._values_fmt = vna.ValuesFormat.BINARY_32 elif fmt == "REAL,64": self._values_fmt = vna.ValuesFormat.BINARY_64 return self._values_fmt @query_format.setter def query_format(self, fmt: vna.ValuesFormat) -> None: if fmt == vna.ValuesFormat.ASCII: self._values_fmt = vna.ValuesFormat.ASCII self.write("FORM ASC,0") elif fmt == vna.ValuesFormat.BINARY_32: self._values_fmt = vna.ValuesFormat.BINARY_32 self.write("FORM REAL,32") elif fmt == vna.ValuesFormat.BINARY_64: self._values_fmt = vna.ValuesFormat.BINARY_64 self.write("FORM REAL,64")
[docs] def get_measurement_parameter(self, trace: int) -> str: """Get the defined measurement parameter for the specified trace Parameters ---------- trace: int The trace number Returns ------- str Measurement parameter (like 'S11', 'S21', 'A', 'B', 'R1', etc) """ if trace not in range(1, 5): raise ValueError("Trace must be between 1 and 4") return self.query(f"CALC:PAR{trace}:DEF?")
[docs] def define_measurement(self, trace: int, parameter: str) -> None: """ Define what parameter the specified trace is measuring Parameters ---------- trace: int What trace to set the measurement for parameter: str What parameter to measure (e.g. 'S11', 'R1', 'A', etc) """ if trace not in range(1, self.ntraces + 1): self.ntraces = trace self.write(f"CALC:PAR{trace}:DEF {parameter}")
[docs] def sweep(self) -> None: """Trigger a fresh sweep.""" self._resource.clear() was_continuous = self.is_continuous self.is_continuous = False self.write("INIT") self.is_continuous = was_continuous
[docs] def get_snp_network(self, ports=None, restore_settings: bool = True) -> skrf.Network: """ Get trace data as an :class:`skrf.Network` Parameters ---------- ports: Sequence Which ports to get s parameters for. Can only be 1, 2, or (1, 2) restore_settings: bool Whether the original settings should be saved and restored, like the number of traces, the trace parameters, etc. Doing this takes a bit more time, so if running multiple repeated measurements, pass False (Default True) Returns ------- :class:`skrf.Network` The measured data """ if ports is None: ports = {1, 2} msmnts = list(itertools.product(ports, repeat=2)) msmnt_params = [f"S{a}{b}" for a, b in msmnts] if restore_settings: original_config = { "ntraces": self.ntraces, "window_configuration": self.window_configuration, "trace_params": [self.get_measurement_parameter(i+1) for i in range(self.ntraces)] } self.ntraces = len(msmnts) for i, param in enumerate(msmnt_params): self.define_measurement(i+1, param) ntwk = skrf.Network() ntwk.frequency = self.frequency ntwk.s = np.empty( shape=(ntwk.frequency.npoints, len(ports), len(ports)), dtype=complex ) self.sweep() for tr, (i, j) in enumerate(msmnts): self.active_trace = tr + 1 sdata = self.active_trace_sdata if len(msmnts) == 1: ntwk.s[:, 0, 0] = sdata else: ntwk.s[:, i - 1, j - 1] = sdata if restore_settings: for i, param in enumerate(original_config.pop('trace_params')): self.define_measurement(i+1, param) for key, val in original_config.items(): setattr(self, key, val) return ntwk