Ex4: Passivity Evaluation and Enforcement
To demonstrate the passivity evaluation and enforcement features of the vector fitting class, the ring slot example 2-port is used, once again. Have a look at the other vector fitting example notebooks for more general explanations of the fitting process.
import matplotlib.pyplot as mplt
import numpy as np
import skrf
# load and fit the ring slot network with 3 poles
nw = skrf.data.ring_slot
vf = skrf.VectorFitting(nw)
vf.vector_fit(n_poles_real=3, n_poles_cmplx=0)
# plot fitting results
freqs = np.linspace(0, 200e9, 201)
fig, ax = mplt.subplots(2, 2)
fig.set_size_inches(12, 8)
vf.plot_s_mag(0, 0, freqs=freqs, ax=ax[0][0]) # s11
vf.plot_s_mag(0, 1, freqs=freqs, ax=ax[0][1]) # s12
vf.plot_s_mag(1, 0, freqs=freqs, ax=ax[1][0]) # s21
vf.plot_s_mag(1, 1, freqs=freqs, ax=ax[1][1]) # s22
/tmp/ipykernel_9133/3916654433.py:9: UserWarning: The fitted network is passive, but the vector fit is not passive. Consider running `passivity_enforce()` to enforce passivity before using this model.
vf.vector_fit(n_poles_real=3, n_poles_cmplx=0)
The fitting result looks fine, but a UserWarning about a non-passive vector fit was printed. Before investigating this issue, let’s check the RMS error:
An RMS error of less than 0.05 usually indicates a good fit and confirms our optical inspection. But what about the passivity of the fitted model?
Why is the model not passive? Wasn’t the original data of the ring slot representing a passive network?
The network data was passive, but the vector fitted model is not. Let’s investigate (and correct?) the problem some more.
# plot singular values of vector fitted scattering matrix
freqs = np.linspace(0, 200e9, 201)
fig, ax = mplt.subplots(1, 1)
fig.set_size_inches(6, 4)
vf.plot_s_singular(freqs=freqs, ax=ax)
One of the singular values of the fitted scattering matrix is greater than 1 at some frequencies. This indeed indicates a non-passive model. For further analysis, you can get a list of all frequency bands with passivity violations:
array([[0.00000000e+00, 2.78120033e+10],
[8.43130648e+10, 9.83113388e+10]])
The network is not passive in two frequency bands: From dc to about 27.8 GHz, and from 84.3 GHz to 98.5 GHz. Luckily, passivity can be enforced to obtain passive vector fitted model:
After passivity enforcement, the network should be passive at all frequencies. Let’s check ourselves:
array([], dtype=float64)
# plot singular values of vector fitted scattering matrix
freqs = np.linspace(0, 200e9, 201)
fig, ax = mplt.subplots(1, 1)
fig.set_size_inches(6, 4)
vf.plot_s_singular(freqs=freqs, ax=ax)
Alright, the model is finally passive. But does it still fit the original network data?
# plot fitting results again after passivity enforcement
freqs = np.linspace(0, 200e9, 201)
fig, ax = mplt.subplots(2, 2)
fig.set_size_inches(12, 8)
vf.plot_s_mag(0, 0, freqs=freqs, ax=ax[0][0]) # s11
vf.plot_s_mag(0, 1, freqs=freqs, ax=ax[0][1]) # s12
vf.plot_s_mag(1, 0, freqs=freqs, ax=ax[1][0]) # s21
vf.plot_s_mag(1, 1, freqs=freqs, ax=ax[1][1]) # s22
In addition to the visual inspection, let’s check the RMS error again:
Yes, the model still fits the original data very well and the differences to the first non-passive fit from above are insignificant: the rms error is still very low.