Source code for skrf.qfactor

Qfactor (:mod:`skrf.qfactor`)
Module for estimating the Quality (Q) factor(s) from S-parameters.

This class implements methods for determining *loaded* and *unloaded* Q-factor
from frequency-domain S-parameters, that can be applied to measurements
of transmission or reflection.

Documentation and implementation are adapted from [MAT58]_

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


.. currentmodule:: skrf.qfactor

Loaded and Unloaded Q-factor
The Quality factor (Q-factor) of a resonator is defined by [Pozar]_:

.. math::

    Q = \frac{2 \pi U}{\Delta U}

where :math:`U` is the average energy stored by the resonator and
:math:`\Delta U` is the decrease in the average stored energy per wave cycle
at the resonant frequency, that is, the average power loss.

The *loaded* Q-factor, :math:`Q_L`, describes energy dissipation within the
entire resonant system comprising of the resonator itself and the instrument
used for observing resonances. The term loading refers to the effect that the
external circuit has on measured quantities.

The external circuit consists of the measuring instrument and uncalibrated lines,
but not the couplings of microwave resonators. Loading by an instrument that
has 50 Ohm impedance, such as a VNA, causes :math:`Q_L` to be reduced substantially
if strong coupling is used.

For many applications the quantity that is desired is the *unloaded* Q-factor :math:`Q_0`,
which is determined by energy dissipation associated with the resonator only
and therefore gives the best description of the resonant mode(s).

In other words, :math:`Q_0` is the Q-factor of the uncoupled resonator. The value of
:math:`Q_0` can be estimated from measurements of :math:`Q_L`, but cannot be measured directly.
:math:`Q_0` is largely governed by ohmic loss arising from surface currents
in the metal conductors (walls and loop couplings), and from dielectric loss
in any insulating materials that may be present.

Relationships between Loaded and Unloaded Q-factors
Energy dissipation in the external circuit is characterised by the *external* Q-factor,
:math:`Q_e`. For both series and parallel equivalent circuits, the three
Q-factors are related by [Pozar]_:

.. math::

    \frac{1}{Q_L} = \frac{1}{Q_0} + \frac{1}{Q_e}

The coupling factor :math:`\beta` is defined for each port as:

.. math::

    \beta = \frac{Q_0}{Q_e}

Finding the unloaded Q from measured S-parameters consists in first finding
the coupling factor, then measure :math:`Q_L` from the 3 dB bandwidth
and using the relationships above.

Fortunately, scikit-rf implements methods for determining loaded and
unloaded Q-factors from frequency-domain S-parameters. The implemented methods 
are described in detail in [MAT58]_, and can be applied to measurements of 
transmission or reflection.

Q-factor determination through equivalent-circuit models
Characterisation of resonances from measurements in the frequency-domain
can be achieved through equivalent-circuit models [MAT58]_. Resonators can be
modelled as an ideal RLC resonator connected to an external circuit, 
incorporating elements to account for a lossy coupling and coupling reactances.

For high Q-factor resonators (in practice, :math:`Q_L` > 100), the S-parameter 
response of a resonator measured in a calibrated system with reference planes 
at the resonator couplings can be expressed like [MAT58]_, [Galwas]_ :

.. math::

    S = S_D + d \frac{e^{−2j\delta}}{1 + j Q_L t}

where :math:`S_D` is the detuned S-parameter measured at frequencies far above or below
resonance, :math:`d` is The diameter of the Q-circle, :math:`\delta` is a
real-valued constant that defines the orientation of the Q-circle, and :math:`t`
is the fractional offset frequency given by:

.. math::

    t = \frac{f}{f_L} - \frac{f_L}{f}  \approx 2 \frac{f − f_L}{f_L}

where :math:`f_L` is the loaded resonant frequency and :math:`f` the frequency
at which S is measured. This equation can be applied to measurements
by transmission (S21 or S12) or reflection (S11 or S22).

The S-parameters are fitted against a modified expression of the above equations
to deduce the resonant frequency, loaded and unloaded Q-factors and other properties.

.. [MAT58] "Q-factor Measurement by using a Vector Network Analyser",
    A. P. Gregory, National Physical Laboratory Report MAT 58 (2021)

.. [Pozar] D. M. Pozar, Microwave engineering, 4th ed. J. Wiley, 2012.

.. [Galwas] B. A. Galwas, ‘Scattering Matrix Description of Microwave
   Resonators’, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn., vol. 31, no. 8,
   pp. 669–671, Aug. 1983, doi: 10.1109/TMTT.1983.1131566.

import numpy as np
from .network import Network
from .frequency import Frequency
from .constants import NumberLike
from typing import Union
from warnings import warn

# Available resonance types
RESONANCE_TYPES = ['reflection', 'reflection_method2',
                   'transmission', 'absorption']

class OptimizedResult(dict):
    """Represent Q-factor optimisation result.

    Q_L : float
        Loaded Quality factor
    f_L : float
        Resonance frequency [Hz]
    success: bool
        Is the fit method has been successfully performed
    method: str
        Fitting method used.
    m1, m2, m3, ...: float
        Coefficients described in [MAT58]_
    number_iterations: int
        Number of iterations performed.

    `OptimizedResult` may have additional attributes not listed here depending
    on the specific fitting method used. Since this class is essentially a
    subclass of dict with attribute accessors, one can see which
    attributes are available using the `OptimizedResult.keys` method.

    .. [MAT58] "Q-factor Measurement by using a Vector Network Analyser",
        A. P. Gregory, National Physical Laboratory Report MAT 58 (2021)


    def __getattr__(self, name):
            return self[name]
        except KeyError as e:
            raise AttributeError(name) from e

    __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
    __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.keys():
            m = max(map(len, list(self.keys()))) + 1
            return '\n'.join([k.rjust(m) + ': ' + repr(v)
                              for k, v in sorted(self.items())])
            return self.__class__.__name__ + "()"

    def __dir__(self):
        return list(self.keys())

[docs]class Qfactor: """ Q-factor calculation class. This class implements methods for determining *loaded* and *unloaded* Q-factor from frequency-domain S-parameters, that can be applied to measurements of transmission or reflection. Parameters ---------- ntwk : :class:`` object A 1-port scikit-rf Network. If your device is a N-port, pass the desired sub-S-parameters to fit the data from, like `ntwk.s21`. res_type : str Specifies the resonance type: 'reflection', 'transmission', 'reflection_method2' or 'absorption': 'reflection' is generally suited for undercoupled resonators, while 'reflection_method2' is favoured for coupling with large loop. Q_L0 : float, optional. Default is None. Estimated loaded Q-factor, used to improve fitting. f_L0 : float, optional. Default is None. Estimated loaded resonant frequency, used to improve fitting [Hz] If None, automatically search for the min or max, depending on the resonance type defined by `res_type`. verbose : bool, optional. Default is False. Boolean flag controlling output of information to the console. Raises ------ ValueError If the passed Network is not 1-port or if the resonance type is unknown. Notes ----- Uncalibrated line should be de-embedded (if it has significant length) from the S-parameter data before calling the functions in this module to get best results. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ntwk: Network, res_type: str, Q_L0: Union[None, float] = None, f_L0: Union[None, float] = None, verbose: bool = False): """Q-factor initializer.""" # check ntwk is a 1-port if ntwk.nports != 1: raise ValueError('The Network is not a 1-port Network.') if res_type not in RESONANCE_TYPES: raise ValueError(f'res_type must be in: {RESONANCE_TYPES}.') self.s = ntwk.s self.f = ntwk.f self.f_scaled = ntwk.frequency.f_scaled self.f_multiplier = ntwk.frequency.multiplier self.f_unit = ntwk.frequency.unit self._ntwk = ntwk self.res_type = res_type self.tol = 1.0e-5 self.verbose = verbose self.fitted = False self.opt_res = None self.N = len(self.f) # step 1: initial_fit. Deduce premilinary values for Q_L and f_L. self._initial_fit(self.N, Q_L0, f_L0)
def __str__(self) -> str: if self.fitted: status = f"fitted: f_L={float(self.f_L/self.f_multiplier):.3f}{self.f_unit}, Q_L={float(self.Q_L):.3f}" else: status = 'not fitted' _str = f"Q-factor of Network {}. ({status})" return _str def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()
[docs] def fit(self, method: str = "NLQFIT6", loop_plan: str = 'fwfwc' ) -> OptimizedResult: """Fit Q-factor from S-parameter data. Fitting overwrites the parameters `Q_L` and `f_L`. Parameters ---------- method : str, optional Fitting method : 'NLQFIT6' (default), 'NLQFIT7', 'NLQFIT8': - 'NLQFIT6': Least Square Minimum of Eq.21 [MAT58]_ with 6 coeffcients. - 'NLQFIT7': Least Square Minimum of Eq.26 [MAT58]_ with 7 coeffcients, including one that characterize the trans. line length. - 'NLQFIT8': Least Square Minimum of Eq.43 [MAT58]_ with 8 coeffcients, A model for frequency-dependent leakage. loop_plan : str, optional Defines order of steps used by the fitting process. The convergence algorithm uses a number of steps set by loop_plan, a string of characters as follows: - 'f': fit once without testing for convergence - 'c': repeated fit, iterating until convergence is obtained - 'w': re-calculate weighting factors on basis of previous fit - Initially the weighting factors are all unity. - The first character in `loop_plan` must not be 'w'. e.g.: 'fwfwc' (default). Returns ------- result : :class:`~skrf.qfactor.OptimizedResult` References ---------- .. [MAT58] "Q-factor Measurement by using a Vector Network Analyser", A. P. Gregory, National Physical Laboratory Report MAT 58 (2021) """ for op in loop_plan: if op not in ['f', 'c', 'w']: raise ValueError("Unexpected character in loop_plan") if loop_plan[-1] == "w": raise ValueError("Last item in loop_plan must not be w (weight calculation)") if loop_plan[0] == "w": raise ValueError("First item in loop_plan must not be w (weight calculation)") if loop_plan[-1] != "c": warn("Last item in loop_plan is not c so convergence not tested!") self.method = method self.loop_plan = loop_plan # step 2: least square fitting if method == 'NLQFIT6': result = self._optimise_fit6(self.N) elif method == 'NLQFIT7': result = self._optimise_fit7(self.N) elif method == 'NLQFIT8': result = self._optimise_fit8(self.N) # overwrite results in self self.Q_L = float(result.Q_L) self.f_L = float(result.f_L) self.fitted = True self.opt_res = result if result.Q_L < 0: warn('Negative Q_L, fitting may be inaccurate.') return result
[docs] @staticmethod def angular_weights(f: NumberLike, f_L: NumberLike, Q_L: NumberLike ) -> NumberLike: r"""Diagonal elements W_i of weights matrix. .. math:: W_i = \frac{1}{\left[ \frac{2 Q_L (f_i - f_L)}{f_L} \right]^2 + 1} The weights are needed when frequencies are equally-spaced (rather than points equally spaced around the Q-circle), and help reducing systematic error [MAT58]_. Parameters ---------- f : np.ndarray Frequency values array. f_L : float Loaded resonant frequency. Q_L : float Loaded Q-factor. Returns ------- W_i : np.ndarray Weighting factors in proportion to the rate of change of angle with frequency relative to the centre of the Q-circle. References ---------- .. [MAT58] "Q-factor Measurement by using a Vector Network Analyser", A. P. Gregory, National Physical Laboratory Report MAT 58 (2021) section 2.4, eqn. (28). """ ptmp = 2 * Q_L * (f - f_L) / f_L W_i = 1 / (ptmp ** 2 + 1) return W_i
def _initial_fit(self, N: int, Q_L0: Union[float, None] = None, f_L0: Union[None, float] = None ): """Initial Linear least squares Q-factor fit. As this is not optimised in this function (use `fit`), the solution will only be approximate. This method is called during the initialization of the `Qfactor` class. Note that a reasonable estimate for the resonant frequency should be supplied is multiple resonances are present. Also calculate the internal parameters a, b and QL from ([MAT58]_, eqn. 17) Parameters ---------- N : int Number of points. Q_L0 : float, optional. Default is None. Estimated loaded Q-factor (will be improved by fitting). f_L0 : float, optional. Default is None. Estimated loaded resonant frequency, used to improve fitting [Hz] Returns ------- None References ---------- .. [MAT58] "Q-factor Measurement by using a Vector Network Analyser", A. P. Gregory, National Physical Laboratory Report MAT 58 (2021) section 2.1, eqn. (17). """ if f_L0 is None: # search for the initial value of the resonance frequency if self.res_type in ['reflection', 'reflection_method2', 'absorption']: # Find minimum in |S11| index_min = np.argmin(np.abs(self.s)) f_L0 = self.f[index_min] else: # Find peak in |S21| index_max = np.argmax(np.abs(self.s)) f_L0 = self.f[index_max] # Q_L0 : An order-of-magnitude estimate for Q_L-factor if Q_L0 is None: Tol = self.tol * np.argmax(np.abs(self.s)) # The value 5.0 should work well # for initial and optimised fits (Section 2.6). mult = 5.0 Q_L0 = mult * f_L0/(self.f[-1] - self.f[0]) if self.verbose: print(f'Initial estimation: Q_L0={Q_L0}, f_L0={f_L0}') N2 = 2 * N M = np.zeros([N2, 5]) G = np.zeros(N2)[:, np.newaxis] for i in range(N): i2 = i + N t = 2.0 * (self.f[i] / f_L0 - 1.0) y = 1.0 / complex(1.0, Q_L0 * t) v = t * y v1 = y * self.s[i] G[i] = v1.real G[i2] = v1.imag v2 = v1 * t M[i, :] = np.array([v.real, -v.imag, y.real, -y.imag, v2.imag], dtype="object") M[i2, :] = np.array([v.imag, v.real, y.imag, y.real, -v2.real], dtype="object") T = M.transpose() # unweighted C = T @ M q = T @ G sv = np.linalg.solve(C, q) a_re, a_im, b_re, b_im, Q_L = sv self._a = a_re + 1j*a_im self._b = b_re + 1j*b_im self.Q_L = Q_L self.f_L = f_L0 if self.verbose: print(f'Preliminary estimation: Q_L={self.Q_L}, f_L={self.f_L}') def _optimise_fit6(self, N: int): """Iterative non-linear fit, NLQFIT6 Step (2). Optimised fit of Q-factor (Q_L) and resonant frequency (f_L) by the gradient-descent method [MAT58]_. Uses the results of the initial fit as the starting values for the iteration. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of points. Returns ------- res : OptimizedResult Fitted values. References ---------- .. [MAT58] MAT 58, section 2.2, eqn. (22). """ N2 = N * 2 iterations = 0 PV = np.ones(N) # default weights vector PV2 = np.ones(N2) m1 = self._a.imag / self.Q_L # a''/QL m2 = -self._a.real / self.Q_L m3 = self._b.real - m1 m4 = self._b.imag - m2 m5 = self.Q_L Flwst = self.f[0] # lowest freq. is a convenient normalisation factor. m6 = Flwst * m5 / self.f_L last_op = "n" weighting_ratio = None number_iterations = 0 ## Loop through all of the operations specified in loop_plan for op in self.loop_plan: if op == "w": PV = self.angular_weights(self.f, Flwst * float(m5) / float(m6), float(m5)) # PV = self.angular_weights(m5) weighting_ratio = max(PV) / min(PV) PV2 = np.concatenate((PV, PV)) if self.verbose: print("Op w, Calculate weights") last_op = "n" elif op == "c": seek_convergence = True elif op == "f": seek_convergence = False TerminationConditionMet = False RMS_Error = None while not (TerminationConditionMet): number_iterations += 1 M = np.zeros([N2, 6]) # X is the transpose of M G = np.zeros(N2)[:, np.newaxis] c1 = complex(-m4, m3) c2 = complex(m1, m2) c3 = complex(m3, m4) for i in range(N): i2 = i + N y = 1.0 / complex(1.0, 2 * (m6 * self.f[i] / Flwst - m5)) u = c1 * y * y * 2 u2 = -u * self.f[i] / Flwst M[i, :] = 1.0, 0.0, y.real, -y.imag, u.real, u2.real M[i2, :] = 0.0, 1.0, y.imag, y.real, u.imag, u2.imag v = c2 + c3 * y r = self.s[i] - v # residual G[i] = r.real G[i2] = r.imag X = M.transpose() T = np.multiply(X, PV2) C =, M) q =, G) dm = np.linalg.solve(C, q) m1 += dm[0] m2 += dm[1] m3 += dm[2] m4 += dm[3] m5 += dm[4] m6 += dm[5] del G, X, T, C, dm iterations = iterations + 1 if RMS_Error is not None: Last_RMS_Error = RMS_Error else: Last_RMS_Error = None SumNum = 0.0 SumDen = 0.0 for i in range(N): den = complex(1.0, 2 * (m6 * self.f[i] / Flwst - m5)) ip = PV[i] E = self.s[i] - complex(m1, m2) - complex(m3, m4) / den SumNum = SumNum + ip * (E.real * E.real + E.imag * E.imag) SumDen = SumDen + ip RMS_Error = np.sqrt(SumNum / SumDen) if self.verbose: if last_op == "c": print(f"Iteration {iterations}, RMS Error: {RMS_Error}") else: print(f"op {op}, Iteration {iterations}, RMS Error: {RMS_Error}") last_op = op if seek_convergence: if Last_RMS_Error is not None: delta_S = abs(RMS_Error - Last_RMS_Error) TerminationConditionMet = delta_S < self.tol else: TerminationConditionMet = True # After last operation, we end up here ... if self.verbose: print("Optimization done.") return OptimizedResult({ 'success': TerminationConditionMet, 'm1': m1, 'm2': m2, 'm3': m3, 'm4': m4, 'Q_L': m5, 'f_L': m5 * Flwst / m6, 'weighting_ratio': weighting_ratio, 'number_iterations': number_iterations, 'RMS_Error': RMS_Error, 'method': self.method, }) def _optimise_fit7(self, N): """Iterative non-linear fit, NLQFIT7 Step (2). Optimised fit of Q-factor (QL) and resonant frequency (FL) by the gradient-descent method. Uses the results of the initial fit (sv) as the starting values for the iteration. Parameters ---------- F : np.ndarray Frequency points S : np.ndarray Complex data S-parameter to be fitted. N : int Number of points. Fseed : float Estimated resonant frequency. sv : list Initial solution (numpy vector or a list) found with initial_fit. loop_plan : str Characters which defines order of steps used by the fitting process e.g. 'fwfwc': - 'f': fit once without testing for convergence. - 'c': repeated fit, iterating until convergence is obtained. - 'w': re-calculate weighting factors on basis of previous fit. Tol : float Criterion for the convergence test. Recommend using 1.0E-5 for reflection or max(abs(S))*1.0E-5 for transmission. quiet : bool Boolean flag controlling output of information to the console. Returns ------- list list of fitted parameters: [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m5 * Flwst / m6, m7 / Flwst] weighting_ratio : float number_iterations : int RMS_Error : float References ---------- .. [MAT58] MAT 58, section 2.3, eqn. (26). """ N2 = N * 2 iterations = 0 PV = np.ones(N) # default weights vector PV2 = np.ones(N2) m1 = self._a.imag / self.Q_L # a''/QL m2 = -self._a.real / self.Q_L m3 = self._b.real - m1 m4 = self._b.imag - m2 m5 = self.Q_L Flwst = self.f[0] # lowest freq. is a convenient normalisation factor. m6 = Flwst * self.Q_L / self.f_L m7 = 0.0 last_op = "n" weighting_ratio = None number_iterations = 0 ## Loop through all of the operations specified in loop_plan for op in self.loop_plan: if op == "w": PV = self.angular_weights(self.f, Flwst * m5 / m6, m5) weighting_ratio = max(PV) / min(PV) PV2 = np.concatenate((PV, PV)) if self.verbose: print("Op w, Calculate weights") last_op = "n" continue if op == "c": seek_convergence = True elif op == "f": seek_convergence = False else: assert 0, "Unexpected character in loop_plan" TerminationConditionMet = False RMS_Error = None while not (TerminationConditionMet): number_iterations += 1 M = np.zeros([N2, 7]) G = np.zeros(N2)[:, np.newaxis] c1 = complex(-m4, m3) c2 = complex(m1, m2) c3 = complex(m3, m4) for i in range(N): i2 = i + N y = 1.0 / complex(1.0, 2 * (m6 * self.f[i] / Flwst - m5)) fdn = self.f[i] / Flwst - m5 / m6 pj = complex(0.0, m7 * fdn) expm7 = np.exp(pj) ym = y * expm7 u = c1 * y * ym * 2 u2 = -u * self.f[i] / Flwst v = (c2 + y * c3) * expm7 u3 = v * fdn M[i, :] = np.array( [expm7.real, -expm7.imag, ym.real, -ym.imag, u.real, u2.real, -u3.imag], dtype="object" ) M[i2, :] = np.array( [expm7.imag, expm7.real, ym.imag, ym.real, u.imag, u2.imag, u3.real], dtype="object" ) r = self.s[i] - v # residual G[i] = r.real G[i2] = r.imag X = M.transpose() T = np.multiply(X, PV2) C =, M) q =, G) dm = np.linalg.solve(C, q) m1 += dm[0] m2 += dm[1] m3 += dm[2] m4 += dm[3] m5 += dm[4] m6 += dm[5] m7 += dm[6] del G, X, T, C, dm iterations = iterations + 1 if RMS_Error is not None: Last_RMS_Error = RMS_Error else: Last_RMS_Error = None SumNum = 0.0 SumDen = 0.0 for i in range(N): fdn = self.f[i] / Flwst - m5 / m6 den = complex(1.0, 2 * (m6 * self.f[i] / Flwst - m5)) pj = complex(0.0, m7 * fdn) E = self.s[i] - (c2 + c3 / den) * np.exp(pj) ip = PV[i] SumNum = SumNum + ip * (E.real * E.real + E.imag * E.imag) SumDen = SumDen + ip RMS_Error = np.sqrt(SumNum / SumDen) if self.verbose: if last_op == "c": print(f"Iteration {iterations}, RMS Error: {RMS_Error}") else: print(f"op {op}, Iteration {iterations}, RMS Error: {RMS_Error}") last_op = op if seek_convergence: if Last_RMS_Error is not None: delta_S = abs(RMS_Error - Last_RMS_Error) TerminationConditionMet = delta_S < self.tol else: TerminationConditionMet = True # After last operation, we end up here ... if self.verbose: print("Optimization done.") return OptimizedResult({ 'success': TerminationConditionMet, 'm1': m1, 'm2': m2, 'm3': m3, 'm4': m4, 'Q_L': m5, 'f_L': m5 * Flwst / m6, 'm7a' : m7 / Flwst, 'weighting_ratio': weighting_ratio, 'number_iterations': number_iterations, 'RMS_Error': RMS_Error, 'method': self.method, }) def _optimise_fit8(self, N): """Iterative non-linear fit, NLQFIT8 Step (2). Optimised fit of Q-factor (QL) and resonant frequency (FL) by the gradient-descent method. Uses the results of the initial fit (sv) as the starting values for the iteration. Parameters ---------- F : np.ndarray Frequency points S : np.ndarray Complex data S-parameter to be fitted. N : int Number of points. Fseed : float Estimated resonant frequency. sv : list Initial solution (numpy vector or a list) found with initial_fit. loop_plan : str Characters which defines order of steps used by the fitting process e.g. 'fwfwc': 'f' - fit once without testing for convergence. 'c' - repeated fit, iterating until convergence is obtained. 'w' - re-calculate weighting factors on basis of previous fit. Tol : float Criterion for the convergence test. Recommend using 1.0E-5 for reflection or max(abs(S))*1.0E-5 for transmission. quiet : bool Boolean flag controlling output of information to the console. Returns ------- list list of fitted parameters: [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m5 * Flwst / m6, m7 / Flwst] weighting_ratio : float number_iterations : int RMS_Error : float References ---------- .. [MAT58] MAT 58, sec 4.5, eqn. (43). """ N2 = N * 2 iterations = 0 PV = np.ones(N) # default weights vector PV2 = np.ones(N2) m1 = self._a.imag / self.Q_L # a''/QL m2 = -self._a.real / self.Q_L m3 = self._b.real - m1 m4 = self._b.imag - m2 m5 = self.Q_L Flwst = self.f[0] # lowest freq. is a convenient normalisation factor. m6 = Flwst * self.Q_L / self.f_L m8 = 0.0 m9 = 0.0 last_op = "n" weighting_ratio = None number_iterations = 0 ## Loop through all of the operations specified in loop_plan for op in self.loop_plan: if op == "w": # Fr QL PV = self.angular_weights(self.f, Flwst * float(m5) / float(m6), float(m5)) weighting_ratio = max(PV) / min(PV) PV2 = np.concatenate((PV, PV)) if self.verbose: print("Op w, Calculate weights") last_op = "n" continue if op == "c": seek_convergence = True elif op == "f": seek_convergence = False else: assert 0, "Unexpected character in loop_plan" TerminationConditionMet = False RMS_Error = None while not (TerminationConditionMet): number_iterations += 1 M = np.zeros([N2, 8]) G = np.zeros(N2)[:, np.newaxis] c1 = complex(-m4, m3) c2 = complex(m1, m2) c3 = complex(m3, m4) for i in range(N): i2 = i + N y = 1.0 / complex(1.0, 2 * (m6 * self.f[i] / Flwst - m5)) u = c1 * y * y * 2 u2 = -u * self.f[i] / Flwst FL = Flwst * m5 / m6 t = 2 * (self.f[i] - FL) / FL M[i, :] = np.array([1.0, 0.0, y.real, -y.imag, u.real, u2.real, t, 0.0], dtype="object") M[i2, :] = np.array([0.0, 1.0, y.imag, y.real, u.imag, u2.imag, 0.0, t], dtype="object") v = c2 + c3 * y + (m8 + 1j * m9) * t r = self.s[i] - v # residual G[i] = r.real G[i2] = r.imag X = M.transpose() T = np.multiply(X, PV2) C =, M) q =, G) dm = np.linalg.solve(C, q) m1 += dm[0] m2 += dm[1] m3 += dm[2] m4 += dm[3] m5 += dm[4] m6 += dm[5] m8 += dm[6] m9 += dm[7] del G, X, T, C, dm iterations = iterations + 1 if RMS_Error is not None: Last_RMS_Error = RMS_Error else: Last_RMS_Error = None SumNum = 0.0 SumDen = 0.0 for i in range(N): den = complex(1.0, 2 * (m6 * self.f[i] / Flwst - m5)) FL = Flwst * m5 / m6 t = 2 * (self.f[i] - FL) / FL ip = PV[i] E = ( self.s[i] - complex(m1, m2) - complex(m8, m9) * t - complex(m3, m4) / den ) SumNum = SumNum + ip * (E.real * E.real + E.imag * E.imag) SumDen = SumDen + ip RMS_Error = np.sqrt(SumNum / SumDen) if self.verbose: if last_op == "c": print(f"Iteration {iterations}, RMS Error: {RMS_Error}") else: print(f"{op}, Iteration {iterations}, RMS Error: {RMS_Error}") last_op = op if seek_convergence: if Last_RMS_Error is not None: delta_S = abs(RMS_Error - Last_RMS_Error) TerminationConditionMet = delta_S < self.tol else: TerminationConditionMet = True # After last operation, we end up here ... if self.verbose: print("Optimization done.") return OptimizedResult({ 'success': TerminationConditionMet, 'm1': m1, 'm2': m2, 'm3': m3, 'm4': m4, 'Q_L': m5, 'f_L': m5 * Flwst / m6, 'weighting_ratio': weighting_ratio, 'number_iterations': number_iterations, 'RMS_Error': RMS_Error, 'method': self.method, })
[docs] def Q_circle(self, opt_res: Union[None, OptimizedResult] = None, A: Union[None, float] = None ) -> list: r"""Q-circle diameter. The diameter of the Q-circle (as displayed in a VNA) provides a visual indication of whether the coupling is strong or weak [MAT58]_. Parameters ---------- opt_res : None or :class:`~skrf.qfactor.OptimizedResult`. Default is None. Solution produced by the :meth:`` method. If None, uses the solution previously calculated, if performed. A : None of float. Default is None. Scaling factor as defined in MAT 58 [MAT58]_. For `reflection` resonance type, can be set as None to use the magnitude of the fitted detuned reflection coefficient S_V Returns ------- diam : float Q-circle diameter d. S_V : complex Off-resonance Reflection Coefficient. S_T : complex Tuned Reflection Coefficient. References ---------- .. [MAT58] "Q-factor Measurement by using a Vector Network Analyser", A. P. Gregory, National Physical Laboratory Report MAT 58 (2021), section 2.5, eqn. (31). """ # if no solution passed, use internal solution if exist if opt_res is None: if self.opt_res is None: raise ValueError('No solution found or passed.') else: opt_res = self.opt_res # m1 : real part of cal_gamma_V # m2 : imag part of cal_gamma_V # m3 : real part of b + j a/Q_L # m4 : imag part of b + j a/Q_L m1, m2, m3, m4 = (opt_res[key] for key in ['m1', 'm2', 'm3', 'm4']) if A is None: A = 1.0 / abs(complex(m1, m2)) # scale to S_V elif not isinstance(A, (int, float)): raise ValueError("A should be a float or None") aqratio = complex(m1, m2) b = complex(m1 + m3, m2 + m4) diam = abs(b - aqratio) * A S_V = complex(m1, m2) * A S_T = b * A return diam, S_V, S_T
[docs] def Q_unloaded(self, opt_res: Union[None, OptimizedResult] = None, A: Union[None, float] = None ) -> float: """Unloaded Q-factor Q0. The value of the unloaded Q-factor Q0 cannot be measured directly but can be estimated from the measurement of the loaded Q-factor Q_L [MAT58]_ . Parameters ---------- opt_res : None or :class:`~skrf.qfactor.OptimizedResult`. Default is None. Solution produced by the :meth:`` method. If None, uses the solution previously calculated, if performed. A : float or None. Default is None. Scaling factor as defined in MAT 58 [MAT58]_. For `reflection` resonance type, can be set as None to use the magnitude of the fitted detuned reflection coefficient S_V Returns ------- Q0 : float Unloaded Q-factor. References ---------- .. [MAT58] "Q-factor Measurement by using a Vector Network Analyser", A. P. Gregory, National Physical Laboratory Report MAT 58 (2021) """ # if no solution passed, use internal solution if exist if opt_res is None: if self.opt_res is None: raise ValueError('No solution found or passed.') else: opt_res = self.opt_res if A is None: auto_flag = True elif isinstance(A, (int, float)): auto_flag = False else: raise ValueError("Illegal Scaling factor; should be a float or None") m1, m2, m3, m4, m5 = (opt_res[key] for key in ['m1', 'm2', 'm3', 'm4', 'Q_L']) FL = opt_res['f_L'] if self.res_type == "transmission": if auto_flag: raise ValueError('Scaling factor must be defined for transmission case') cal_diam, cal_gamma_V, cal_gamma_T = self.Q_circle(opt_res, A) if cal_diam == 1.0: raise ZeroDivisionError("Divide by zero forestalled in calculation of Q0") Q0 = m5 / (1.0 - cal_diam) elif self.res_type == "reflection": if auto_flag: if self.verbose: print('A is undefined: using fitted data to estimate it') A = 1.0 / abs(complex(m1, m2)) # scale to S_V if A not defined cal_diam, S_V, S_T = self.Q_circle(opt_res, A) cal_touching_circle_diam = 2.0 if self.verbose: print(f"Q-circle diam = {cal_diam}, touching_circle_diam = {cal_touching_circle_diam}") den = cal_touching_circle_diam / cal_diam - 1.0 Q0 = m5 * (1.0 + 1.0 / den) elif self.res_type == "reflection_method2": if auto_flag: raise ValueError('Scaling factor must be defined for Method 2') cal_diam, S_V, S_T = self.Q_circle(opt_res, A) gv = abs(S_V) gv2 = gv * gv mb = abs(S_T) cosphi = (gv2 + cal_diam * cal_diam - mb * mb) / ( 2.0 * gv * cal_diam ) # Cosine rule cal_touching_circle_diam = (1.0 - gv2) / (1.0 - gv * cosphi) if self.verbose: print(f"Q-circle diam = {cal_diam}, touching_circle_diam = {cal_touching_circle_diam}") den = cal_touching_circle_diam / cal_diam - 1.0 Q0 = m5 * (1.0 + 1.0 / den) elif self.res_type == "notch" or self.res_type == "absorption": # By transmission if auto_flag: if self.verbose: print( 'Notch/absorption Qo calculation: using fitted data to estimate scaling factor' ) # scale to S_V if A is undefined A = 1.0 / abs(complex(m1, m2)) cal_diam, S_V, S_T = self.Q_circle(opt_res, A) if self.verbose: print(f"Q-circle diam = {cal_diam}") if cal_diam == 1.0: raise ZeroDivisionError("Divide by zero forestalled in calculation of Qo") den = 1.0 / cal_diam - 1.0 # Gao thesis (2008) 4.35 and 4.40 Q0 = m5 * ( 1.0 + 1.0 / den ) # # For this type of resonator, critical coupling occurs for cal_diam = 0.5. else: raise ValueError("Unknown resonance type {self.res_type}") return Q0
[docs] def fitted_s(self, opt_res: Union[None, OptimizedResult] = None, f: Union[None, np.ndarray] = None ) -> np.ndarray: r"""S-parameter response of an equivalent circuit model resonator. The approximate solution and estimated is obtained from [MAT58]_: .. math:: S = m_1 + j m_2 + \frac{m_3 + j m_4}{1 + j Q_L t} where the m coefficients come from the fitted solution and .. math:: t = \frac{f}{f_L} - \frac{f_L}{f} \approx 2 \frac{f − f_L}{f_L} Parameters ---------- opt_res : None or :class:`~skrf.qfactor.OptimizedResult`. Default is None. Solution produced by the :meth:`` method. If None, uses the solution previously calculated, if performed. f : None or np.ndarray. Default is None. frequency array [Hz]. If None, use the self frequencies. Returns ------- s : np.ndarray S-parameter response. References ---------- .. [MAT58] "Q-factor Measurement by using a Vector Network Analyser", A. P. Gregory, National Physical Laboratory Report MAT 58 (2021), section 2.2, eqn. (21). """ # if no solution passed, use internal solution if exist if opt_res is None: if self.opt_res is None: raise ValueError('No solution found or passed.') else: opt_res = self.opt_res if f is None: f = self.f # fractional offset frequency t = f/opt_res.f_L - opt_res.f_L/f y = 1/(1 + 1j*opt_res.Q_L*t) s = opt_res.m1 +1j*opt_res.m2 + (opt_res.m3 + 1j*opt_res.m4) * y return s
[docs] def fitted_network(self, opt_res: Union[None, OptimizedResult] = None, frequency: Union[None, Frequency] = None, ) -> Network: """Fitted Network. Return the Network corresponding to the fitted response. Parameters ---------- opt_res : None or :class:`~skrf.qfactor.OptimizedResult`. Default is None. Solution produced by the :meth:`` method. If None, uses the solution previously calculated, if performed. frequency : None or :class:`~skrf.frequency.Frequency`. Default is None. Frequency for the fitted Network. If None, use the same Frequency than the one used to create the QFactor. Returns ------- ntwk : :class:`` Fitted Network for the passed Frequency. """ # if no solution passed, use internal solution if exist if opt_res is None: if self.opt_res is None: raise ValueError('No solution found or passed.') else: opt_res = self.opt_res if frequency is None: frequency = self._ntwk.frequency s = self.fitted_s(opt_res, f=frequency.f) ntwk = Network(s=s, frequency=frequency) return ntwk
@property def f_L_scaled(self) -> float: """ Resonant Frequency in the frequency unit.. Returns ------- float Resonant frequency in the frequency unit. See Also -------- f_L : Resonant Frequency in Hz. """ if not self.fitted: warn('Q-factor not fitted, result may be inaccurate. Use the .fit() method before.') return self.f_L/self.f_multiplier @property def BW(self) -> float: r"""3-dB Bandwidth. Return the half-power fractional bandwidth (aka 3-dB bandwidth) defined as: .. math:: BW = \frac{f_L}{Q_L} Returns ------- float 3-dB Bandwidth in Hz. See Also -------- BW_scaled : 3-dB Bandwidth scaled to the frequency unit. """ if not self.fitted: warn('Q-factor not fitted, result may be inaccurate. Use the .fit() method before.') return self.f_L/self.Q_L @property def BW_scaled(self) -> float: r"""3-dB Bandwidth scaled to the frequency unit. Returns ------- float 3-dB Bandwidth in the frequency unit. See Also -------- BW : 3-dB Bandwidth in Hz. """ if not self.fitted: warn('Q-factor not fitted, result may be inaccurate. Use the .fit() method before.') return self.BW/self.f_multiplier