Source code for skrf.taper

taper (:mod:`skrf.taper`)

Taper Objects

Tapered transformers, or tapers in short, are used to match
one impedance to another (from Z1 to Z2) [#]_.

By tapering a transmission line, a very broadband impedance match (low VSWR)
can be realized over a wide bandwidth, the longer the taper, the wider the frequency band.

.. [#]

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/



from numbers import Number
from typing import Callable, List
from . network import cascade_list
from scipy  import linspace
from numpy import exp, log

[docs]class Taper1D: """ Generic 1D Taper Object """
[docs] def __init__(self, med, start: Number, stop: Number, n_sections: int, f: Callable, length: Number, length_unit: str = 'm', param: str = 'z0', f_is_normed: bool = True, med_kw: dict = {}, f_kw: dict = {}): """ Generic 1D Taper Constructor. Parameters ---------- med : :class:`` A :class:`` object or a `@classmethod` `__init__`, used to generate the transmission line. See `med_kw` for arguments. Examples: * `` # a class * `` # an init start : number starting value for `param` stop : number stop value for `param` n_sections : int number of sections in taper f : Callable function defining the taper transition. must take either no arguments or take `(x,length, start, stop)`. see `f_is_normed` arguments length : number physical length of the taper (in `length_unit`) length_unit : str unit of length variable. see `skrf.to_meters` param : str name of the parameter of `med` that varies along the taper f_is_normed: bool is `f` scalable and normalized. ie can f just be scaled to fit different start/stop conditions? if so then f is called with no arguments, and must have domain and raings of [0,1], and [0,1] f_kw : dict passed to `f()` when called med_kw : dict passed to `med.__init__` when an instance is created Note ---- The default behaviour should is to taper based on impedance. To do this we inspect the `med` class for a `from_z0` init method, and if it exists, we assign it to `med` attribute, in `__init__`. Admittedly having `med` be a class or a method is abuse, it makes for a intuitive operation. Examples -------- Create a linear taper from 100 to 1000mil >>> from skrf import Frequency, RectangularWaveguide, Taper1D, mil, inch >>> taper = Taper1D(med=RectangularWaveguide, param='a', start=100*mil, stop=1000*mil, length=1*inch, n_sections=20, f=lambda x: x, f_is_normed=True, med_kw={'frequency':Frequency(75,110,101,'ghz')}) """ = med self.param = param self.start = start self.stop = stop self.f = f self.f_is_normed = f_is_normed self.length = length self.length_unit = length_unit self.n_sections = n_sections self.med_kw = med_kw self.f_kw = f_kw # the default behaviour should be to taper based on impedance. # to do this we inspect the media class for a `from_z0` # init method, and if it exists, we assign it to `med` attribute # admittedly having `med` be a class or a method is abuse, # it makes for a intuitive operation if param == 'z0': if hasattr(, 'from_z0'): = getattr(, 'from_z0')
def __str__(self) -> str: return 'Taper: {classname}: {param} from {start}-{stop}' @property def section_length(self) -> Number: """ Section length. Returns ------- l : number """ return 1.0*self.length/self.n_sections @property def value_vector(self): if self.f_is_normed ==True: x = linspace(0,1,self.n_sections) y = self.f(x, **self.f_kw)*(self.stop-self.start) + self.start else: x = linspace(0,self.length,self.n_sections) y = self.f(x,self.length, self.start, self.stop, **self.f_kw) return y
[docs] def media_at(self, val: Number): """ Create a media instance for the taper with parameter value `val`. Parameters ---------- val : number parameter value Returns ------- media : :class:`` media instance for the taper for the given parameter value """ med_kw = self.med_kw.copy() med_kw.update({self.param: val}) return**med_kw)
[docs] def section_at(self, val: Number): """ Create a single section of the taper with parameter value `val`. Parameters ---------- val : number parameter value Returns ------- media : :class:`` Network instance for the section of the taper for the given parameter value """ return self.media_at(val).line(self.section_length, unit=self.length_unit)
@property def medias(self) -> List: """ List of medias. Returns ------- medias : list of :class:`` """ return [self.media_at(k) for k in self.value_vector] @property def sections(self) -> List: """ List of sections. Returns ------- sections : list of :class:`` """ return [self.section_at(k) for k in self.value_vector] @property def network(self): """ Resulting Network Returns ------- ntwk : :class:`` """ return cascade_list(self.sections)
[docs]class Linear(Taper1D): """ A linear Taper. Defined by :math:`f(x)=x` """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kw): opts = dict(f=lambda x:x, f_is_normed=True) kw.update(opts) super().__init__(**kw)
[docs]class Exponential(Taper1D): r""" An Exponential Taper. Defined by :math:`f(x) = f_0 \exp\left[ \frac{x}{x_1} \ln\left( \frac{f_1}{f_0} \right) \right]` where: * :math:`f_0`: start param value * :math:`f_1`: stop param value * :math:`x`: independent variable (position along taper) * :math:`x_1`: length of taper """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kw): """ Exponential Taper Constructor """ def f(x, length, start, stop): return start*exp(x/length*(log(stop/start))) opts = dict(f=f, f_is_normed=False) kw.update(opts) super().__init__(**kw)
[docs]class SmoothStep(Taper1D): """ A smoothstep Taper. There is no analytical basis for this in the EE world that I know of. it is just a reasonable smooth curve, that is easy to implement. :math:`f(x) = (3 x^2 - 2x^3)` References ---------- """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kw): """ Smoothstep Taper Constructor. """ f = lambda x: 3*x**2 - 2*x**3 opts = dict(f=f, f_is_normed=True) kw.update(opts) super().__init__(**kw)
[docs]class Klopfenstein(Taper1D): """ Klopfenstein Taper. This impedance taper was first described by R. W. Klopfenstein [#microwaves101]_ in a paper titled "A Transmission Line Taper of Improved Design", published in 1956 [#Klopfenstein]_ . A correction to Klopfenstein's math was published by in May 1973 by Darko Kajfez and Jame Prewit [#Kajfez]_ . References ---------- .. [#microwaves101] .. [#Klopfenstein] R. W. Klopfenstein Proc. IRE. vol. 44 pp. 31-35 Jan. 1956. doi: 10.1109/JRPROC.1956.274847 .. [#Kajfez] D. Kajfez and J. O. Prewitt, "Correction to "A Transmission Line Taper of Improved Design" (Letters)," in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 364-364, May 1973, doi: 10.1109/TMTT.1973.1128003. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kw): raise NotImplementedError('Not Yet Implemented')