Source code for skrf.tlineFunctions

.. module:: skrf.tlineFunctions
tlineFunctions (:mod:`skrf.tlineFunctions`)

This module provides functions related to transmission line theory.

Impedance and Reflection Coefficient
These functions relate basic transmission line quantities such as
characteristic impedance, input impedance, reflection coefficient, etc.
Each function has two names. One is a long-winded but readable name and
the other is a short-hand variable-like names. Below is a table relating
these two names with each other as well as common mathematical symbols.

====================  ======================  ================================
Symbol                Variable Name           Long Name
====================  ======================  ================================
:math:`Z_l`           z_l                     load_impedance
:math:`Z_{in}`        z_in                    input_impedance
:math:`\Gamma_0`      Gamma_0                 reflection_coefficient
:math:`\Gamma_{in}`   Gamma_in                reflection_coefficient_at_theta
:math:`\theta`        theta                   electrical_length
====================  ======================  ================================

There may be a bit of confusion about the difference between the load
impedance the input impedance. This is because the load impedance **is**
the input impedance at the load. An illustration may provide some
useful reference.

Below is a (bad) illustration of a section of uniform transmission line
of characteristic impedance :math:`Z_0`, and electrical length
:math:`\theta`. The line is terminated on the right with some
load impedance, :math:`Z_l`. The input impedance :math:`Z_{in}` and
input reflection coefficient :math:`\Gamma_{in}` are
looking in towards the load from the distance :math:`\theta` from the

.. math::
        Z_0, \theta


        \to\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad\qquad \qquad \to \qquad \quad

        Z_{in},\Gamma_{in}\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad Z_l,\Gamma_0

So, to clarify the confusion,

.. math::
        Z_{in}= Z_{l},\qquad\qquad
        \Gamma_{in}=\Gamma_l \text{ at }  \theta=0

Short names
.. autosummary::
        :toctree: generated/




.. autosummary::
        :toctree: generated/






Distributed Circuit and Wave Quantities
.. autosummary::
        :toctree: generated/


Transmission Line Physics
.. autosummary::
        :toctree: generated/


import numpy as npy
from numpy import array, exp, pi, real, sqrt
from scipy.constants import mu_0

from . import mathFunctions as mf
from .constants import INF, ONE, NumberLike

[docs] def skin_depth(f: NumberLike, rho: float, mu_r: float): r""" Skin depth for a material. The skin depth is calculated as: .. math:: \delta = \sqrt{\frac{ \rho }{ \pi f \mu_r \mu_0 }} See [#]_ or wikipedia [#]_ for more info. Parameters ---------- f : number or array-like frequency, in Hz rho : number of array-like bulk resistivity of material, in ohm*m mu_r : number or array-like relative permeability of material Returns ------- skin depth : number or array-like the skin depth, in meter References ---------- .. [#] .. [#] See Also -------- surface_resistivity """ return sqrt(rho/(pi*f*mu_r*mu_0))
[docs] def surface_resistivity(f: NumberLike, rho: float, mu_r: float): r""" Surface resistivity. The surface resistivity is calculated as: .. math:: \frac{ \rho }{ \delta } where :math:`\delta` is the skin depth from :func:`skin_depth`. See [#]_ or wikipedia [#]_ for more info. Parameters ---------- f : number or array-like frequency, in Hz rho : number or array-like bulk resistivity of material, in ohm*m mu_r : number or array-like relative permeability of material Returns ------- surface resistivity : number of array-like Surface resistivity in ohms/square References ---------- .. [#] .. [#] See Also -------- skin_depth """ return rho/skin_depth(rho=rho, f=f, mu_r=mu_r)
[docs] def distributed_circuit_2_propagation_impedance(distributed_admittance: NumberLike, distributed_impedance: NumberLike): r""" Convert distributed circuit values to wave quantities. This converts complex distributed impedance and admittance to propagation constant and characteristic impedance. The relation is .. math:: Z_0 = \sqrt{ \frac{Z^{'}}{Y^{'}}} \quad\quad \gamma = \sqrt{ Z^{'} Y^{'}} Parameters ---------- distributed_admittance : number, array-like distributed admittance distributed_impedance : number, array-like distributed impedance Returns ------- propagation_constant : number, array-like distributed impedance characteristic_impedance : number, array-like distributed impedance See Also -------- propagation_impedance_2_distributed_circuit : opposite conversion """ propagation_constant = \ sqrt(distributed_impedance*distributed_admittance) characteristic_impedance = \ sqrt(distributed_impedance/distributed_admittance) return (propagation_constant, characteristic_impedance)
[docs] def propagation_impedance_2_distributed_circuit(propagation_constant: NumberLike, characteristic_impedance: NumberLike): r""" Convert wave quantities to distributed circuit values. Convert complex propagation constant and characteristic impedance to distributed impedance and admittance. The relation is, .. math:: Z^{'} = \gamma Z_0 \quad\quad Y^{'} = \frac{\gamma}{Z_0} Parameters ---------- propagation_constant : number, array-like distributed impedance characteristic_impedance : number, array-like distributed impedance Returns ------- distributed_admittance : number, array-like distributed admittance distributed_impedance : number, array-like distributed impedance See Also -------- distributed_circuit_2_propagation_impedance : opposite conversion """ distributed_admittance = propagation_constant/characteristic_impedance distributed_impedance = propagation_constant*characteristic_impedance return (distributed_admittance, distributed_impedance)
[docs] def electrical_length(gamma: NumberLike, f: NumberLike, d: NumberLike, deg: bool = False): r""" Electrical length of a section of transmission line. .. math:: \theta = \gamma(f) \cdot d Parameters ---------- gamma : number, array-like or function propagation constant. See Notes. If passed as a function, takes frequency in Hz as a sole argument. f : number or array-like frequency at which to calculate d : number or array-like length of line, in meters deg : Boolean return in degrees or not. Returns ------- theta : number or array-like electrical length in radians or degrees, depending on value of deg. See Also -------- electrical_length_2_distance : opposite conversion Note ---- The convention has been chosen that forward propagation is represented by the positive imaginary part of the value returned by the gamma function. """ # if gamma is not a function, create a dummy function which return gamma if not callable(gamma): _gamma = gamma def gamma(f0): return _gamma # typecast to a 1D array f = array(f, dtype=float).reshape(-1) d = array(d, dtype=float).reshape(-1) if not deg: return gamma(f)*d else: return mf.radian_2_degree(gamma(f)*d )
[docs] def electrical_length_2_distance(theta: NumberLike, gamma: NumberLike, f0: NumberLike, deg: bool = True): r""" Convert electrical length to a physical distance. .. math:: d = \frac{\theta}{\gamma(f_0)} Parameters ---------- theta : number or array-like electrical length. units depend on `deg` option gamma : number, array-like or function propagation constant. See Notes. If passed as a function, takes frequency in Hz as a sole argument. f0 : number or array-like frequency at which to calculate gamma deg : Boolean return in degrees or not. Returns ------- d : number or array-like (real) physical distance in m Note ---- The convention has been chosen that forward propagation is represented by the positive imaginary part of the value returned by the gamma function. See Also -------- distance_2_electrical_length: opposite conversion """ # if gamma is not a function, create a dummy function which return gamma if not callable(gamma): _gamma = gamma def gamma(f0): return _gamma if deg: theta = mf.degree_2_radian(theta) return real(theta / gamma(f0))
[docs] def load_impedance_2_reflection_coefficient(z0: NumberLike, zl: NumberLike): r""" Reflection coefficient from a load impedance. Return the reflection coefficient for a given load impedance, and characteristic impedance. For a transmission line of characteristic impedance :math:`Z_0` terminated with load impedance :math:`Z_l`, the complex reflection coefficient is given by, .. math:: \Gamma = \frac {Z_l - Z_0}{Z_l + Z_0} Parameters ---------- z0 : number or array-like characteristic impedance zl : number or array-like load impedance (aka input impedance) Returns ------- gamma : number or array-like reflection coefficient See Also -------- Gamma0_2_zl : reflection coefficient to load impedance Note ---- Inputs are typecasted to 1D complex array. """ # typecast to a complex 1D array. this makes everything easier z0 = array(z0, dtype=complex).reshape(-1) zl = array(zl, dtype=complex).reshape(-1) # handle singularity by numerically representing inf as big number zl[(zl == npy.inf)] = INF return ((zl - z0)/(zl + z0))
[docs] def reflection_coefficient_2_input_impedance(z0: NumberLike, Gamma: NumberLike): r""" Input impedance from a load reflection coefficient. Calculate the input impedance given a reflection coefficient and characteristic impedance. .. math:: Z_0 \left(\frac {1 + \Gamma}{1-\Gamma} \right) Parameters ---------- Gamma : number or array-like complex reflection coefficient z0 : number or array-like characteristic impedance Returns ------- zin : number or array-like input impedance """ # typecast to a complex 1D array. this makes everything easier Gamma = array(Gamma, dtype=complex).reshape(-1) z0 = array(z0, dtype=complex).reshape(-1) # handle singularity by numerically representing inf as close to 1 Gamma[(Gamma == 1)] = ONE return z0*((1.0 + Gamma)/(1.0 - Gamma))
[docs] def reflection_coefficient_at_theta(Gamma0: NumberLike, theta: NumberLike): r""" Reflection coefficient at a given electrical length. .. math:: \Gamma_{in} = \Gamma_0 e^{-2 \theta} Parameters ---------- Gamma0 : number or array-like reflection coefficient at theta=0 theta : number or array-like electrical length (may be complex) Returns ------- Gamma_in : number or array-like input reflection coefficient """ Gamma0 = array(Gamma0, dtype=complex).reshape(-1) theta = array(theta, dtype=complex).reshape(-1) return Gamma0 * exp(-2*theta)
[docs] def input_impedance_at_theta(z0: NumberLike, zl: NumberLike, theta: NumberLike): """ Input impedance from load impedance at a given electrical length. Input impedance of load impedance zl at a given electrical length, given characteristic impedance z0. Parameters ---------- z0 : number or array-like characteristic impedance zl : number or array-like load impedance theta : number or array-like electrical length of the line (may be complex) Returns ------- zin : number or array-like input impedance at theta """ Gamma0 = load_impedance_2_reflection_coefficient(z0=z0, zl=zl) Gamma_in = reflection_coefficient_at_theta(Gamma0=Gamma0, theta=theta) return reflection_coefficient_2_input_impedance(z0=z0, Gamma=Gamma_in)
[docs] def load_impedance_2_reflection_coefficient_at_theta(z0: NumberLike, zl: NumberLike, theta: NumberLike): """ Reflection coefficient of load at a given electrical length. Reflection coefficient of load impedance zl at a given electrical length, given characteristic impedance z0. Parameters ---------- z0 : number or array-like characteristic impedance. zl : number or array-like load impedance theta : number or array-like electrical length of the line (may be complex). Returns ------- Gamma_in : number or array-like input reflection coefficient at theta """ Gamma0 = load_impedance_2_reflection_coefficient(z0=z0, zl=zl) Gamma_in = reflection_coefficient_at_theta(Gamma0=Gamma0, theta=theta) return Gamma_in
[docs] def reflection_coefficient_2_input_impedance_at_theta(z0: NumberLike, Gamma0: NumberLike, theta: NumberLike): """ Input impedance from load reflection coefficient at a given electrical length. Calculate the input impedance at electrical length theta, given a reflection coefficient and characteristic impedance of the medium. Parameters ---------- z0 : number or array-like characteristic impedance. Gamma: number or array-like reflection coefficient theta: number or array-like electrical length of the line, (may be complex) Returns ------- zin: number or array-like input impedance at theta """ Gamma_in = reflection_coefficient_at_theta(Gamma0=Gamma0, theta=theta) zin = reflection_coefficient_2_input_impedance(z0=z0, Gamma=Gamma_in) return zin
[docs] def reflection_coefficient_2_propagation_constant(Gamma_in: NumberLike, Gamma_l: NumberLike, d: NumberLike): r""" Propagation constant from line input and load reflection coefficients. Calculate the propagation constant of a line of length d, given the reflection coefficient and characteristic impedance of the medium. .. math:: \Gamma_{in} = \Gamma_l e^{-2 j \gamma \cdot d} \to \gamma = -\frac{1}{2 d} \ln \left ( \frac{ \Gamma_{in} }{ \Gamma_l } \right ) Parameters ---------- Gamma_in : number or array-like input reflection coefficient Gamma_l : number or array-like load reflection coefficient d : number or array-like length of line, in meters Returns ------- gamma : number (complex) or array-like propagation constant (see notes) Note ---- The convention has been chosen that forward propagation is represented by the positive imaginary part of gamma. """ gamma = -1/(2*d) * npy.log(Gamma_in/Gamma_l) # the imaginary part of gamma (=beta) cannot be negative with the given # definition of gamma. Thus one should take the first modulo positive value gamma.imag = gamma.imag % (pi/d) return gamma
[docs] def Gamma0_2_swr(Gamma0: NumberLike): r""" Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) for a given reflection coefficient. Standing Wave Ratio value is defined by: .. math:: VSWR = \frac{1 + |\Gamma_0|}{1 - |\Gamma_0|} Parameters ---------- Gamma0 : number or array-like Reflection coefficient Returns ------- swr : number or array-like Standing Wave Ratio. """ return (1 + npy.abs(Gamma0)) / (1 - npy.abs(Gamma0))
[docs] def zl_2_swr(z0: NumberLike, zl: NumberLike): r""" Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) for a given load impedance. Standing Wave Ratio value is defined by: .. math:: VSWR = \frac{1 + |\Gamma|}{1 - |\Gamma|} where .. math:: \Gamma = \frac{Z_L - Z_0}{Z_L + Z_0} Parameters ---------- z0 : number or array-like line characteristic impedance [Ohm] zl : number or array-like load impedance [Ohm] Returns ------- swr : number or array-like Standing Wave Ratio. """ Gamma0 = load_impedance_2_reflection_coefficient(z0, zl) return Gamma0_2_swr(Gamma0)
[docs] def voltage_current_propagation(v1: NumberLike, i1: NumberLike, z0: NumberLike, theta: NumberLike): """ Voltages and currents calculated on electrical length theta of a transmission line. Give voltage v2 and current i1 at theta, given voltage v1 and current i1 at theta=0 and given characteristic parameters gamma and z0. :: i1 i2 ○-->---------------------->--○ v1 gamma,z0 v2 ○----------------------------○ <------------ d -------------> theta=0 theta Uses (inverse) ABCD parameters of a transmission line. Parameters ---------- v1 : array-like (nfreqs,) total voltage at z=0 i1 : array-like (nfreqs,) total current at z=0, directed toward the transmission line z0: array-like (nfreqs,) characteristic impedance theta : number or array-like (nfreq, ntheta) electrical length of the line (may be complex). Return ------ v2 : array-like (nfreqs, ntheta) total voltage at z=d i2 : array-like (nfreqs, ndtheta total current at z=d, directed outward the transmission line """ # outer product by broadcasting of the electrical length # theta = gamma[:, npy.newaxis] * d # (nbfreqs x nbd) # ABCD parameters of a transmission line (gamma, z0) A = npy.cosh(theta) B = z0*npy.sinh(theta) C = npy.sinh(theta)/z0 D = npy.cosh(theta) # transpose and de-transpose operations are necessary # for linalg.inv to inverse square matrices ABCD = npy.array([[A, B],[C, D]]).transpose() inv_ABCD = npy.linalg.inv(ABCD).transpose() v2 = inv_ABCD[0,0] * v1 + inv_ABCD[0,1] * i1 i2 = inv_ABCD[1,0] * v1 + inv_ABCD[1,1] * i1 return v2, i2
[docs] def zl_2_total_loss(z0: NumberLike, zl: NumberLike, theta: NumberLike): r""" Total loss of a terminated transmission line (in natural unit). The total loss expressed in terms of the load impedance is [#]_ : .. math:: TL = \frac{R_{in}}{R_L} \left| \cosh \theta + \frac{Z_L}{Z_0} \sinh\theta \right|^2 Parameters ---------- z0 : number or array-like characteristic impedance. zl : number or array-like load impedance theta : number or array-like electrical length of the line (may be complex). Returns ------- total_loss: number or array-like total loss in natural unit References ---------- .. [#] Steve Stearns (K6OIK), Transmission Line Power Paradox and Its Resolution. ARRL PacificonAntenna Seminar, Santa Clara, CA, October 10-12, 2014. """ Rin = npy.real(zl_2_zin(z0, zl, theta)) total_loss = Rin/npy.real(zl)*npy.abs(npy.cosh(theta) + zl/z0*npy.sinh(theta))**2 return total_loss
# short hand convenience. # admittedly these follow no logical naming scheme, but they closely # correspond to common symbolic conventions, and are convenient theta = electrical_length distance_2_electrical_length = electrical_length zl_2_Gamma0 = load_impedance_2_reflection_coefficient Gamma0_2_zl = reflection_coefficient_2_input_impedance zl_2_zin = input_impedance_at_theta zl_2_Gamma_in = load_impedance_2_reflection_coefficient_at_theta Gamma0_2_Gamma_in = reflection_coefficient_at_theta Gamma0_2_zin = reflection_coefficient_2_input_impedance_at_theta