
IEEEP370_SE_NZC_2xThru.__init__(dummy_2xthru, name=None, z0=50, use_z_instead_ifft=False, verbose=False, forced_z0_line=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

IEEEP370_SE_NZC_2xThru De-embedding Initializer

  • dummy_2xthru (Network object) – 2xThru (FIX-FIX) network.

  • z0 – reference impedance of the S-parameters (default: 50)

  • name (string) – optional name of de-embedding object

  • use_z_instead_ifft – use z-transform instead ifft. This method is not documented in the paper but exists in the IEEE repo. It could be used if the 2x-Thru is so short that there is not enough points in time domain to determine the length of half fixtures from the s21 impulse response and the the impedance at split plane from the s11 step response. Parameter verbose could be used for diagnostic in ifft mode. (default: False)

  • forced_z0_line – If specified, the value for the split plane impedance is forced to forced_z0_line. The IEEEP370 standard recommends the 2x-Thru being at least three wavelengths at the highest measured frequency. This ensures that the split plane impedance measured in the S11 step response is free of reflections from the launches. If the 2x-Thru is too short, any point in the s11 step response contain reflections from the lanches and split plane impedance cannot be determined accurately by this method. In this case, setting the impedance manually can improve the results. However, it should be noted that each fixture model will still include some reflections from the opposite side launch because there is not enough time resolution to separate them. (Default: None)

  • verbose – view the process (default: False)

  • args – passed to Deembedding.__init__()

  • kwargs – passed to Deembedding.__init__()