.. module:: skrf.calibration.deembedding
deembedding (:mod:`skrf.calibration.deembedding`)
De-embedding is the procedure of removing effects of the
test fixture that is often present in the measurement of a device
or circuit. It is based on a lumped element approximation of the
test fixture which needs removal from the raw data, and its
equivalent circuit often needs to be known a-priori. This is often
required since implementation of calibration methods such as
Thru-Reflect-Line (TRL) becomes too expensive for implementation
in on-wafer measurement environments where space is limited, or
insufficiently accurate as in the case of Short-Open-Load-Thru
(SOLT) calibration where the load cannot be manufactured accurately.
De-embedding is often performed as a second step, after a
SOLT, TRL or similar calibration to the end of a known reference
plane, like the probe-tips in on-wafer measurements.
This module provides objects to implement commonly used de-embedding
method in on-wafer applications.
Each de-embedding method inherits from the common abstract base
class :class:`Deembedding`.
Base Class
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
De-embedding Methods
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
from __future__ import annotations
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Literal, Sequence
import numpy as np
from numpy import angle, concatenate, conj, exp, flip, imag, ndarray, real, unwrap, zeros
from numpy.fft import fft, fftshift, ifftshift, irfft
from numpy.linalg import norm
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from ..frequency import Frequency
from ..network import Network, concat_ports, overlap_multi, subnetwork
from ..util import Axes, Figure, figure, subplots
PortOrderT = Literal["first", "second", "third"]
class Deembedding(ABC):
Abstract Base Class for all de-embedding objects.
This class implements the common mechanisms for all de-embedding
algorithms. Specific calibration algorithms should inherit this
class and over-ride the methods:
* :func:`Deembedding.deembed`
def __init__(self, dummies, name=None, *args, **kwargs):
De-embedding Initializer
Each de-embedding algorithm may use a different number of
dummy networks. We check that each of these dummy networks
have matching frequencies to perform de-embedding.
It should be known a-priori what the equivalent circuit
of the parasitic network looks like. The proper de-embedding
method should then be chosen accordingly.
dummies : list of :class:`~skrf.network.Network` objects
Network info of all the dummy structures used in a
given de-embedding algorithm.
name : string
Name of this de-embedding instance, like 'open-short-set1'
This is for convenience of identification.
\*args, \*\*kwargs : keyword arguments
stored in self.args and self.kwargs, which may be used
by sub-classes if needed.
# ensure all the dummy Networks' frequency's are the same
for dmyntwk in dummies:
if dummies[0].frequency != dmyntwk.frequency:
warnings.warn('Dummy Networks dont have matching frequencies, attempting overlap.', RuntimeWarning,
dummies = overlap_multi(dummies)
self.frequency = dummies[0].frequency
self.dummies = dummies
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.name = name
def __str__(self):
if self.name is None:
name = ''
name = self.name
output = (f'{self.__class__.__name__} Deembedding: {name}, {self.frequency}, '
f'{len(self.dummies)} dummy structures')
return output
def __repr_(self):
return self.__str__()
def deembed(self, ntwk):
Apply de-embedding correction to a Network
class OpenShort(Deembedding):
Remove open parasitics followed by short parasitics.
This is a commonly used de-embedding method for on-wafer applications.
A deembedding object is created with two dummy measurements: `dummy_open`
and `dummy_short`. When :func:`Deembedding.deembed` is applied,
Open de-embedding is applied to the short dummy
because the measurement results for the short dummy contains parallel parasitics.
Then the Y-parameters of the dummy_open are subtracted from the DUT measurement,
followed by subtraction of Z-parameters of dummy-short which is previously de-embedded.
This method is applicable only when there is a-priori knowledge of the
equivalent circuit model of the parasitic network to be de-embedded,
where the series parasitics are closest to device under test,
followed by the parallel parasitics. For more information, see [1]_
.. [1] M. C. A. M. Koolen, J. A. M. Geelen and M. P. J. G. Versleijen, "An improved
de-embedding technique for on-wafer high frequency characterization",
IEEE 1991 Bipolar Circuits and Technology Meeting, pp. 188-191, Sep. 1991.
>>> import skrf as rf
>>> from skrf.calibration import OpenShort
Create network objects for dummy structures and dut
>>> op = rf.Network('open_ckt.s2p')
>>> sh = rf.Network('short_ckt.s2p')
>>> dut = rf.Network('full_ckt.s2p')
Create de-embedding object
>>> dm = OpenShort(dummy_open = op, dummy_short = sh, name = 'test_openshort')
Remove parasitics to get the actual device network
>>> realdut = dm.deembed(dut)
def __init__(self, dummy_open, dummy_short, name=None, *args, **kwargs):
Open-Short De-embedding Initializer
dummy_open : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Measurement of the dummy open structure
dummy_short : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Measurement of the dummy short structure
name : string
Optional name of de-embedding object
args, kwargs:
Passed to :func:`Deembedding.__init__`
See Also
self.open = dummy_open.copy()
self.short = dummy_short.copy()
dummies = [self.open, self.short]
Deembedding.__init__(self, dummies, name, *args, **kwargs)
def deembed(self, ntwk):
Perform the de-embedding calculation
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of device measurement from which
parasitics needs to be removed via de-embedding
caled : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of the device after de-embedding
# check if the frequencies match with dummy frequencies
if ntwk.frequency != self.open.frequency:
warnings.warn('Network frequencies dont match dummy frequencies, attempting overlap.', RuntimeWarning,
caled, op, sh = overlap_multi([ntwk, self.open, self.short])
caled, op, sh = ntwk.copy(), self.open, self.short
# remove parallel parasitics from the short dummy
deembeded_short = sh.copy()
deembeded_short.y = sh.y - op.y
# remove parallel parasitics from the dut
caled.y = caled.y - op.y
# remove series parasitics from the dut
caled.z = caled.z - deembeded_short.z
return caled
class Open(Deembedding):
Remove open parasitics only.
A deembedding object is created with just one open dummy measurement,
`dummy_open`. When :func:`Deembedding.deembed` is applied, the
Y-parameters of the open dummy are subtracted from the DUT measurement,
This method is applicable only when there is a-priori knowledge of the
equivalent circuit model of the parasitic network to be de-embedded,
where the series parasitics are assumed to be negligible,
but parallel parasitics are unwanted.
>>> import skrf as rf
>>> from skrf.calibration import Open
Create network objects for dummy structure and dut
>>> op = rf.Network('open_ckt.s2p')
>>> dut = rf.Network('full_ckt.s2p')
Create de-embedding object
>>> dm = Open(dummy_open = op, name = 'test_open')
Remove parasitics to get the actual device network
>>> realdut = dm.deembed(dut)
def __init__(self, dummy_open, name=None, *args, **kwargs):
Open De-embedding Initializer
dummy_open : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Measurement of the dummy open structure
name : string
Optional name of de-embedding object
args, kwargs:
Passed to :func:`Deembedding.__init__`
See Also
self.open = dummy_open.copy()
dummies = [self.open]
Deembedding.__init__(self, dummies, name, *args, **kwargs)
def deembed(self, ntwk):
Perform the de-embedding calculation
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of device measurement from which
parasitics needs to be removed via de-embedding
caled : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of the device after de-embedding
# check if the frequencies match with dummy frequencies
if ntwk.frequency != self.open.frequency:
warnings.warn('Network frequencies dont match dummy frequencies, attempting overlap.', RuntimeWarning,
ntwk, op = overlap_multi([ntwk, self.open])
op = self.open
caled = ntwk.copy()
# remove open parasitics
caled.y = ntwk.y - op.y
return caled
class ShortOpen(Deembedding):
Remove short parasitics followed by open parasitics.
A deembedding object is created with two dummy measurements: `dummy_open`
and `dummy_short`. When :func:`Deembedding.deembed` is applied,
short de-embedding is applied to the open dummy
because the measurement results for the open dummy contains series parasitics.
the Z-parameters of the dummy_short are subtracted from the DUT measurement,
followed by subtraction of Y-parameters of dummy_open which is previously de-embedded.
This method is applicable only when there is a-priori knowledge of the
equivalent circuit model of the parasitic network to be de-embedded,
where the parallel parasitics are closest to device under test,
followed by the series parasitics.
>>> import skrf as rf
>>> from skrf.calibration import ShortOpen
Create network objects for dummy structures and dut
>>> op = rf.Network('open_ckt.s2p')
>>> sh = rf.Network('short_ckt.s2p')
>>> dut = rf.Network('full_ckt.s2p')
Create de-embedding object
>>> dm = ShortOpen(dummy_short = sh, dummy_open = op, name = 'test_shortopen')
Remove parasitics to get the actual device network
>>> realdut = dm.deembed(dut)
def __init__(self, dummy_short, dummy_open, name=None, *args, **kwargs):
Short-Open De-embedding Initializer
dummy_short : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Measurement of the dummy short structure
dummy_open : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Measurement of the dummy open structure
name : string
Optional name of de-embedding object
args, kwargs:
Passed to :func:`Deembedding.__init__`
See Also
self.open = dummy_open.copy()
self.short = dummy_short.copy()
dummies = [self.open, self.short]
Deembedding.__init__(self, dummies, name, *args, **kwargs)
def deembed(self, ntwk):
Perform the de-embedding calculation
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of device measurement from which
parasitics needs to be removed via de-embedding
caled : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of the device after de-embedding
# check if the frequencies match with dummy frequencies
if ntwk.frequency != self.open.frequency:
warnings.warn('Network frequencies dont match dummy frequencies, attempting overlap.', RuntimeWarning,
ntwk, op, sh = overlap_multi([ntwk, self.open, self.short])
op, sh = self.open, self.short
caled = ntwk.copy()
# remove series parasitics from the open dummy
deembeded_open = op.copy()
deembeded_open.z = op.z - sh.z
# remove parallel parasitics from the dut
caled.z = ntwk.z - sh.z
# remove series parasitics from the dut
caled.y = caled.y - deembeded_open.y
return caled
class Short(Deembedding):
Remove short parasitics only.
This is a useful method to remove pad contact resistances from measurement.
A deembedding object is created with just one dummy measurement: `dummy_short`.
When :func:`Deembedding.deembed` is applied, the
Z-parameters of the dummy_short are subtracted from the DUT measurement,
This method is applicable only when there is a-priori knowledge of the
equivalent circuit model of the parasitic network to be de-embedded,
where only series parasitics are to be removed while retaining all others.
>>> import skrf as rf
>>> from skrf.calibration import Short
Create network objects for dummy structures and dut
>>> sh = rf.Network('short_ckt.s2p')
>>> dut = rf.Network('full_ckt.s2p')
Create de-embedding object
>>> dm = Short(dummy_short = sh, name = 'test_short')
Remove parasitics to get the actual device network
>>> realdut = dm.deembed(dut)
def __init__(self, dummy_short, name=None, *args, **kwargs):
Short De-embedding Initializer
dummy_short : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Measurement of the dummy short structure
name : string
Optional name of de-embedding object
args, kwargs:
Passed to :func:`Deembedding.__init__`
See Also
self.short = dummy_short.copy()
dummies = [self.short]
Deembedding.__init__(self, dummies, name, *args, **kwargs)
def deembed(self, ntwk):
Perform the de-embedding calculation
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of device measurement from which
parasitics needs to be removed via de-embedding
caled : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of the device after de-embedding
# check if the frequencies match with dummy frequencies
if ntwk.frequency != self.short.frequency:
warnings.warn('Network frequencies dont match dummy frequencies, attempting overlap.', RuntimeWarning,
ntwk, sh = overlap_multi([ntwk, self.short])
sh = self.short
caled = ntwk.copy()
# remove short parasitics
caled.z = ntwk.z - sh.z
return caled
class SplitPi(Deembedding):
Remove shunt and series parasitics assuming pi-type embedding network.
A deembedding object is created with just one thru dummy measurement `dummy_thru`.
The thru dummy is, for example, a direct cascaded connection of the left and right test pads.
When :func:`Deembedding.deembed` is applied,
the shunt admittance and series impedance of the thru dummy are removed.
This method is applicable only when there is a-priori knowledge of the
equivalent circuit model of the parasitic network to be de-embedded,
where the series parasitics are closest to device under test,
followed by the shunt parasitics. For more information, see [2]_
.. [2] L. Nan, K. Mouthaan, Y.-Z. Xiong, J. Shi, S. C. Rustagi, and B.-L. Ooi,
“Experimental Characterization of the Effect of Metal Dummy Fills on Spiral Inductors,”
in 2007 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium, Jun. 2007, pp. 307–310.
>>> import skrf as rf
>>> from skrf.calibration import SplitPi
Create network objects for dummy structure and dut
>>> th = rf.Network('thru_ckt.s2p')
>>> dut = rf.Network('full_ckt.s2p')
Create de-embedding object
>>> dm = SplitPi(dummy_thru = th, name = 'test_thru')
Remove parasitics to get the actual device network
>>> realdut = dm.deembed(dut)
def __init__(self, dummy_thru, name=None, *args, **kwargs):
SplitPi De-embedding Initializer
dummy_thru : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Measurement of the dummy thru structure
name : string
Optional name of de-embedding object
args, kwargs:
Passed to :func:`Deembedding.__init__`
See Also
self.thru = dummy_thru.copy()
dummies = [self.thru]
Deembedding.__init__(self, dummies, name, *args, **kwargs)
def deembed(self, ntwk):
Perform the de-embedding calculation
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of device measurement from which
parasitics needs to be removed via de-embedding
caled : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of the device after de-embedding
# check if the frequencies match with dummy frequencies
if ntwk.frequency != self.thru.frequency:
warnings.warn('Network frequencies dont match dummy frequencies, attempting overlap.',
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
ntwk, thru = overlap_multi([ntwk, self.thru])
thru = self.thru
left = thru.copy()
left_y = left.y
left_y[:,0,0] = (thru.y[:,0,0] - thru.y[:,1,0] + thru.y[:,1,1] - thru.y[:,0,1]) / 2
left_y[:,0,1] = thru.y[:,1,0] + thru.y[:,0,1]
left_y[:,1,0] = thru.y[:,1,0] + thru.y[:,0,1]
left_y[:,1,1] = - thru.y[:,1,0] - thru.y[:,0,1]
left.y = left_y
right = left.flipped()
caled = left.inv ** ntwk ** right.inv
return caled
class SplitTee(Deembedding):
Remove series and shunt parasitics assuming tee-type embedding network.
A deembedding object is created with just one thru dummy measurement `dummy_thru`.
The thru dummy is, for example, a direct cascaded connection of the left and right test pads.
When :func:`Deembedding.deembed` is applied,
the shunt admittance and series impedance of the thru dummy are removed.
This method is applicable only when there is a-priori knowledge of the
equivalent circuit model of the parasitic network to be de-embedded,
where the shunt parasitics are closest to device under test,
followed by the series parasitics. For more information, see [3]_
.. [3] M. J. Kobrinsky, S. Chakravarty, D. Jiao, M. C. Harmes, S. List, and M. Mazumder,
“Experimental validation of crosstalk simulations for on-chip interconnects using S-parameters,”
IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 57–62, Feb. 2005.
>>> import skrf as rf
>>> from skrf.calibration import SplitTee
Create network objects for dummy structure and dut
>>> th = rf.Network('thru_ckt.s2p')
>>> dut = rf.Network('full_ckt.s2p')
Create de-embedding object
>>> dm = SplitTee(dummy_thru = th, name = 'test_thru')
Remove parasitics to get the actual device network
>>> realdut = dm.deembed(dut)
def __init__(self, dummy_thru, name=None, *args, **kwargs):
SplitTee De-embedding Initializer
dummy_thru : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Measurement of the dummy thru structure
name : string
Optional name of de-embedding object
args, kwargs:
Passed to :func:`Deembedding.__init__`
See Also
self.thru = dummy_thru.copy()
dummies = [self.thru]
Deembedding.__init__(self, dummies, name, *args, **kwargs)
def deembed(self, ntwk):
Perform the de-embedding calculation
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of device measurement from which
parasitics needs to be removed via de-embedding
caled : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of the device after de-embedding
# check if the frequencies match with dummy frequencies
if ntwk.frequency != self.thru.frequency:
warnings.warn('Network frequencies dont match dummy frequencies, attempting overlap.',
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
ntwk, thru = overlap_multi([ntwk, self.thru])
thru = self.thru
left = thru.copy()
left_z = left.z
left_z[:,0,0] = (thru.z[:,0,0] + thru.z[:,1,0] + thru.z[:,1,1] + thru.z[:,0,1]) / 2
left_z[:,0,1] = thru.z[:,1,0] + thru.z[:,0,1]
left_z[:,1,0] = thru.z[:,1,0] + thru.z[:,0,1]
left_z[:,1,1] = thru.z[:,1,0] + thru.z[:,0,1]
left.z = left_z
right = left.flipped()
caled = left.inv ** ntwk ** right.inv
return caled
class AdmittanceCancel(Deembedding):
Cancel shunt admittance by swapping (a.k.a Mangan's method).
A deembedding object is created with just one thru dummy measurement `dummy_thru`.
The thru dummy is, for example, a direct cascaded connection of the left and right test pads.
When :func:`Deembedding.deembed` is applied,
the shunt admittance of the thru dummy are canceled,
from the DUT measurement by left-right mirroring operation.
This method is applicable to only symmetric (i.e. S11=S22 and S12=S21) 2-port DUTs,
but suitable for the characterization of transmission lines at mmW frequencies.
For more information, see [4]_
.. [4] A. M. Mangan, S. P. Voinigescu, Ming-Ta Yang, and M. Tazlauanu,
“De-embedding transmission line measurements for accurate modeling of IC designs,”
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 235–241, Feb. 2006.
>>> import skrf as rf
>>> from skrf.calibration import AdmittanceCancel
Create network objects for dummy structure and dut
>>> th = rf.Network('thru_ckt.s2p')
>>> dut = rf.Network('full_ckt.s2p')
Create de-embedding object
>>> dm = AdmittanceCancel(dummy_thru = th, name = 'test_thru')
Remove parasitics to get the actual device network
>>> realdut = dm.deembed(dut)
def __init__(self, dummy_thru, name=None, *args, **kwargs):
AdmittanceCancel De-embedding Initializer
dummy_thru : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Measurement of the dummy thru structure
name : string
Optional name of de-embedding object
args, kwargs:
Passed to :func:`Deembedding.__init__`
See Also
self.thru = dummy_thru.copy()
dummies = [self.thru]
Deembedding.__init__(self, dummies, name, *args, **kwargs)
def deembed(self, ntwk):
Perform the de-embedding calculation
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of device measurement from which
parasitics needs to be removed via de-embedding
caled : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of the device after de-embedding
# check if the frequencies match with dummy frequencies
if ntwk.frequency != self.thru.frequency:
warnings.warn('Network frequencies dont match dummy frequencies, attempting overlap.',
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
ntwk, thru = overlap_multi([ntwk, self.thru])
thru = self.thru
caled = ntwk.copy()
h = ntwk ** thru.inv
h_ = h.flipped()
caled.y = (h.y + h_.y) / 2
return caled
class ImpedanceCancel(Deembedding):
Cancel series impedance by swapping.
A deembedding object is created with just one thru dummy measurement `dummy_thru`.
The thru dummy is, for example, a direct cascaded connection of the left and right test pads.
When :func:`Deembedding.deembed` is applied,
the series impedance of the thru dummy are canceled,
from the DUT measurement by left-right mirroring operation.
This method is applicable to only symmetric (i.e. S11=S22 and S12=S21) 2-port DUTs,
but suitable for the characterization of transmission lines at mmW frequencies.
For more information, see [5]_
.. [5] S. Amakawa, K. Katayama, K. Takano, T. Yoshida, and M. Fujishima,
“Comparative analysis of on-chip transmission line de-embedding techniques,”
in 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology,
Sendai, Japan, Aug. 2015, pp. 91–93.
>>> import skrf as rf
>>> from skrf.calibration import ImpedanceCancel
Create network objects for dummy structure and dut
>>> th = rf.Network('thru_ckt.s2p')
>>> dut = rf.Network('full_ckt.s2p')
Create de-embedding object
>>> dm = ImpedanceCancel(dummy_thru = th, name = 'test_thru')
Remove parasitics to get the actual device network
>>> realdut = dm.deembed(dut)
def __init__(self, dummy_thru, name=None, *args, **kwargs):
ImpedanceCancel De-embedding Initializer
dummy_thru : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Measurement of the dummy thru structure
name : string
Optional name of de-embedding object
args, kwargs:
Passed to :func:`Deembedding.__init__`
See Also
self.thru = dummy_thru.copy()
dummies = [self.thru]
Deembedding.__init__(self, dummies, name, *args, **kwargs)
def deembed(self, ntwk):
Perform the de-embedding calculation
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of device measurement from which
parasitics needs to be removed via de-embedding
caled : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of the device after de-embedding
# check if the frequencies match with dummy frequencies
if ntwk.frequency != self.thru.frequency:
warnings.warn('Network frequencies dont match dummy frequencies, attempting overlap.',
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
ntwk, thru = overlap_multi([ntwk, self.thru])
thru = self.thru
caled = ntwk.copy()
h = ntwk ** thru.inv
h_ = h.flipped()
caled.z = (h.z + h_.z) / 2
return caled
class IEEEP370(Deembedding):
Abstract Base Class for all IEEEP370 de-embedding class.
This class implements the common mechanisms for all IEEEP370 de-embedding
algorithms. Specific algorithms should inherit this
class and override the methods:
* :func:`IEEEP370.deembed`
* :func:`IEEEP370.split2xthru`
Based on [ElSA20]_, [I3E3701]_, [I3E3702]_, [I3E3703]_, [I3E3704]_,
and [I3E3705]_.
.. [ElSA20] Ellison J, Smith SB, Agili S., "Using a 2x-thru standard to achieve
accurate de-embedding of measurements", Microwave Optical Technology
Letter, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1002/mop.32098
.. [I3E3701] https://opensource.ieee.org/elec-char/ieee-370/-/blob/master/TG1/IEEEP3702xThru.m,
commit 49ddd78cf68ad5a7c0aaa57a73415075b5178aa6
.. [I3E3702] https://opensource.ieee.org/elec-char/ieee-370/-/blob/master/TG1/IEEEP370mmZc2xthru.m
commit 49ddd78cf68ad5a7c0aaa57a73415075b5178aa6
.. [I3E3703] https://opensource.ieee.org/elec-char/ieee-370/-/blob/master/TG1/IEEEP370Zc2xThru.m
commit 49ddd78cf68ad5a7c0aaa57a73415075b5178aa6
.. [I3E3704] https://opensource.ieee.org/elec-char/ieee-370/-/blob/master/TG1/IEEEP370mmZc2xthru.m
commit 49ddd78cf68ad5a7c0aaa57a73415075b5178aa6
.. [I3E3705] https://opensource.ieee.org/elec-char/ieee-370/-/blob/master/TG3/qualityCheckFrequencyDomain.m
commit 8b8f3a3b5e41aeb4ab16110bbfb683ec52e70206
def __init__(self, dummies: Sequence[Network], name: str = None,
*args, **kwargs) -> None:
IEEEP370 de-embedding Initializer.
dummies : list of :class:`~skrf.network.Network` objects
Network info of all the dummy structures used in a
given de-embedding algorithm.
name : string
Name of this de-embedding instance, like 'open-short-set1'
This is for convenience of identification.
\*args, \*\*kwargs : keyword arguments
stored in self.args and self.kwargs, which may be used
by sub-classes if needed.
Deembedding.__init__(self, dummies, name, *args, **kwargs)
def deembed(self, ntwk: Network) -> Network:
Apply de-embedding correction to a Network
def split2xthru(self):
Determine fixtures models
def dc_interp(s: ndarray, f: ndarray) -> float:
enforces symmetric upon the first 10 points and interpolates the DC
sp = s[0:9]
fp = f[0:9]
snp = concatenate((conj(flip(sp)), sp))
fnp = concatenate((-1*flip(fp), fp))
# mhuser : used cubic instead spline (not implemented)
snew = interp1d(fnp, snp, axis=0, kind = 'cubic')
return real(snew(0))
def COM_receiver_noise_filter(f: ndarray, fr: float) -> ndarray:
receiver filter in COM defined by eq 93A-20
As defined in 802.3-2022 - IEEE Standard for Ethernet annex 93A
fdfr = f / fr
# eq 93A-20
return 1 / (1 - 3.414214 * fdfr**2 + fdfr**4 + 1j*2.613126*(fdfr - fdfr**3))
def makeStep(impulse: ndarray) -> ndarray:
Make a time-domain step response from an impulse response.
#mhuser : no need to call step function here, cumsum will be enough and efficient
#step = np.convolve(np.ones((len(impulse))), impulse)
#return step[0:len(impulse)]
return np.cumsum(impulse, axis=0)
def DC(s: ndarray, f: ndarray, allowedError: float = 1e-12) -> float:
Advanced reflective DC point extrapolation.
DCpoint = 0.002 # seed for the algorithm
err = 1 # error seed
cnt = 0
df = f[1] - f[0]
n = len(f)
t = np.linspace(-1/df,1/df,n*2+1)
ts = np.argmin(np.abs(t - (-3e-9)))
Hr = IEEEP370.COM_receiver_noise_filter(f, f[-1]/2)
while(err > allowedError):
h1 = IEEEP370.makeStep(
fftshift(irfft(concatenate(([DCpoint], Hr * s)), axis=0), axes=0))
h2 = IEEEP370.makeStep(
fftshift(irfft(concatenate(([DCpoint + 0.001], Hr * s)), axis=0), axes=0))
m = (h2[ts] - h1[ts]) / 0.001
b = h1[ts] - m * DCpoint
DCpoint = (0 - b) / m
err = np.abs(h1[ts] - 0)
cnt += 1
return DCpoint
def thru(ntwk: Network) -> Network:
Create a perfect thru
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network from which copy frequency, z0 and other parameters.
The S-parameters will be replaced by zero-length matched lossless
out : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network of the perfect thru
out = ntwk.copy()
out.s[:, 0, 0] = 0
out.s[:, 1, 0] = 1
out.s[:, 0, 1] = 1
out.s[:, 1, 1] = 0
return out
def add_dc(ntwk: Network) -> Network:
Extrapolate a network to DC using interpolation for all S-parameters.
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network to be extrapolated to DC
out : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network with DC point
s = ntwk.s
f = ntwk.frequency.f
z0 = ntwk.z0[0]
n = len(f)
snew = zeros((n + 1, 2,2), dtype = complex)
snew[1:,:,:] = s
snew[0, 0, 0] = IEEEP370.dc_interp(s[:, 0, 0], f)
snew[0, 0, 1] = IEEEP370.dc_interp(s[:, 0, 1], f)
snew[0, 1, 0] = IEEEP370.dc_interp(s[:, 1, 0], f)
snew[0, 1, 1] = IEEEP370.dc_interp(s[:, 1, 1], f)
f = concatenate(([0], f))
return Network(frequency = Frequency.from_f(f, 'Hz'), s = snew, z0 = z0)
def getz(s: ndarray, f: ndarray, z0: float) -> ndarray:
Compute step response to get the time-domain impedance from S-parameters.
The S-parameters are DC extrapolated first.
s : :array-like
1-Port S-parameters array
f : :array-like
Frequency array for DC extrapolation
z0: :array-like
Reference impedance
z : :array-like
Time-domain impedance step response
DC11 = IEEEP370.DC(s, f, 1e-10)
t112x = irfft(concatenate(([DC11], s)))
#get the step response of t112x. Shift is needed for makeStep to
#work properly.
t112xStep = IEEEP370.makeStep(fftshift(t112x))
#construct the transmission line
z = -z0 * (t112xStep + 1) / (t112xStep - 1)
z = ifftshift(z) #impedance. Shift again to get the first point first.
return z
def makeTL(zline: float, z0: float, gamma: ndarray, l: float) -> ndarray:
Compute the S-parameters of a transmission line.
zline : :number
Characteristic impedance
z0 : :number
Port impedance to renormalize into
gamma : :array-like
Frequency-dependent propagation constant
l : :number
Length in the same length unit as gamma
TL : :array-like
S_Parameters of the transmission line
# todo: use DefinedGammaZ0 media instead
n = len(gamma)
TL = np.zeros((n, 2, 2), dtype = complex)
TL[:, 0, 0] = (((zline**2 - z0**2) * np.sinh(gamma * l))
/ ((zline**2 + z0**2) * np.sinh(gamma * l) + 2 * z0 * zline * np.cosh(gamma * l)))
TL[:, 1, 0] = (2 * z0 * zline) / ((zline**2 + z0**2) * np.sinh(gamma * l) + 2 * z0 * zline * np.cosh(gamma * l))
TL[:, 0, 1] = (2 * z0 * zline) / ((zline**2 + z0**2) * np.sinh(gamma * l) + 2 * z0 * zline * np.cosh(gamma * l))
TL[:, 1, 1] = (((zline**2 - z0**2) * np.sinh(gamma * l))
/ ((zline**2 + z0**2) * np.sinh(gamma * l) + 2 * z0 * zline * np.cosh(gamma * l)))
return TL
def NRP(ntwk: Network, TD: ndarray = None, port: int = None) -> (Network, ndarray):
Enforce the Nyquist Rate Point.
Force the length of the transmissive network to be an integer multiple
of the wavelength at the highest frequency.
If required, a proper delay is added to meet this condition.
The function can also be used to remove the delay.
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network to be extrapolated to DC
TD : :array-like
If None, the delay will be computed and added.
Else, the delay will be removed (to reset the original length).
(default: None)
port: :Number
Specify to apply NRP only on a single port of the network (default: None)
TL : :array-like
S_Parameters of the transmission line
p = ntwk.s
f = ntwk.frequency.f
n = len(f)
X = ntwk.nports
fend = f[-1]
if TD is None:
TD = np.zeros(X)
for i in range(X):
theta0 = angle(p[-1, i, i])
if theta0 < -np.pi/2:
theta = -np.pi - theta0
elif theta0 > np.pi/2:
theta = np.pi - theta0
theta = -theta0
TD[i] = -theta / (2 * np.pi * fend)
pd = np.zeros((n, X, X), dtype = complex)
delay = exp(-1j * 2. * np.pi * f * TD[i] / 2.)
if i == 0:
pd[:, i + X//2, i] = delay
pd[:, i, i + X//2] = delay
spd = ntwk.copy()
spd.s = pd
out = spd ** ntwk
elif i < X//2:
pd[:, i + X//2, i] = delay
pd[:, i, i + X//2] = delay
spd = ntwk.copy()
spd.s = pd
out = spd ** out
pd[:, i - X//2, i] = delay
pd[:, i, i - X//2] = delay
spd = ntwk.copy()
spd.s = pd
out = out ** spd
pd = np.zeros((n, X, X), dtype = complex)
if port is not None:
i = port
delay = exp(1j * 2. * np.pi * f * TD[i] / 2.)
if i < X//2:
pd[:, i + X//2, i] = delay
pd[:, i, i + X//2] = delay
spd = ntwk.copy()
spd.s = pd
out = spd ** ntwk
pd[:, i - X//2, i] = delay
pd[:, i, i - X//2] = delay
spd = ntwk.copy()
spd.s = pd
out = ntwk ** spd
for i in range(X):
delay = exp(1j * 2. * np.pi * f * TD[i] / 2)
if i == 0:
pd[:, i + X//2, i] = delay
pd[:, i, i + X//2] = delay
spd = ntwk.copy()
spd.s = pd
out = spd ** ntwk
elif i < X//2:
pd[:, i + X//2, i] = delay
pd[:, i, i + X//2] = delay
spd = ntwk.copy()
spd.s = pd
out = spd ** out
pd[:, i - X//2, i] = delay
pd[:, i, i - X//2] = delay
spd = ntwk.copy()
spd.s = pd
out = out ** spd
return out, TD
def shiftOnePort(ntwk: Network, N: int, port: int) -> Network:
Shift one port of the network of N samples in time-domain.
This is achieved by cascading a delay.
ntwk: :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network to be shifted
N : :number
Number of point to shift
port: :Number
Port to be shifted
out : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Shifted network
f = ntwk.frequency.f
n = len(f)
X = ntwk.nports
Omega0 = np.pi/n
Omega = np.arange(Omega0, np.pi + Omega0, Omega0)
delay = exp(-N * 1j * Omega/2)
pd = np.zeros((n, 2, 2), dtype = complex)
if port < X//2:
pd[:, port, port + X//2] = delay
pd[:, port + X//2, port] = delay
spd = ntwk.copy()
spd.s = pd
out = spd ** ntwk
pd[:, port, port - X//2] = delay
pd[:, port - X//2, port] = delay
spd = ntwk.copy()
spd.s = pd
out = ntwk ** spd
return out
def shiftNPoints(ntwk: Network, N: int) -> Network:
Shift the whole network of N samples in time-domain.
This is achieved by cascading a delay.
ntwk: :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network to be shifted
N : :number
Number of point to shift
out : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Shifted network
f = ntwk.frequency.f
n = len(f)
X = ntwk.nports
Omega0 = np.pi/n
Omega = np.arange(Omega0, np.pi + Omega0, Omega0)
delay = exp(-N * 1j * Omega/2)
pd = np.zeros((n, 2, 2), dtype = complex)
for port in range(X):
if port < X//2:
pd[:, port, port + X//2] = delay
pd[:, port + X//2, port] = delay
spd = ntwk.copy()
spd.s = pd
p = spd ** ntwk
pd[:, port, port - X//2] = delay
pd[:, port - X//2, port] = delay
spd = ntwk.copy()
spd.s = pd
out = p ** spd
return out
def peelNPointsLossless(ntwk: Network, N: int, z0: float) -> Network:
Peel N points of the network on both side and return the corresponding
error boxes.
This is done in a lossless way without determination of the propagation
constant gamma.
ntwk: :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network to be peeled
N : :number
Number of points to peel
z0 : :number
Reference impedance
gamma : :array-like
Frequency-dependent propagation constant
out : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Peeled network
out : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Error box side port 1
out : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Error box side port 2
f = ntwk.frequency.f
n = len(f)
out = ntwk.copy()
Omega0 = np.pi/n
Omega = np.arange(Omega0, np.pi + Omega0, Omega0)
betal = 1j * Omega/2
for i in range(N):
p = out.s
#calculate impedance
zline1 = IEEEP370.getz(p[:, 0, 0], f, z0)[0]
zline2 = IEEEP370.getz(p[:, 1, 1], f, z0)[0]
#this is the transmission line to be removed
TL1 = IEEEP370.makeTL(zline1, z0, betal, 1)
TL2 = IEEEP370.makeTL(zline2, z0, betal, 1)
sTL1 = ntwk.copy()
sTL1.s = TL1
sTL2 = ntwk.copy()
sTL2.s = TL2
#remove the errorboxes
# no need to flip sTL2 because it is symmetrical
out = sTL1.inv ** out ** sTL2.inv
#capture the errorboxes from side 1 and 2
if i == 0:
eb1 = sTL1.copy()
eb2 = sTL2.copy()
eb1 = eb1 ** sTL1
eb2 = sTL2 ** eb2
return out, eb1, eb2
class IEEEP370_FER:
IEEE 370 checking for fixture electrical requirements (FER) in the
frequency and in the time domains.
Based on [IEEE370]_.
.. [IEEE370] IEEE Standard for Electrical Characterization of Printed
Circuit Board and Related Interconnects at Frequencies up to 50 GHz",
IEEE 370-2020.
def plot_constant_limit(self, frequency: Frequency, value: float, ax: Axes,
**kwargs) -> None:
Plot a constant limit line.
ax.plot([frequency.f[0], frequency.f[-1]], [value, value], **kwargs)
def plot_relative_limit(self, x: ndarray, y: ndarray, value: float, ax: Axes,
**kwargs) -> None:
Plot positive and negative relative limit line around a reference trace.
ax.plot(x, y * (1.0 + value), **kwargs)
kwargs.pop('label', None)
ax.plot(x, y * (1.0 - value), label = '_nolabel_', **kwargs)
def plot_limit_fer1(self, frequency: Frequency, ax: Axes) -> None:
Plot fer 1 limit lines.
self.plot_constant_limit(frequency, -10, ax, color = 'g',
linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Minimum A')
self.plot_constant_limit(frequency, -15, ax, color = 'r',
linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Minimum B, C')
def plot_limit_fer2(self, frequency: Frequency, ax: Axes) -> None:
Plot fer 2 limit lines.
self.plot_constant_limit(frequency, -20, ax, color = 'g',
linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Maximum A')
self.plot_constant_limit(frequency, -10, ax, color = 'b',
linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Maximum B')
self.plot_constant_limit(frequency, -6, ax, color = 'r',
linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Maximum C')
def plot_limit_fer3(self, frequency: Frequency, ax: Axes) -> None:
Plot fer 3 limit lines.
self.plot_constant_limit(frequency, 5, ax, color = 'g',
linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Minimum A')
self.plot_constant_limit(frequency, 0, ax, color = 'r',
linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Minimum B, C')
def plot_limit_fer5(self, x: ndarray, y: ndarray, ax: Axes) -> None:
Plot fer 5 limit lines.
self.plot_relative_limit(x, y, 0.025, ax, linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'g',
label = 'Limit A ±2.5%')
self.plot_relative_limit(x, y, 0.05, ax, linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'b',
label = 'Limit B ±5%')
self.plot_relative_limit(x, y, 0.1, ax, linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r',
label = 'Limit C ±10%')
def plot_limit_fer6(self, frequency: Frequency, ax: Axes) -> None:
Plot fer 6 limit lines.
self.plot_constant_limit(frequency, -15, ax, color = 'r',
linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Maximum A, B, C')
def plot_fd_se_fer(self, s2xthru: Network, fig: Figure = None) -> Figure:
Plot fixture electrical requirements (FER) for s values
if fig is None:
fig = figure(figsize=(8, 8))
fig.suptitle('Fixture electrical requirements (FER)')
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)
ax.set_title('FER1 2x-Thru IL')
s2xthru.plot_s_db(1, 0, ax = ax, color = '0.5')
s2xthru.plot_s_db(0, 1, ax = ax, color = 'k')
self.plot_limit_fer1(s2xthru.frequency, ax)
ax.legend(loc = 'lower left')
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)
ax.set_title('FER2 2x-Thru RL')
s2xthru.plot_s_db(0, 0, ax = ax, color = '0.5')
s2xthru.plot_s_db(1, 1, ax = ax, color = 'k')
self.plot_limit_fer2(s2xthru.frequency, ax)
ax.legend(loc = 'lower left')
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
ax.set_title('FER3 2x-Thru IL - RL')
s1 = s2xthru.s_db[:, 1, 0] - s2xthru.s_db[:, 0, 0]
s2 = s2xthru.s_db[:, 0, 1] - s2xthru.s_db[:, 1, 1]
ax.plot(s2xthru.frequency.f, s1, color = '0.5', label = 'S21 - S11')
ax.plot(s2xthru.frequency.f, s2, color = 'k', label = 'S21 - S22')
self.plot_limit_fer3(s2xthru.frequency, ax)
ax.set_xlabel(f'Frequency ({s2xthru.frequency.unit})')
ax.set_ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
ax.legend(loc = 'upper right')
return fig
def plot_fd_mm_fer(self, s2xthru: Network, fig: Figure = None) -> Figure:
Plot fixture electrical requirements (FER) for s values
if fig is None:
fig = figure(figsize=(8, 8))
fig.suptitle('Fixture electrical requirements (FER)')
mm_2xthru = s2xthru.copy()
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)
ax.set_title('FER1 2x-Thru IL')
mm_2xthru.plot_s_db(1, 0, ax = ax, color = '0.5')
mm_2xthru.plot_s_db(0, 1, ax = ax, color = 'k')
self.plot_limit_fer1(mm_2xthru.frequency, ax)
ax.legend(loc = 'lower left')
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)
ax.set_title('FER2 2x-Thru RL')
mm_2xthru.plot_s_db(0, 0, ax = ax, color = '0.5')
mm_2xthru.plot_s_db(1, 1, ax = ax, color = 'k')
self.plot_limit_fer2(mm_2xthru.frequency, ax)
ax.legend(loc = 'lower left')
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)
ax.set_title('FER3 2x-Thru IL - RL')
s1 = mm_2xthru.s_db[:, 1, 0] - mm_2xthru.s_db[:, 0, 0]
s2 = mm_2xthru.s_db[:, 0, 1] - mm_2xthru.s_db[:, 1, 1]
ax.plot(mm_2xthru.frequency.f, s1, color = '0.5', label = 'S21 - S11')
ax.plot(mm_2xthru.frequency.f, s2, color = 'k', label = 'S21 - S22')
self.plot_limit_fer3(mm_2xthru.frequency, ax)
ax.set_xlabel(f'Frequency ({mm_2xthru.frequency.unit})')
ax.set_ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
ax.legend(loc = 'upper right')
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4)
ax.set_title('FER6 Differential to common CDL - IL')
s1 = mm_2xthru.s_db[:, 2, 0] - mm_2xthru.s_db[:, 1, 0]
s2 = mm_2xthru.s_db[:, 3, 1] - mm_2xthru.s_db[:, 0, 1]
ax.plot(mm_2xthru.frequency.f, s1, color = '0.5', label = 'SCD21 - S21')
ax.plot(mm_2xthru.frequency.f, s2, color = 'k', label = 'SCD42 - S12')
self.plot_limit_fer6(mm_2xthru.frequency, ax)
ax.legend(loc = 'upper right')
return fig
def plot_td_se_fer(self, s2xthru: Network, sfix_dut_fix: Network,
fig: Figure = None) -> Figure:
Plot fixture electrical requirements (FER) for z values
if fig is None:
fig = figure(figsize=(8, 8))
fig.suptitle('Fixture electrical requirements (FER)')
f = s2xthru.frequency.f
s2xthru_dc = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(s2xthru)
sfix_dut_fix_dc = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(sfix_dut_fix)
n = s2xthru.frequency.npoints * 2 - 1
dt = 1e9 / (n * s2xthru.frequency.step) # ns
s21 = s2xthru.s[:, 1, 0]
t21 = fftshift(irfft(s21, n = n))
x_k = np.argmax(t21) - n//2
x_t = x_k * dt
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)
ax.set_title('FER5 TDR Z variation side 1')
sfix_dut_fix_dc.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, color = 'k', ax = ax)
s2xthru_dc.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, color = 'k', linestyle = 'dashed', ax = ax)
x = ax.lines[-1].get_xdata()[:(x_k + n//2 + 1)]
y = ax.lines[-1].get_ydata()[:(x_k + n//2 + 1)]
self.plot_limit_fer5(x, y, ax)
ax.legend(loc = 'lower right')
# fit the plot around fix and 2x-thru in case FIX-DUT-FIX is much larger
ymax = np.max(np.array([ax.lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)],
1.1 * ax.lines[1].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)]]))
ymin = np.min(np.array([ax.lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)],
0.9 * ax.lines[1].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)]]))
ax.set_ylim((ymin - 5, ymax + 5))
delay = 2 * x_t
ax.set_xlim((-0.5 * delay, 1.5 * delay))
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)
ax.set_title('FER5 TDR Z variation side 2')
sfix_dut_fix_dc.plot_z_time_step(1, 1, color = 'k', ax = ax)
s2xthru_dc.plot_z_time_step(1, 1, color = 'k', linestyle = 'dashed', ax = ax)
x = ax.lines[-1].get_xdata()[:(x_k + n//2 + 1)]
y = ax.lines[-1].get_ydata()[:(x_k + n//2 + 1)]
self.plot_limit_fer5(x, y, ax)
ax.legend(loc = 'lower right')
# fit the plot around fix and 2x-thru in case FIX-DUT-FIX is much larger
ymax = np.max(np.array([ax.lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)],
1.1 * ax.lines[1].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)]]))
ymin = np.min(np.array([ax.lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)],
0.9 * ax.lines[1].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)]]))
ax.set_ylim((ymin - 5, ymax + 5))
delay = 2 * x_t
ax.set_xlim((-0.5 * delay, 1.5 * delay))
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
ax.set_title('FER8 TDT minimum length')
s2xthru_dc.plot_z_time_impulse(1, 0, color = '0.5', ax = ax)
s2xthru_dc.plot_z_time_impulse(1, 0, color = 'k', ax = ax)
y = ax.lines[-1].get_ydata()
y_lim = [np.min(y), np.max(y)]
t_lim = [3.0e9 / f[-1], 3.0e9 / f[-1]]
ax.plot([0, 0], y_lim, color = 'b', linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Start')
ax.plot(t_lim, y_lim, color = 'r', linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Minimum A, B, C')
ax.legend(loc = 'upper right')
ax.set_xlim((-1, x_t + 1))
return fig
def plot_td_mm_fer(self, s2xthru: Network, sfix_dut_fix: Network,
fig: Figure = None) -> Figure:
Plot fixture electrical requirements (FER) for z values
if fig is None:
fig = figure(figsize=(8, 8))
mm_2xthru = s2xthru.copy()
mm_fix_dut_fix = sfix_dut_fix.copy()
fig.suptitle('Fixture electrical requirements (FER)')
f = mm_2xthru.frequency.f
se_2xthru_dc = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(s2xthru)
mm_2xthru_dc = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(mm_2xthru)
mm_fix_dut_fix_dc = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(mm_fix_dut_fix)
n = mm_2xthru.frequency.npoints * 2 - 1
dt = 1e9 / (n * mm_2xthru.frequency.step) # ns
s21 = mm_2xthru.s[:, 1, 0]
t21 = fftshift(irfft(s21, n = n))
x_k = np.argmax(t21) - n//2
x_t = x_k * dt
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)
ax.set_title('FER5 TDR Z variation side 1')
mm_fix_dut_fix_dc.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, color = 'k', ax = ax)
mm_2xthru_dc.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, color = 'k', linestyle = 'dashed', ax = ax)
x = ax.lines[-1].get_xdata()[:(x_k + n//2 + 1)]
y = ax.lines[-1].get_ydata()[:(x_k + n//2 + 1)]
self.plot_limit_fer5(x, y, ax)
ax.legend(loc = 'lower right')
# fit the plot around fix and 2x-thru in case FIX-DUT-FIX is much larger
ymax = np.max(np.array([ax.lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)],
1.1 * ax.lines[1].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)]]))
ymin = np.min(np.array([ax.lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)],
0.9 * ax.lines[1].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)]]))
ax.set_ylim((ymin - 5, ymax + 5))
delay = 2 * x_t
ax.set_xlim((-0.5 * delay, 1.5 * delay))
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2)
ax.set_title('FER5 TDR Z variation side 2')
mm_fix_dut_fix_dc.plot_z_time_step(1, 1, color = 'k', ax = ax)
mm_2xthru_dc.plot_z_time_step(1, 1, color = 'k', linestyle = 'dashed', ax = ax)
x = ax.lines[-1].get_xdata()[:(x_k + n//2 + 1)]
y = ax.lines[-1].get_ydata()[:(x_k + n//2 + 1)]
self.plot_limit_fer5(x, y, ax)
ax.legend(loc = 'lower right')
# fit the plot around fix and 2x-thru in case FIX-DUT-FIX is much larger
ymax = np.max(np.array([ax.lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)],
1.1 * ax.lines[1].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)]]))
ymin = np.min(np.array([ax.lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)],
0.9 * ax.lines[1].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(x_k + n // 2)]]))
ax.set_ylim((ymin - 5, ymax + 5))
delay = 2 * x_t
ax.set_xlim((-0.5 * delay, 1.5 * delay))
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)
ax.set_title('FER7 TDT skew')
se_2xthru_dc.plot_z_time_impulse(2, 0, color = '0.5', ax = ax)
se_2xthru_dc.plot_z_time_impulse(3, 1, color = 'k', ax = ax)
ax.legend(loc = 'upper right')
ax.set_xlim((-1, x_t + 1))
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4)
ax.set_title('FER8 TDT minimum length')
mm_2xthru_dc.plot_z_time_impulse(1, 0, color = '0.5', ax = ax)
mm_2xthru_dc.plot_z_time_impulse(1, 0, color = 'k', ax = ax)
y = ax.lines[-1].get_ydata()
y_lim = [np.min(y), np.max(y)]
t_lim = [3.0e9 / f[-1], 3.0e9 / f[-1]]
ax.plot([0, 0], y_lim, color = 'b', linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Start')
ax.plot(t_lim, y_lim, color = 'r', linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Minimum A, B, C')
ax.legend(loc = 'upper right')
ax.set_xlim((-1, x_t + 1))
return fig
class IEEEP370_FD_QM:
def __init__(self, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
IEEE 370 initial quality checking of raw data at the given frequency
Passivity, reciprocity, and causality checks are
performed on the original S-parameters data in the frequency domain.
Based on [IEEE370]_.
verbose : :boolean
Plot internal causality, passivity, and reciprocity
figures (default False)
.. [IEEE370] IEEE Standard for Electrical Characterization of Printed
Circuit Board and Related Interconnects at Frequencies up to 50 GHz",
IEEE 370-2020.
self.verbose = verbose
def check_causality(self, ntwk: Network) -> float:
Causality quality metrics verify that the complex S-parameters
rotate clockwise in the complex plane.
This is done by computing the normalized vector product on pairs of
consecutive vectors between two frequency points.
ntwk: :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network to be checked
PQM : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Causality quality metric in percents
if ntwk.nports == 1:
raise (ValueError('Doesn\'t exist for one-ports'))
Nf = ntwk.frequency.npoints
CQM = zeros((ntwk.nports, ntwk.nports))
for i in range(ntwk.nports):
for j in range(ntwk.nports):
if len(np.unique(ntwk.s[:, i, j])) == 1:
CQM[i, j] = 100.
TotalR = 0
PositiveR = 0
for k in range(Nf - 2):
Vn = ntwk.s[k + 1, i, j] - ntwk.s[k, i, j]
Vn1 = ntwk.s[k + 2, i, j] - ntwk.s[k + 1, i, j]
R = real(Vn1) * imag(Vn) - imag(Vn1) * real(Vn)
if R > 0:
PositiveR = PositiveR + R
TotalR = TotalR + np.abs(R)
CQM[i, j] = np.nanmax((PositiveR / TotalR, 0)) * 100.
return np.min(CQM)
def check_passivity(self, ntwk: Network) -> float:
Passivity quality metrics verify that the 2-Norm of S-parameters is
smaller or equal to 1 at each frequency.
This is equivalent to checking the eigenvalues of the unity matrix
subtracted by complex conjugate transposed S time S is greater or
equal to zero.
ntwk: :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network to be checked
PQM : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Passivity quality metric in percents
if ntwk.nports == 1:
raise (ValueError('Doesn\'t exist for one-ports'))
Nf = ntwk.frequency.npoints
A = 1.00001
B = 0.1
self.PM = zeros(Nf)
PW = zeros(Nf)
for i in range(Nf):
# numpy linalg norm is frobenius, use 2-norm like Matlab instead
self.PM[i] = norm(ntwk.s[i, :, :], 2)
if self.PM[i] > A:
PW[i] = (self.PM[i] - A) / B
return np.max([Nf - np.sum(PW), 0]) / Nf * 100.
def check_reciprocity(self, ntwk: Network) -> float:
Integrates the absolute difference between Sij and Sji at
each frequency point. Ideally, Sij should be equal to Sji.
ntwk: :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network to be checked
PQM : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Reciprocity quality metric in percents
if ntwk.nports == 1:
raise (ValueError('Doesn\'t exist for one-ports'))
Nf = ntwk.frequency.npoints
B = 0.1
C = 1e-6
self.RM = zeros(Nf)
RW = zeros(Nf)
for i in range(Nf):
self.RM[i] = 0
for k in range(ntwk.nports):
for m in range(ntwk.nports):
self.RM[i] = self.RM[i] + np.abs(ntwk.s[i, k, m] - ntwk.s[i, m, k])
self.RM[i] = self.RM[i] / (ntwk.nports * (ntwk.nports - 1))
if self.RM[i] > C:
RW[i] = (self.RM[i] - C) / B
return np.max([Nf - np.sum(RW), 0]) / Nf * 100.
def check_se_quality(self, ntwk: Network, verbose: bool = False) -> dict:
Single-ended passivity, reciprocity, and causality checks are
performed on the original S-parameters data in the frequency domain.
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network to be checked
verbose: :boolean
Plot internal causality, passivity, and reciprocity
figures. When True, override class verbose parameter.
(default False).
QM : :class:`dict` object
Dictionnary with quality metrics
verbose = self.verbose or verbose
QM = {'causality': {'value': self.check_causality(ntwk), 'evaluation': ''},
'passivity': {'value': self.check_passivity(ntwk), 'evaluation': ''},
'reciprocity': {'value': self.check_reciprocity(ntwk), 'evaluation': ''},
# evaluation
if QM['causality']['value'] <= 20.:
QM['causality']['evaluation'] = 'poor'
elif QM['causality']['value'] <= 50.:
QM['causality']['evaluation'] = 'inconclusive'
elif QM['causality']['value'] <= 80:
QM['causality']['evaluation'] = 'acceptable'
QM['causality']['evaluation'] = 'good'
if QM['passivity']['value'] <= 80.:
QM['passivity']['evaluation'] = 'poor'
elif QM['passivity']['value'] <= 99.:
QM['passivity']['evaluation'] = 'inconclusive'
elif QM['passivity']['value'] <= 99.9:
QM['passivity']['evaluation'] = 'acceptable'
QM['passivity']['evaluation'] = 'good'
if QM['reciprocity']['value'] <= 80.:
QM['reciprocity']['evaluation'] = 'poor'
elif QM['reciprocity']['value'] <= 99.:
QM['reciprocity']['evaluation'] = 'inconclusive'
elif QM['reciprocity']['value'] <= 99.9:
QM['reciprocity']['evaluation'] = 'acceptable'
QM['reciprocity']['evaluation'] = 'good'
# verbose
if verbose:
name = ntwk.name if ntwk.name else 'Network'
fig = figure(figsize = (12, 4.4))
fig.suptitle('Initial checking in the frequency domain')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1, projection = 'polar')
ntwk.plot_s_polar(ax = ax)
ax.legend(loc = 'upper right')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2)
ax.plot(ntwk.frequency.f_scaled, self.PM, color = 'k', label = name)
ax.plot([ntwk.frequency.f_scaled[0], ntwk.frequency.f_scaled[-1]],
[1., 1.], color = 'r', linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Maximum')
ax.set_xlabel(f'Frequency ({ntwk.frequency.unit})')
ax.legend(loc = 'upper right')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3)
ax.plot(ntwk.frequency.f_scaled, self.RM, color = 'k', label = name)
ax.set_xlabel(f'Frequency ({ntwk.frequency.unit})')
ax.set_ylabel('Sum of S-pairs differences')
ax.legend(loc = 'upper right')
return QM
def check_mm_quality(self, ntwk: Network, verbose: bool = False) -> dict:
Mixed-mode passivity, reciprocity, and causality checks are
performed on the original S-parameters data in the frequency domain.
The input networks should be 4-port single-ended and will be
transformed to mixed-mode representation. Only the differential and
the common modes are tested.
ntwk: :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network to be checked
verbose: :bool
Plot internal causality, passivity, and reciprocity
figures. When True, override class verbose parameter.
(default False).
QM : :class:`dict` object
Dictionnary with quality metrics
mm = ntwk.copy()
mm.se2gmm(p = 2)
QM = {'dd': self.check_se_quality(mm.subnetwork([0, 1]), verbose),
'cc': self.check_se_quality(mm.subnetwork([2, 3]), verbose)}
return QM
def print_qm(self, QM: dict) -> dict:
Print the quality metrics dictionnary.
QM: :class:`dict` object
Dictionnary with quality metrics to print
if 'dd' in QM:
print('Differential mode')
for k in QM['dd'].keys():
print(f"{k} is {QM['dd'][k]['evaluation']} ({QM['dd'][k]['value']:.2f}%)")
print('Common mode')
for k in QM['cc'].keys():
print(f"{k} is {QM['cc'][k]['evaluation']} ({QM['cc'][k]['value']:.2f}%)")
for k in QM.keys():
print(f"{k} is {QM[k]['evaluation']} ({QM[k]['value']:.2f}%)")
class IEEEP370_TD_QM:
def __init__(self, data_rate: float, sample_per_UI: int,
rise_time_per: float, pulse_shape: int = 1,
extrapolation: int = 2, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
IEEEP370_TD_QM Application-based quality checking of in the time
If necessary, the original S-parameters are extrapolated to a frequency
of three times the desired data rate. Causal, passive, and reciprocal
models are reconstructed and stimulated by a pulse. The difference
between the original extrapolated signal and the ideal responses
in the time domain are integrated to give metrics in millivolts.
Based on [IEEE370]_.
data_rate : :float
Data rate (bps)
sample_per_UI: :number
Number of points of unit interval
rise_time_per: :float
Rise time from 20% to 80% divided by width
pulse_shape : :number
1 is Gaussian; 2 is rectangular with Butterworth filter;
3 is rectangular with Gaussian filter
extrapolation: :number
1 is constant extrapolation; 2 is zero padding
verbose : :boolean
Plot extrapolated frequency data, generated pulse and
the time domain comparison between the original and the
causality enforced responses
.. [IEEE370] IEEE Standard for Electrical Characterization of Printed
Circuit Board and Related Interconnects at Frequencies up to 50 GHz",
IEEE 370-2020.
self.data_rate = data_rate
self.sample_per_UI = sample_per_UI
self.rise_time_per = rise_time_per
self.pulse_shape = pulse_shape
self.extrapolation = extrapolation
self.verbose = verbose
def add_conj(self, s_ij: ndarray):
Add complex conjugates for ifft.
Todo: Consider using irfft instead.
N = len(s_ij)
s_ij_conj = zeros(2 * N - 1, dtype = complex)
s_ij_conj[:N] = s_ij
for k in range(N - 1):
s_ij_conj[k + N] = np.conj(s_ij_conj[N - k - 1])
return s_ij_conj
def align_signals(self, x: ndarray, y: ndarray) -> ndarray:
Compute the index shift between two identical shifted signals in the
time domain.
y = y.T
x = x.T
n = len(x)
m = np.round(n * 0.1).astype(int)
mm = np.round(n * 0.01).astype(int)
xx = np.append(x[0:m], x[n - mm:n])
yy = np.append(y[0:m], y[n - mm:n])
x = xx
y = yy
yy = y[0:m]
Ix = np.argmax(x)
Iy = np.argmax(y)
index = Ix - Iy
yy = np.roll(y, index)
n = np.min([1000, m]).astype(int)
error = len(x)
error_ind = 0
for k in range(-n + index, n + index):
yy = np.roll(y, k)
# numpy linalg norm is frobenius, use 2-norm like Matlab instead
cur_error = np.linalg.norm(yy - x, 2)
if error > cur_error:
error_ind = k
error = cur_error
y = np.roll(y, error_ind)
return error_ind
def create_causal(self, ntwk: Network, data_rate: float,
rise_time_per: float) -> (Network, ndarray):
Create a causality-enforced network.
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Input network
data_rate : :float
Data rate (bps)
rise_time_per: :float
Rise time from 20% to 80% divided by width
causal: :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Causality-enforced network
delay : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Alignment delay with original network for comparison sake
causal = ntwk.copy()
nports = causal.nports
N = causal.frequency.npoints
f = causal.frequency.f
delay_matrix = zeros((nports, nports), dtype = int)
for i in range(nports):
for j in range(nports):
for k in range(N):
if np.abs(causal.s[k, i, j]) == 0:
causal.s[k, i, j] = 0.00001
causal_ij, f, delay_ij = self.get_causal_model(f, causal.s[:, i, j],
causal.s[:, i, j] = causal_ij
delay_matrix[i, j] = delay_ij
return (causal, delay_matrix)
def create_passive(self, ntwk: Network) -> Network:
Creat a passivity-enforced network.
ntwk: :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Input network
reciprocal : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Passivity-enforced network
passive = ntwk.copy()
for i in range(ntwk.frequency.npoints):
U, D, Vh = np.linalg.svd(ntwk.s[i, :, :])
for k in range(ntwk.nports):
if D[k] > 1.:
D[k] = 1.
passive.s[i, :, :] = U @ np.diag(D) @ Vh
return passive
def create_reciprocal(self, ntwk: Network) -> Network:
Creat a reciprocal network.
The resulting network is the reciprocal of the input networks. The
reciprocity is not enforced, but the time domain response will still
gives metrics that is high if reciprocity is low.
ntwk: :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Input network
reciprocal : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Reciprocal network
reciprocal = ntwk.copy()
for i in range(ntwk.nports):
for j in range(ntwk.nports):
reciprocal.s[:, i, j] = ntwk.s[:, j, i]
return reciprocal
def extrapolate_to_dc(self, ntwk: Network) -> Network:
Extrapolate to DC and interpolate to the harmonic frequency sweep.
Passivity is enforced on the DC extrapolated points. The missing part
from dc to the first frequency sample should not exceed a phase change
of π/2.
ntwk: :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Input network
extrapolated : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Extrapolated network
f = ntwk.frequency.f
df = f[1] - f[0]
nports = ntwk.nports
f_0 = f[0]
# numpy linalg norm is frobenius, use 2-norm like Matlab instead
norm_0 = np.linalg.norm(ntwk.s[0, :, :], 2)
if f[0] == 0:
f_extra = f
f_new = df * np.arange(0, np.ceil(f[0] / df))
f_extra = np.append(f_new, f)
N_interp = np.floor(f_extra[-1]/df)
f_interp = df * np.arange(0, N_interp + 1)
s = zeros((len(f_extra), nports, nports), dtype = complex)
s_interp = zeros((len(f_interp), nports, nports), dtype = complex)
for i in range(nports):
for j in range(nports):
# dc extrapolation
if f[0] == 0:
s[:, i, j] = ntwk.s[:, i, j]
s[0] = np.real(s[0, i, j])
s[:, i, j] = self.extrapolate_to_dc_ij(f, f_new,
ntwk.s[:, i, j])
# interpolate to the harmonic sweep
s_interp[:, i, j] = self.interpolate_ij(f_extra, f_interp,
s[:, i, j])
# enforce passivity of extrapolated points
i = 0
D_max = np.max(np.array([1., norm_0]))
while f_interp[i] < f_0:
U, D, Vh = np.linalg.svd(s_interp[i, :, :])
for k in range(nports):
if D[k] > D_max:
D[k] = D_max
s_interp[i, :, :] = U @ np.diag(D) @ Vh
i += 1
return Network(frequency = f_interp, s = s_interp, name = ntwk.name,
z0 = ntwk.z0[0])
def extrapolate_to_dc_ij(self, f: ndarray, f_new: ndarray, s_ij: ndarray):
Extrapolate single S-component to DC.
The missing part from dc to the first frequency sample should not
exceed a phase change of π/2.
# calculate delay
ph = -np.unwrap(np.angle(s_ij))
delay = self.get_delay(f, ph)
# extract delay to smooth original function
s_ij = s_ij * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f * delay)
# extract real and imaginary parts from the original function
re = np.real(s_ij)
im = np.imag(s_ij)
# create a*x^2+b parabola using (f(1),re(1)) and (f(2),re(2)) points
a = (re[1] - re[0]) / (f[1]**2 - f[0]**2)
b = re[0] - a * f[0]**2
# extend real part to DC
re_new = a * f_new**2 + b
re = np.append(re_new, re)
# create a*x^3+b*x cubic parabola using (f(1),im(1)) and (f(2),im(2)) points
a = (im[1]/f[1] - im[0]/f[0])/(f[1]**2 - f[0]**2)
b = im[0]/f[0] - a * f[0]**2
# extend imaginary part to DC
im_new = a * f_new**3 + b * f_new
im = np.append(im_new, im)
f_extra = np.append(f_new, f)
# create complex function from real and imaginary parts
s_ij_extra = re + 1j * im
# return delay
s_ij_extra = s_ij_extra * \
np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * f_extra * delay)
return s_ij_extra
def extrapolate_to_fmax(self, ntwk: Network, data_rate: float,
sample_per_UI: int, extrapolation: int)-> Network:
Extrapolate network max frequency if required by parameters.
This is usually three times the data rate.
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Input network
data_rate : :float
Data rate (bps)
sample_per_UI: :number
Number of points of generated pulse signal
rise_time_per: :float
Rise time divided by high time ratio
extrapolation: :number
1 is constant extrapolation; 2 is zero padding
extrapolated : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Extrapolated network
f_max = 0.5 * data_rate * sample_per_UI
df = ntwk.frequency.f[1] - ntwk.frequency.f[0]
f_new = ntwk.frequency.f
while(f_new[-1] < f_max):
f_new = np.append(f_new, f_new[-1] + df)
N1 = ntwk.frequency.npoints
N = len(f_new)
s_new = zeros((N, ntwk.nports, ntwk.nports), dtype = complex)
for i in range(ntwk.nports):
for j in range(ntwk.nports):
s_new[:N1, i, j] = ntwk.s[:, i, j]
ph = np.unwrap(np.angle(s_new[:N1, i, j]))
dph = (ph[-1] - ph[0]) / (N1 - 1)
for k in range(N1, N):
if extrapolation == 1:
s_new[k, i, j] = s_new[k - 1, i, j] * np.exp(1j * dph)
s_new[k, i, j] = 0
return Network(frequency = f_new, s = s_new, name = ntwk.name,
z0 = ntwk.z0[0])
def get_causal_model(self, f: ndarray, s_ij: ndarray, data_rate,
rise_time_per) -> ndarray:
Get causality-enforced model for a single S-parameter component Sij.
df = f[1] - f[0]
dt = 1. / (2 * f[-1] + df)
# DC extrapolation
# Already done.
# Interpolate data
# Already done.
# extend to negative frequencies
N = len(s_ij)
s_ij[0] = np.real(s_ij[0])
s_ij_conj = self.add_conj(s_ij)
# Extract magnitude
s_ij_magn_conj = np.real(np.log(np.abs(s_ij_conj)))
# Convert magnitude into time domain
s_ij_magn_time = np.fft.ifft(s_ij_magn_conj)
# Multiply by sign(t)
for i in range(N, 2 * N - 1):
s_ij_magn_time[i] = (-1.) * s_ij_magn_time[i]
s_ij_magn_time = 1j * s_ij_magn_time
# Calculate Phase
s_ij_phase_enforced = np.real(fft(s_ij_magn_time))
# Calculate Delay
delay = self.get_delay_time(f, s_ij, s_ij_phase_enforced[0:N],
data_rate, rise_time_per)
delay = np.round(delay / dt) * dt
causal_ij = zeros(N, dtype = complex)
for i in range(N):
w = 2 * np.pi * f[i]
causal_ij[i] = np.exp(s_ij_magn_conj[i]) * \
np.exp(-1j * s_ij_phase_enforced[i]) * np.exp(-1j * delay * w)
delay = np.round(delay / dt).astype(int)
return (causal_ij, f, delay)
def get_delay(self, freq: ndarray, phase: ndarray) -> float:
Get the front delay from phase and frequency vectors.
freq: :ndarray
Frequency (Hz)
phase: :ndarray
Phase (rad)
delay: :float
N = len(freq)
delay = 1.
for i in range(N):
if freq[i] > 0:
delay_i = phase[i] / freq[i] / 2. / np.pi
if delay > delay_i:
delay = delay_i
return delay
def get_delay_time(self, freq: ndarray, s_ij: ndarray, phase_causal: ndarray,
data_rate: float, rise_time_per: float) -> float:
Get delay between original and causality enforced data in number of
time samples.
freq : :ndarray
Frequency (Hz)
s_ij : :ndarray
Original single S-component.
phase_causal : :ndarray
Causality enforced phase (rad)
data_rate : :float
Data rate (bps)
rise_time_per: :float
Rise time from 20% to 80% divided by width
delay: :float
N = len(freq)
df = freq[1] - freq[0]
dt = 1. / (2 * freq[-1] + df)
# Gaussian filter
f_cut = 3. * data_rate / 2.
sigma = 1. / 2. / np.pi / f_cut
gaussian = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * np.pi * freq * freq * sigma * sigma)
original = s_ij * gaussian
causal = np.abs(original) * np.exp(-1j * phase_causal)
original_conj = self.add_conj(original)
causal_conj = self.add_conj(causal)
pulse = self.get_pulse_rect(dt, data_rate, 2 * N - 1, rise_time_per)
pulse_original = original_conj * pulse
pulse_causal = causal_conj * pulse
v_origin = np.fft.ifft(pulse_original) / 2.
v_causal = np.fft.ifft(pulse_causal) / 2.
shift_ind = -1 * self.align_signals(v_causal, v_origin)
return shift_ind * dt
def get_pulse_gaussian(self, dt: float, data_rate: float, N: int,
rise_time_per: float, verbose = False) -> ndarray:
Get the FFT of a gaussian pulse. The pulse is shifted in time according
to parameters.
dt : :float
Sample time (s)
data_rate : :float
Data rate (bps)
N : :number
Number of points of generated pulse signal
rise_time_per: :float
Rise time from 20% to 80% divided by width
verbose : :boolean
Plot referrence and generated pulses in the time
fft : :ndarray
FFT of the pulse signal
n_samples = (N - 1) // 2
self.t_pulse = np.arange(-n_samples, n_samples + 1) * dt
N = len(self.t_pulse)
sigma = rise_time_per / (data_rate * \
self.v_ref = np.exp(-self.t_pulse**2 / sigma**2)
k_middle = n_samples
k_start = np.round(1.5 / data_rate / dt) - 1
self.v_pulse = zeros(self.t_pulse.shape)
for i in range(N):
self.v_pulse[i] = self.v_ref[np.mod(i + k_middle - k_start, N).astype(int)]
if verbose:
fig, ax = subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(self.t_pulse, self.v_ref, color = 'r', label = 'Reference')
ax.plot(self.t_pulse, self.v_pulse, linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Generated')
ax.legend(loc = 'upper right')
ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude (V)')
ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
ax.set_title('Gaussian Pulse')
return fft(self.v_pulse)
def get_pulse_rect(self, dt: float, data_rate: float, N: int,
rise_time_per: float, verbose = False)-> ndarray:
Get the FFT of a rectangular pulse with defined rise time.
Rise time and fall time are equals.
dt : :float
Sample time (s)
data_rate : :float
Data rate (bps)
N : :number
Number of points of generated pulse signal
rise_time_per: :float
Rise time from 20% to 80% divided by width
verbose : :boolean
Plot reference and interpolated pulses in the time
fft : :ndarray
FFT of the pulse signal
self.t_pulse = np.arange(0, N) * dt
k_high = np.round(1. / data_rate / dt)
k_rise = np.round(k_high * rise_time_per)
k_offset = np.array([0, k_rise, k_rise, k_rise, k_rise, 0])
k_ref = np.array([0, 0, k_rise, k_high, k_high + k_rise, N - 1])
self.t_ref = dt * (k_offset + k_ref)
self.v_ref = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0])
interp = interp1d(self.t_ref, self.v_ref)
self.v_pulse = interp(self.t_pulse)
if verbose:
fig, ax = subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(self.t_ref, self.v_ref, color = 'r', marker = 'o',
label = 'Reference')
ax.plot(self.t_pulse, self.v_pulse, linestyle = 'dashed',
label = 'Interpolated')
ax.legend(loc = 'upper right')
ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude (V)')
ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
ax.set_title('Rectangular Pulse')
return fft(self.v_pulse)
def get_time_domain(self, ntwk: Network, data_rate: float,
rise_time_per: float,
pulse_shape: int) -> (ndarray, ndarray):
Get the impulse responses of the S-parameters.
The pulse is defined as per application parameters.
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Input network
data_rate : :float
Data rate (bps)
rise_time_per: :float
Rise time from 20% to 80% divided by width
pulse_shape : :number
1 is Gaussian; 2 is rectangular with Butterworth filter;
3 is rectangular with Gaussian filter
v : :ndarray
Impulse response amplitude vector
t : :ndarray
Impulse response time vector
N = ntwk.frequency.npoints
freq = ntwk.frequency.f
df = freq[1] - freq[0]
dt = 1 / (2 * freq[-1] + df)
nports = ntwk.nports
t = dt * np.arange(0, 2 * N - 1)
v = zeros((2 * N - 1, nports, nports))
# Gaussian filter
f_cut = 3. * data_rate / 2.
sigma = 1. / 2. / np.pi / f_cut
rise_time = 1. / data_rate * 1000 * rise_time_per
f0 = 320 / rise_time
if pulse_shape == 1:
self.filter = np.ones(N, dtype = complex)
self.pulse = self.get_pulse_gaussian(dt, data_rate, 2 * N - 1,
elif pulse_shape == 2:
self.filter = 1. / (1 + 1j * freq / f0)
self.pulse = self.get_pulse_rect(dt, data_rate, 2 * N - 1,
1.4 * rise_time_per)
self.filter = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * np.pi * freq * freq * sigma * sigma)
self.pulse = self.get_pulse_rect(dt, data_rate, 2 * N - 1,
1.4 * rise_time_per)
for i in range(nports):
for j in range(nports):
s_ij = ntwk.s[:, i, j] * self.filter
s_ij[0] = np.real(s_ij[0])
s_ij_conj = self.add_conj(s_ij)
pulse_response_freq = self.pulse * s_ij_conj
v[:, i, j] = np.real(np.fft.ifft(pulse_response_freq))
return (v, t)
def get_td_difference_mv(self, v1: ndarray, v2: ndarray, t: ndarray,
nports: int,
data_rate: float) -> (ndarray, ndarray):
Integrate the difference between two signals on units intervals in the
time domain. The result has a physical estimation in millivolts of
the worst-case bit sequence based on peak distortion analysis.
N = len(t)
dt = t[1] - t[0]
UI = 1. / data_rate / dt
max_bits = 31
time_domain_difference_mv = zeros((nports, nports))
N_UI = np.round(UI).astype(int)
delta = zeros(N_UI)
for i in range(nports):
for j in range(nports):
max_index = np.argmax(v1[:, i, j])
last_index = max_index + max_bits * UI
lower_index = max_index - max_bits * UI
for k in range(N_UI):
delta[k] = 0
for m in range(np.floor(N / UI).astype(int) - 1):
ind = k + np.floor(m * UI).astype(int)
if lower_index >= 0:
condition = (ind < last_index) and (ind > lower_index)
condition = (ind < last_index) or (ind > N - lower_index - 1)
if condition:
delta[k] = delta[k] + np.abs(v2[ind, i, j] - v1[ind, i, j])
time_domain_difference_mv[i, j] = np.max(delta)
return time_domain_difference_mv
def get_td_causality_difference_mv(self, v1: ndarray, v2: ndarray, t: ndarray,
nports: int, data_rate: float,
delay_matrix: ndarray) -> (ndarray, ndarray):
Integrate the difference between two signals on units intervals in the
time domain. The result has a physical estimation in millivolts of
the worst-case bit sequence based on peak distortion analysis.
Also accounts for the causality minimum delay.
N = len(t)
dt = t[1] - t[0]
UI = 1. / data_rate / dt
max_bits = 31
time_domain_difference_mv = zeros((nports, nports))
N_UI = np.round(UI).astype(int)
delta = zeros(N_UI)
for i in range(nports):
for j in range(nports):
if i == j:
delay_num = 0
delay_num = delay_matrix[i, j]
for k in range(N_UI):
delta[k] = 0
for m in range(max_bits):
ind = delay_num - k - np.floor(m * UI).astype(int) - 2
if ind < 0:
ind = N + ind
delta[k] = delta[k] + np.abs(v2[ind, i, j] - v1[ind, i, j])
time_domain_difference_mv[i, j] = np.max(delta)
return time_domain_difference_mv
def interpolate_ij(self, f: ndarray, f_new: ndarray, s_ij: ndarray):
Interpolate single S-parameter component Sij.
# calculate delay
delay = np.max([0, self.get_delay(f, -np.unwrap(np.angle(s_ij)))])
# extract delay to smooth original function
s_ij = s_ij * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * f * delay)
# interpolate
interp = interp1d(f, s_ij)
s_ij_interp = interp(f_new)
# return delay
s_ij_interp = s_ij_interp * \
np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * f_new * delay)
return s_ij_interp
def check_se_quality(self, ntwk: Network, verbose: bool = False) -> dict:
Single-ended application-based quality checking of in the time domain.
If necessary, the original S-parameters are extrapolated to a frequency
of three times the desired data rate. Causal, passive, and reciprocal
models are reconstructed and stimulated by a pulse. The difference
between the original extrapolated signal and the ideal responses
in the time domain are integrated to give metrics in millivolts.
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network to be checked
verbose: :bool
Plot internal causality, passivity, and reciprocity
figures. When True, override class verbose parameter.
(default False).
QM : :class:`dict` object
Dictionnary with quality metrics
verbose = self.verbose or verbose
if (1.5 * self.data_rate) > ntwk.frequency.f[-1]:
warnings.warn('Maximum frequency is less then recomended frequency.',
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
# extrapolate max freq
self.ntwk_interpolated = self.extrapolate_to_fmax(ntwk, self.data_rate,
# extrapolate dc and interpolate with uniform step
self.ntwk_interpolated = self.extrapolate_to_dc(self.ntwk_interpolated)
if verbose:
fig, axs = subplots(2, 3, figsize = (12, 7))
fig.suptitle('Application-based checking in the time domain')
ax = axs[0, 0]
self.ntwk_interpolated.frequency.unit = ntwk.frequency.unit
# avoid log(0) issues with zero padding
ntwk.plot_s_db(1, 0, color = 'r', ax = ax, label = 'Original, S21')
if self.extrapolation == 2:
nz_k = np.nonzero(self.ntwk_interpolated.s[:, 1, 0])[0]
self.ntwk_interpolated[:nz_k[-1]].plot_s_db(1, 0, color = 'b',
linestyle = 'dashed', ax = ax,
label = 'Extrapolated, S21')
self.ntwk_interpolated.plot_s_db(1, 0, color = 'b',
linestyle = 'dashed', ax = ax,
label = 'Extrapolated, S21')
secax = ax.twinx()
ntwk.plot_s_deg(1, 0, color = 'm', ax = secax, label = 'Original, S21')
self.ntwk_interpolated.plot_s_deg(1, 0, color = 'c',
linestyle = 'dashed', ax = secax,
label = 'Extrapolated, S21')
ax.legend(loc = 'upper left')
secax.legend(loc = 'lower right')
# get Causal Matrix
self.causal, self.delay_matrix = self.create_causal(self.ntwk_interpolated,
self.data_rate, self.rise_time_per)
# get Passive Matrix
self.passive = self.create_passive(self.ntwk_interpolated)
# get Reciprocal Matrix
self.reciprocal = self.create_reciprocal(self.ntwk_interpolated)
# get Time Domain Matrices
self.v_causal, self.t_causal = self.get_time_domain(self.causal,
self.v_passive, self.t_passive = self.get_time_domain(self.passive,
self.v_reciprocal, self.t_reciprocal = self.get_time_domain(self.reciprocal,
self.v_origin, self.t_origin = self.get_time_domain(self.ntwk_interpolated,
# get Time Domain Difference
self.causality_difference_mv = self.get_td_causality_difference_mv(
self.v_causal, self.v_origin, self.t_origin,
2, self.data_rate, self.delay_matrix)
self.passivity_difference_mv = self.get_td_difference_mv(
self.v_passive, self.v_origin, self.t_origin, 2, self.data_rate)
self.reciprocity_difference_mv = self.get_td_difference_mv(
self.v_reciprocal, self.v_origin, self.t_origin, 2, self.data_rate)
# numpy linalg norm is frobenius, use 2-norm like Matlab instead
causality_metric = np.round(
1000 * np.linalg.norm(self.causality_difference_mv, 2), 1)
passivity_metric = np.round(
1000 * np.linalg.norm(self.passivity_difference_mv, 2), 1)
reciprocity_metric = np.round(
1000 * np.linalg.norm(self.reciprocity_difference_mv, 2), 1)
# plot
if verbose:
# pulse
# filter
filter = self.add_conj(self.filter)
pulse_response = self.pulse * filter
v_filtered = np.real(np.fft.ifft(pulse_response))
ax = axs[1, 0]
if self.pulse_shape == 1:
ax.plot(self.t_pulse, self.v_ref, color = 'r',
label = 'Reference')
ax.plot(self.t_pulse, self.v_pulse, color = 'k', linestyle = 'dashed',
label = 'Generated')
ax.legend(loc = 'upper right')
ax.set_title('Gaussian Pulse')
ax.plot(self.t_ref, self.v_ref, color = 'r', marker = 'o',
label = 'Reference')
ax.plot(self.t_pulse, self.v_pulse, color = 'k', linestyle = 'dashed',
label = 'Interpolated')
ax.plot(self.t_pulse, v_filtered, color = 'b', linestyle = 'dotted',
label = 'Filtered')
ax.set_title('Filtered Rectangular Pulse')
ax.legend(loc = 'upper right')
ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude (V)')
ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
# time domain transmission
ax = axs[0, 1]
ax.plot(self.t_causal * 1e9, self.v_causal[:, 0, 0] / 2.,
label = 'causal', color = 'r')
ax.plot(self.t_origin * 1e9, self.v_origin[:, 0, 0] / 2.,
label = 'original', color = 'k', linestyle = 'dashed')
ax = axs[0, 2]
ax.plot(self.t_causal * 1e9, self.v_causal[:, 1, 0] / 2.,
label = 'causal', color = 'r')
ax.plot(self.t_origin * 1e9, self.v_origin[:, 1, 0] / 2.,
label = 'original', color = 'k', linestyle = 'dashed')
ax = axs[1, 1]
ax.plot(self.t_causal * 1e9, self.v_causal[:, 0, 1] / 2.,
label = 'causal', color = 'r')
ax.plot(self.t_origin * 1e9, self.v_origin[:, 0, 1] / 2.,
label = 'original', color = 'k', linestyle = 'dashed')
ax = axs[1, 2]
ax.plot(self.t_causal * 1e9, self.v_causal[:, 1, 1] / 2.,
label = 'causal', color = 'r')
ax.plot(self.t_origin * 1e9, self.v_origin[:, 1, 1] / 2.,
label = 'original', color = 'k', linestyle = 'dashed')
for ax in axs[:, 1:].reshape(-1):
ax.set_xlabel('Time (ns)')
ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude (V)')
ax.legend(loc = 'upper right')
QM = {'causality': {'value': causality_metric / 2., 'unit': 'mV',
'evaluation': ''},
'passivity': {'value': passivity_metric / 2., 'unit': 'mV',
'evaluation': ''},
'reciprocity': {'value': reciprocity_metric / 2., 'unit': 'mV',
'evaluation': ''},
# evaluation
CQM = QM['causality']['value']
if CQM >= 15.:
QM['causality']['evaluation'] = 'poor'
elif CQM >= 10.:
QM['causality']['evaluation'] = 'inconclusive'
elif CQM >= 5.:
QM['causality']['evaluation'] = 'acceptable'
QM['causality']['evaluation'] = 'good'
PQM = QM['passivity']['value']
if PQM >= 15.:
QM['passivity']['evaluation'] = 'poor'
elif PQM >= 10.:
QM['passivity']['evaluation'] = 'inconclusive'
elif PQM >= 5.:
QM['passivity']['evaluation'] = 'acceptable'
QM['passivity']['evaluation'] = 'good'
RQM = QM['reciprocity']['value']
if RQM >= 15.:
QM['reciprocity']['evaluation'] = 'poor'
elif RQM >= 10.:
QM['reciprocity']['evaluation'] = 'inconclusive'
elif RQM >= 5.:
QM['reciprocity']['evaluation'] = 'acceptable'
QM['reciprocity']['evaluation'] = 'good'
return QM
def check_mm_quality(self, ntwk: Network, verbose: bool = False) -> dict:
Mixed-mode application-based quality checking of in the time domain.
If necessary, the original S-parameters are extrapolated to a frequency
of three times the desired data rate. Causal, passive, and reciprocal
models are reconstructed and stimulated by a pulse. The difference
between the original extrapolated signal and the ideal responses
in the time domain are integrated to give metrics in millivolts.
The input networks should be 4-port single-ended and will be
transformed to mixed-mode representation. Only the differential and
the common modes are tested.
ntwk: :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network to be checked
verbose: :bool
Plot internal causality, passivity, and reciprocity
figures. When True, override class verbose parameter.
(default False).
QM : :class:`dict` object
Dictionnary with quality metrics
mm = ntwk.copy()
mm.se2gmm(p = 2)
QM = {'dd': self.check_se_quality(mm.subnetwork([0, 1]), verbose),
'cc': self.check_se_quality(mm.subnetwork([2, 3]), verbose)}
return QM
def print_qm(self, QM: dict) -> dict:
Print the quality metrics dictionnary.
QM: :class:`dict` object
Dictionnary with quality metrics to print
if 'dd' in QM:
print('Differential mode')
for k in QM['dd'].keys():
print(f"{k} in the time domain is {QM['dd'][k]['evaluation']} "
f"({QM['dd'][k]['value']} {QM['dd'][k]['unit']})")
print('Common mode')
for k in QM['cc'].keys():
print(f"{k} in the time domain is {QM['cc'][k]['evaluation']} "
f"({QM['cc'][k]['value']} {QM['cc'][k]['unit']})")
for k in QM.keys():
print(f"{k} in the time domain is {QM[k]['evaluation']} "
f"({QM[k]['value']} {QM[k]['unit']})")
class IEEEP370_SE_NZC_2xThru(IEEEP370):
Creates error boxes from a test fixture 2xThru network.
Based on [ElSA20]_ and [I3E370]_.
A deembedding object is created with a single 2xThru (FIX-FIX) network,
which is split into left (FIX-1) and right (FIX-2) fixtures with IEEEP370
2xThru method.
When :func:`Deembedding.deembed` is applied, the s-parameters of FIX-1 and
FIX-2 are deembedded from the FIX_DUT_FIX network.
This method is applicable only when there is a 2x-Thru network.
The S-parameters bisection is done by time gating S11 and S22, taking the
proper square root of the S21 corrected by return loss, and remixing the
parameters according to the fixture signal flow graph. This method gives
crude results but is robust.
>>> import skrf as rf
>>> from skrf.calibration import IEEEP370_SE_NZC_2xThru
Create network objects for 2x-Thru and FIX_DUT_FIX
>>> s2xthru = rf.Network('2xthru.s2p')
>>> fdf = rf.Network('f-dut-f.s2p')
Create de-embedding object
>>> dm = IEEEP370_SE_NZC_2xThru(dummy_2xthru = s2xthru, name = '2xthru')
Apply deembedding to get the actual DUT network
>>> dut = dm.deembed(fdf)
numbering diagram::
+----+ +----+ +----+
-|1 2|---|1 2|---|2 1|-
+----+ +----+ +----+
There are two differences compared to the original matlab implementation
- FIX-2 is flipped (see diagram above)
- A more robust root choice solution is used that avoids the apparition
of 180° phase jumps in the fixtures in certain circumstances
.. [ElSA20] Ellison J, Smith SB, Agili S., "Using a 2x-thru standard to achieve
accurate de-embedding of measurements", Microwave Optical Technology
Letter, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1002/mop.32098
.. [I3E370] https://opensource.ieee.org/elec-char/ieee-370/-/blob/master/TG1/IEEEP3702xThru.m,
commit 49ddd78cf68ad5a7c0aaa57a73415075b5178aa6
def __init__(self, dummy_2xthru: Network, name: str = None,
z0: float = 50, use_z_instead_ifft: bool = False, verbose: bool = False,
forced_z0_line: float = None, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
IEEEP370_SE_NZC_2xThru De-embedding Initializer
dummy_2xthru : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
2xThru (FIX-FIX) network.
z0 :
reference impedance of the S-parameters (default: 50)
name : string
optional name of de-embedding object
use z-transform instead ifft. This method is not documented in
the paper but exists in the IEEE repo. It could be used if the
2x-Thru is so short that there is not enough points in time domain
to determine the length of half fixtures from the s21 impulse
response and the the impedance at split plane from the s11 step
Parameter `verbose` could be used for diagnostic in
ifft mode. (default: False)
If specified, the value for the split plane impedance is forced to
The IEEEP370 standard recommends the 2x-Thru being at least three
wavelengths at the highest measured frequency. This ensures that
the split plane impedance measured in the S11 step response is free
of reflections from the launches.
If the 2x-Thru is too short, any point in the s11 step response
contain reflections from the lanches and split plane impedance
cannot be determined accurately by this method.
In this case, setting the impedance manually can improve the
results. However, it should be noted that each fixture model will
still include some reflections from the opposite side launch
because there is not enough time resolution to separate them.
(Default: None)
verbose :
view the process (default: False)
args, kwargs:
passed to :func:`Deembedding.__init__`
See Also
self.s2xthru = dummy_2xthru.copy()
self.z0 = z0
dummies = [self.s2xthru]
self.use_z_instead_ifft = use_z_instead_ifft
self.forced_z0_line = forced_z0_line
self.verbose = verbose
# debug outputs
self.x_end = None
self.z_x = None
IEEEP370.__init__(self, dummies, name, *args, **kwargs)
self.s_side1, self.s_side2 = self.split2xthru(self.s2xthru)
def deembed(self, ntwk: Network) -> Network:
Perform the de-embedding calculation
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
FIX-DUT-FIX network from which FIX-1 AND FIX-2 fixtures needs to be
removed via de-embedding
caled : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of the device after de-embedding
# check if the frequencies match with dummy frequencies
if ntwk.frequency != self.s2xthru.frequency:
warnings.warn('Network frequencies dont match dummy frequencies, attempting overlap.',
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
ntwk, s2xthru = overlap_multi([ntwk, self.s2xthru])
s_side1, s_side2 = self.split2xthru(s2xthru)
s_side1 = self.s_side1
s_side2 = self.s_side2
return s_side1.inv ** ntwk ** s_side2.flipped().inv
def split2xthru(self, s2xthru: Network) -> (Network, Network):
Perform the fixtures extraction.
f = s2xthru.frequency.f
s = s2xthru.s
if not self.use_z_instead_ifft:
# strip DC point if one exists
if(f[0] == 0):
"DC point detected. An interpolated DC point will be included in the errorboxes.",
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2
flag_DC = True
f = f[1:]
s = s[1:]
flag_DC = False
# interpolate S-parameters if the frequency vector is not acceptable
if(f[1] - f[0] != f[0]):
"""Non-uniform frequency vector detected. An interpolated S-parameter matrix will be created for
this calculation. The output results will be re-interpolated to the original vector.""",
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2
flag_df = True
f_original = f
projected_n = round(f[-1]/f[0])
if(projected_n <= 10000):
fnew = f[0] * (np.arange(0, projected_n) + 1)
dfnew = f[-1]/10000
fnew = dfnew * (np.arange(0, 10000) + 1)
stemp = Network(frequency = Frequency.from_f(f, 'Hz'), s = s)
f_interp = Frequency.from_f(fnew, unit = 'Hz')
stemp.interpolate_self(f_interp, kind = 'cubic',
fill_value = 'extrapolate')
f = fnew
s = stemp.s
del stemp
flag_df = False
n = len(f)
s11 = s[:, 0, 0]
# get e001 and e002
# e001
s21 = s[:, 1, 0]
dcs21 = IEEEP370.dc_interp(s21, f)
t21 = fftshift(irfft(concatenate(([dcs21], s21)), axis=0), axes=0)
x = np.argmax(t21)
self.x_end = x
dcs11 = IEEEP370.DC(s11,f)
t11 = fftshift(irfft(concatenate(([dcs11], s11)), axis=0), axes=0)
step11 = IEEEP370.makeStep(t11)
z11 = -self.z0 * (step11 + 1) / (step11 - 1)
if self.forced_z0_line:
z11x = self.forced_z0_line
z11x = 0.5 * (z11[x-1] + z11[x])
self.z_x = z11x
if self.verbose:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = subplots(2,1, sharex = True)
fig.suptitle('Midpoint length and impedance determination')
ax1.plot(t21, label = 't21')
ax1.plot([x], [t21[x]], marker = 'o', linestyle = 'none',
label = 't21x')
ax2.plot(z11, label = 'z11')
ax2.plot([x], [z11x], marker = 'o', linestyle = 'none',
label = 'z11x')
ax2.set_xlim((x - 50, x + 50))
temp = Network(frequency = Frequency.from_f(f, 'Hz'), s = s, z0 = self.z0)
sr = temp.s
del temp
s11r = sr[:, 0, 0]
s21r = sr[:, 1, 0]
s12r = sr[:, 0, 1]
s22r = sr[:, 1, 1]
dcs11r = IEEEP370.DC(s11r, f)
# irfft is equivalent to ifft(makeSymmetric(x))
t11r = fftshift(irfft(concatenate(([dcs11r], s11r)), axis=0), axes=0)
t11r[x:] = 0
e001 = fft(ifftshift(t11r))
e001 = e001[1:n+1]
dcs22r = IEEEP370.DC(s22r, f)
t22r = fftshift(irfft(concatenate(([dcs22r], s22r)), axis=0), axes=0)
t22r[x:] = 0
e002 = fft(ifftshift(t22r))
e002 = e002[1:n+1]
# calc e111 and e112
e111 = (s22r - e002) / s12r
e112 = (s11r - e001) / s21r
# original implementation, 180° phase jumps in case of phase noise
# # calc e01
# k = 1
# test = k * np.sqrt(s21r * (1 - e111 * e112))
# e01 = zeros((n), dtype = complex)
# for i, value in enumerate(test):
# if(i>0):
# if(angle(test[i]) - angle(test[i-1]) > 0):
# k = -1 * k
# # mhuser : is it a problem with complex value cast to real here ?
# e01[i] = k * np.sqrt(s21r[i] * (1 - e111[i] * e112[i]))
# # calc e10
# k = 1
# test = k * np.sqrt(s12r * (1 - e111 * e112))
# e10 = zeros((n), dtype = complex)
# for i, value in enumerate(test):
# if(i>0):
# if(angle(test[i]) - angle(test[i-1]) > 0):
# k = -1 * k
# # mhuser : is it a problem with complex value cast to real here ?
# e10[i] = k * np.sqrt(s12r[i] * (1 - e111[i] * e112[i]))
# calc e01 and e10
# avoid 180° phase jumps in case of phase noise
e01 = np.sqrt(s21r * (1 - e111 * e112))
for i in range(n):
if i > 0:
if np.abs(-e01[i] - e01[i-1]) < np.abs(e01[i] - e01[i-1]):
e01[i] = - e01[i]
e10 = np.sqrt(s12r * (1 - e111 * e112))
for i in range(n):
if i > 0:
if np.abs(-e10[i] - e10[i-1]) < np.abs(e10[i] - e10[i-1]):
e10[i] = - e10[i]
# revert to initial freq axis
if flag_df:
interp_e001 = interp1d(f, e001, kind = 'cubic',
fill_value = 'extrapolate',
assume_sorted = True)
e001 = interp_e001(f_original)
interp_e01 = interp1d(f, e01, kind = 'cubic',
fill_value = 'extrapolate',
assume_sorted = True)
e01 = interp_e01(f_original)
interp_e111 = interp1d(f, e111, kind = 'cubic',
fill_value = 'extrapolate',
assume_sorted = True)
e111 = interp_e111(f_original)
interp_e002 = interp1d(f, e002, kind = 'cubic',
fill_value = 'extrapolate',
assume_sorted = True)
e002 = interp_e002(f_original)
interp_e10 = interp1d(f, e10, kind = 'cubic',
fill_value = 'extrapolate',
assume_sorted = True)
e10 = interp_e10(f_original)
interp_e112 = interp1d(f, e112, kind = 'cubic',
fill_value = 'extrapolate',
assume_sorted = True)
e112 = interp_e112(f_original)
f = f_original
# dc point was included in the original file
if flag_DC:
e001 = concatenate(([IEEEP370.dc_interp(e001, f)], e001))
e01 = concatenate(([IEEEP370.dc_interp(e01, f)], e01))
e111 = concatenate(([IEEEP370.dc_interp(e111, f)], e111))
e002 = concatenate(([IEEEP370.dc_interp(e002, f)], e002))
e10 = concatenate(([IEEEP370.dc_interp(e10, f)], e10))
e112 = concatenate(([IEEEP370.dc_interp(e112, f)], e112))
f = concatenate(([0], f))
# S-parameters are now setup correctly
n = len(f)
fixture_model_1r = zeros((n, 2, 2), dtype = complex)
fixture_model_1r[:, 0, 0] = e001
fixture_model_1r[:, 1, 0] = e01
fixture_model_1r[:, 0, 1] = e01
fixture_model_1r[:, 1, 1] = e111
fixture_model_2r = zeros((n, 2, 2), dtype = complex)
fixture_model_2r[:, 1, 1] = e002
fixture_model_2r[:, 0, 1] = e10
fixture_model_2r[:, 1, 0] = e10
fixture_model_2r[:, 0, 0] = e112
# create the S-parameter objects for the errorboxes
s_fixture_model_r1 = Network(frequency = Frequency.from_f(f, 'Hz'), s = fixture_model_1r, z0 = z11x)
s_fixture_model_r2 = Network(frequency = Frequency.from_f(f, 'Hz'), s = fixture_model_2r, z0 = z11x)
# renormalize the S-parameter errorboxes to the original reference impedance
s_side1 = s_fixture_model_r1
s_side2 = s_fixture_model_r2.flipped() # FIX-2 is flipped in skrf
z = s2xthru.z
ZL = zeros(z.shape, dtype = complex)
ZR = zeros(z.shape, dtype = complex)
for i in range(len(f)):
ZL[i, :, :] = [
[z[i, 0, 0] + z[i, 1, 0], 2. * z[i, 1, 0]],
[2. * z[i, 1, 0], 2. * z[i, 1, 0]]
ZR[i, :, :] = [
[2. * z[i, 0, 1], 2. * z[i, 0, 1]],
[2. * z[i, 0, 1], z[i, 1, 1] + z[i, 0, 1]]
s_side1 = Network(frequency = s2xthru.frequency, z = ZL, z0 = self.z0)
s_side2 = Network(frequency = s2xthru.frequency, z = ZR, z0 = self.z0)
s_side2.flip() # FIX-2 is flipped in skrf
return (s_side1, s_side2)
def plot_check_residuals(self, ax: Axes = None) -> (Figure, Axes):
res = self.deembed(self.s2xthru)
res.name = 'Residuals'
if ax is None:
fig, ax = subplots(1, 2, sharex = True, figsize=(10, 5))
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.suptitle('Consistency test #1: Self de-embedding of 2X-Thru')
ax[0].set_title('Magnitude residuals')
res.plot_s_db(1,0, ax = ax[0], color = '0.5')
res.plot_s_db(0,1, ax = ax[0], color = 'k')
ax[0].plot([res.frequency.f_scaled[0], res.frequency.f_scaled[-1]],
[0.1, 0.1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r', label = 'Limit')
ax[0].plot([res.frequency.f_scaled[0], res.frequency.f_scaled[-1]],
[-0.1, -0.1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r')
ax[0].legend(loc = 'upper right')
ax[1].set_title('Phase residuals')
res.plot_s_deg(1,0, ax = ax[1], color = '0.5')
res.plot_s_deg(0,1, ax = ax[1], color = 'k')
ax[1].plot([res.frequency.f_scaled[0], res.frequency.f_scaled[-1]],
[1, 1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r', label = 'Limit')
ax[1].plot([res.frequency.f_scaled[0], res.frequency.f_scaled[-1]],
[-1, -1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r')
ax[1].legend(loc = 'upper right')
return (fig, ax)
def plot_check_impedance(self, fix_dut_fix: Network = None, ax: Axes = None,
window: str = 'hamming') -> (Figure, Axes):
# if dc point already exists, it will be replaced
s2xthru = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(self.s2xthru)
fix1 = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(self.s_side1)
fix2 = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(self.s_side2)
if fix_dut_fix is not None:
fix_dut_fix = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(fix_dut_fix)
n = s2xthru.frequency.npoints * 2 - 1
dt = 1e9 / (n * s2xthru.frequency.step) # ns
if ax is None:
fig, ax = subplots(1, 2, sharex = True, figsize=(10, 5))
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.suptitle('Consistency test #2: Compare the TDR of the fixture model to the FIX-DUT-FIX')
ax[0].set_title('Side 1')
fix1.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[0], color = 'k')
s2xthru.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[0], linestyle = 'dotted', color = '0.2')
y = ax[0].lines[-1].get_ydata()
if fix_dut_fix is not None:
fix_dut_fix.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[0], linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'm')
ax[0].plot([0], [y[n // 2]], marker = 's', color = 'k', label = 'start')
ax[0].plot([(self.x_end - (n // 2) - 1) * dt], [self.z_x], marker = 'o',
color = 'k', label = f'z_x = {self.z_x:0.1f} ohm')
# fit the plot around fix and 2x-thru in case FIX-DUT-FIX is much larger
ymax = np.max(np.array([ax[0].lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)],
ax[0].lines[1].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)]]))
ymin = np.min(np.array([ax[0].lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)],
ax[0].lines[1].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)]]))
ax[0].set_ylim((ymin - 5, ymax + 5))
ax[0].legend(loc = 'lower left')
ax[1].set_title('Side 2')
fix2.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[1], color = 'k')
s2xthru.plot_z_time_step(1, 1, window = window,
ax = ax[1], linestyle = 'dotted', color = '0.2')
y = ax[1].lines[-1].get_ydata()
if fix_dut_fix is not None:
fix_dut_fix.plot_z_time_step(1, 1, window = window,
ax = ax[1], linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'm')
ax[1].plot([0], [y[n // 2]], marker = 's', color = 'k', label = 'start')
ax[1].plot([(self.x_end - (n // 2) - 1) * dt], [self.z_x], marker = 'o',
color = 'k', label = f'z_x = {self.z_x:0.1f} ohm')
# fit the plot around fix and 2x-thru in case FIX-DUT-FIX is much larger
ymax = np.max(np.array([ax[1].lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)],
ax[1].lines[1].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)]]))
ymin = np.min(np.array([ax[1].lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)],
ax[1].lines[1].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)]]))
ax[1].set_ylim((ymin - 5, ymax + 5))
delay = 2 * (self.x_end - (n // 2)) * dt
ax[1].set_xlim((-0.5 * delay, 1.5 * delay))
ax[1].legend(loc = 'lower left')
return (fig, ax)
class IEEEP370_MM_NZC_2xThru(IEEEP370):
Creates error boxes from a 4-port test fixture 2xThru.
Based on [ElSA20]_ and [I3E370]_.
A deembedding object is created with a single 2xThru (FIX-FIX) network,
which is split into left (FIX-1_2) and right (FIX-3_4) fixtures with
IEEEP370 2xThru method.
When :func:`Deembedding.deembed` is applied, the s-parameters of FIX-1 and
FIX-2 are deembedded from the FIX_DUT_FIX network.
This method is applicable only when there is a 2x-Thru measurement.
The S-parameters bisection is done by time gating S11 and S22, taking the
proper square root of the S21 corrected by return loss, and remixing the
parameters according to the fixture signal flow graph. This method gives
crude results but is robust.
The `port_order` ='first', means front-to-back also known as odd/even,
while `port_order`='second' means left-to-right also known as sequential.
`port_order`='third' means yet another numbering method.
Next figure show example of port numbering with 4-port networks.
The `scikit-rf` cascade ** 2N-port operator use second scheme. This is very
convenient to write compact deembedding and other expressions.
numbering diagram::
port_order = 'first'
-|0 1|-
-|2 3|-
port_order = 'second'
-|0 2|-
-|1 3|-
port_order = 'third'
-|0 3|-
-|1 2|-
use `Network.renumber` to change port ordering.
>>> import skrf as rf
>>> from skrf.calibration import IEEEP370_MM_NZC_2xThru
Create network objects for 2xThru and FIX-DUT-FIX
>>> s2xthru = rf.Network('2xthru.s4p')
>>> fdf = rf.Network('f-dut-f.s4p')
Create de-embedding object
>>> dm = IEEEP370_MM_NZC_2xThru(dummy_2xthru = s2xthru, name = '2xthru')
Apply deembedding to get the actual DUT network
>>> dut = dm.deembed(fdf)
numbering diagram::
FIX-1_2 DUT FIX-3_4
+----+ +----+ +----+
-|1 3|---|1 3|---|3 1|-
-|2 4|---|2 4|---|4 2|-
+----+ +----+ +----+
There are two differences compared to the original matlab implementation
- FIX-2 is flipped (see diagram above)
- A more robust root choice solution is used that avoids the apparition
of 180° phase jumps in the fixtures in certain circumstances
.. [ElSA20] Ellison J, Smith SB, Agili S., "Using a 2x-thru standard to achieve
accurate de-embedding of measurements", Microwave Optical Technology
Letter, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1002/mop.32098
.. [I3E370] https://opensource.ieee.org/elec-char/ieee-370/-/blob/master/TG1/IEEEP370mmZc2xthru.m
commit 49ddd78cf68ad5a7c0aaa57a73415075b5178aa6
def __init__(self, dummy_2xthru: Network, name: str = None,
z0: float = 50, port_order: PortOrderT = 'second',
use_z_instead_ifft: bool = False, verbose: bool = False,
forced_z0_line_dd: float = None, forced_z0_line_cc: float = None,
*args, **kwargs) -> None:
IEEEP370_MM_NZC_2xThru De-embedding Initializer
dummy_2xthru : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
2xThru (FIX-FIX) network.
z0 :
reference impedance of the S-parameters (default: 50)
port_order : ['first', 'second', 'third']
specify what numbering scheme to use. See above. (default: second)
name : string
optional name of de-embedding object
use z-transform instead ifft. This method is not documented in
the paper but exists in the IEEE repo. It could be used if the
2x-Thru is so short that there is not enough points in time domain
to determine the length of half fixtures from the s21 impulse
response and the the impedance at split plane from the s11 step
Parameter `verbose` could be used for diagnostic in
ifft mode. (default: False)
If specified, the value for the split plane impedance is forced to
`forced_z0_line` for differential-mode.
The IEEEP370 standard recommends the 2x-Thru being at least three
wavelengths at the highest measured frequency. This ensures that
the split plane impedance measured in the S11 step response is free
of reflections from the launches.
If the 2x-Thru is too short, any point in the s11 step response
contain reflections from the lanches and split plane impedance
cannot be determined accurately by this method.
In this case, setting the impedance manually can improve the
results. However, it should be noted that each fixture model will
still include some reflections from the opposite side launch
because there is not enough time resolution to separate them.
(Default: None)
Same behaviour as `forced_z0_line_dd`, but for the common-mode
split plane impedance.
(Default: None)
verbose :
view the process (default: False)
args, kwargs:
passed to :func:`Deembedding.__init__`
See Also
self.s2xthru = dummy_2xthru.copy()
self.z0 = z0
self.port_order = port_order
dummies = [self.s2xthru]
self.use_z_instead_ifft = use_z_instead_ifft
self.verbose = verbose
self.forced_z0_line_dd = forced_z0_line_dd
self.forced_z0_line_cc = forced_z0_line_cc
# debug outputs
self.x_end_dd = None
self.z_x_dd = None
self.x_end_cc = None
self.z_x_cc = None
IEEEP370.__init__(self, dummies, name, *args, **kwargs)
self.se_side1, self.se_side2 = self.split2xthru(self.s2xthru)
def deembed(self, ntwk: Network) -> Network:
Perform the de-embedding calculation
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
FIX-DUT-FIX network from which FIX-1_2 and FIX-3_4 fixtures needs
to be removed via de-embedding
caled : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of the device after de-embedding
# check if the frequencies match with dummy frequencies
if ntwk.frequency != self.s2xthru.frequency:
warnings.warn('Network frequencies dont match dummy frequencies, attempting overlap.',
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
ntwk, s2xthru = overlap_multi([ntwk, self.s2xthru])
se_side1, se_side2 = self.split2xthru(s2xthru)
se_side1 = self.se_side1
se_side2 = self.se_side2
# check if 4-port
if ntwk.nports != 4:
raise(ValueError('2xthru has to be a 4-port network.'))
# renumber if required
if self.port_order == 'first':
N = ntwk.nports
old_order = list(range(N))
new_order = list(range(0, N, 2)) + list(range(1, N, 2))
ntwk.renumber(old_order, new_order)
elif self.port_order == 'third':
N = ntwk.nports
old_order = list(range(N))
new_order = list(range(0, N//2)) + list(range(N-1, N//2-1, -1))
ntwk.renumber(old_order, new_order)
deembedded = se_side1.inv ** ntwk ** se_side2.flipped().inv
#renumber back if required
if self.port_order != 'second':
deembedded.renumber(new_order, old_order)
return deembedded
def split2xthru(self, se_2xthru: Network) -> (Network, Network):
Perform the fixtures extraction.
# check if 4-port
if se_2xthru.nports != 4:
raise(ValueError('2xthru has to be a 4-port network.'))
# renumber if required
if self.port_order == 'first':
N = se_2xthru.nports
old_order = list(range(N))
new_order = list(range(0, N, 2)) + list(range(1, N, 2))
se_2xthru.renumber(old_order, new_order)
elif self.port_order == 'third':
N = se_2xthru.nports
old_order = list(range(N))
new_order = list(range(0, N//2)) + list(range(N-1, N//2-1, -1))
se_2xthru.renumber(old_order, new_order)
#convert to mixed-modes
mm_2xthru = se_2xthru.copy()
mm_2xthru.se2gmm(p = 2)
#extract common and differential mode and model fixtures for each
sdd = subnetwork(mm_2xthru, [0, 1])
scc = subnetwork(mm_2xthru, [2, 3])
dm_dd = IEEEP370_SE_NZC_2xThru(dummy_2xthru = sdd, z0 = self.z0 * 2,
use_z_instead_ifft = self.use_z_instead_ifft,
verbose = self.verbose,
forced_z0_line = self.forced_z0_line_dd)
self.x_end_dd = dm_dd.x_end
self.z_x_dd = dm_dd.z_x
dm_cc = IEEEP370_SE_NZC_2xThru(dummy_2xthru = scc, z0 = self.z0 / 2,
use_z_instead_ifft = self.use_z_instead_ifft,
verbose = self.verbose,
forced_z0_line = self.forced_z0_line_cc)
self.x_end_cc = dm_cc.x_end
self.z_x_cc = dm_cc.z_x
#convert back to single-ended
mm_side1 = concat_ports([dm_dd.s_side1, dm_cc.s_side1], port_order = 'first')
se_side1 = mm_side1.copy()
se_side1.gmm2se(p = 2)
mm_side2 = concat_ports([dm_dd.s_side2, dm_cc.s_side2], port_order = 'first')
se_side2 = mm_side2.copy()
se_side2.gmm2se(p = 2)
return (se_side1, se_side2)
def plot_check_residuals(self, ax: Axes = None) -> (Figure, Axes):
res = self.deembed(self.s2xthru)
res.name = 'Residuals'
if ax is None:
fig, ax = subplots(1, 2, sharex = True, figsize=(10, 5))
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.suptitle('Consistency test #1: Self de-embedding of 2X-Thru')
ax[0].set_title('Magnitude residuals')
res.plot_s_db(1,0, ax = ax[0])
res.plot_s_db(0,1, ax = ax[0])
res.plot_s_db(3,2, ax = ax[0])
res.plot_s_db(2,3, ax = ax[0])
ax[0].plot([res.frequency.f_scaled[0], res.frequency.f_scaled[-1]],
[0.1, 0.1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r', label = 'Limit')
ax[0].plot([res.frequency.f_scaled[0], res.frequency.f_scaled[-1]],
[-0.1, -0.1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r')
ax[0].legend(loc = 'upper right')
ax[1].set_title('Phase residuals')
res.plot_s_deg(1,0, ax = ax[1])
res.plot_s_deg(0,1, ax = ax[1])
res.plot_s_deg(3,2, ax = ax[1])
res.plot_s_deg(2,3, ax = ax[1])
ax[1].plot([res.frequency.f_scaled[0], res.frequency.f_scaled[-1]],
[1, 1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r', label = 'Limit')
ax[1].plot([res.frequency.f_scaled[0], res.frequency.f_scaled[-1]],
[-1, -1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r')
ax[1].legend(loc = 'upper right')
return (fig, ax)
def plot_check_impedance(self, fix_dut_fix: Network = None, ax: Axes = None,
window: str = 'hamming') -> (Figure, Axes):
# if dc point already exists, it will be replaced
s2xthru = self.s2xthru.copy()
s2xthru = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(s2xthru)
fix1 = self.se_side1.copy()
fix1 = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(fix1)
fix2 = self.se_side2.copy()
fix2 = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(fix2)
if fix_dut_fix is not None:
fix_dut_fix = fix_dut_fix.copy()
fix_dut_fix = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(fix_dut_fix)
n = s2xthru.frequency.npoints * 2 - 1
dt = 1e9 / (n * s2xthru.frequency.step) # ns
if ax is None:
fig, ax = subplots(1, 2, sharex = True, figsize=(10, 5))
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.suptitle('Consistency test #2: Compare the TDR of the fixture model to the FIX-DUT-FIX')
ax[0].set_title('Side 1')
fix1.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[0], color = 'k')
s2xthru.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[0], linestyle = 'dotted', color = '0.2')
y = ax[0].lines[-1].get_ydata()
if fix_dut_fix is not None:
fix_dut_fix.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[0], linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'm')
ax[0].plot([0], [y[n // 2]], marker = 's', color = 'k', label = 'start')
ax[0].plot([(self.x_end_dd - (n // 2) - 1) * dt], [self.z_x_dd], marker = 'o',
color = 'k', label = f'z_x = {self.z_x_dd:0.1f} ohm')
fix1.plot_z_time_step(2, 2, window = window,
ax = ax[0], color = 'k')
s2xthru.plot_z_time_step(2, 2, window = window,
ax = ax[0], linestyle = 'dotted', color = '0.2')
if fix_dut_fix is not None:
fix_dut_fix.plot_z_time_step(2, 2, window = window,
ax = ax[0], linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'b')
ax[0].legend(loc = 'center left')
ax[1].set_title('Side 2')
fix2.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[1], color = 'k')
s2xthru.plot_z_time_step(1, 1, window = window,
ax = ax[1], linestyle = 'dotted', color = '0.2')
y = ax[1].lines[-1].get_ydata()
if fix_dut_fix is not None:
fix_dut_fix.plot_z_time_step(1, 1, window = window,
ax = ax[1], linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'm')
ax[1].plot([0], [y[n // 2]], marker = 's', color = 'k', label = 'start')
ax[1].plot([(self.x_end_dd - (n // 2) - 1) * dt], [self.z_x_dd], marker = 'o',
color = 'k', label = f'z_x = {self.z_x_dd:0.1f} ohm')
fix2.plot_z_time_step(2, 2, window = window,
ax = ax[1], color = 'k')
s2xthru.plot_z_time_step(3, 3, window = window,
ax = ax[1], linestyle = 'dotted', color = '0.2')
if fix_dut_fix is not None:
fix_dut_fix.plot_z_time_step(3, 3, window = window,
ax = ax[1], linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'b')
delay = 2 * (self.x_end_dd - (n // 2)) * dt
ax[1].set_xlim((-0.5 * delay, 1.5 * delay))
ax[1].legend(loc = 'center left')
return (fig, ax)
class IEEEP370_SE_ZC_2xThru(IEEEP370):
Creates error boxes from 2x-Thru and FIX-DUT-FIX networks.
Based on [I3E370]_.
A deembedding object is created with 2x-Thru (FIX-FIX) and FIX-DUT-FIX
measurements, which are split into left (FIX-1) and right (FIX-2) fixtures
with IEEEP370 Zc2xThru method.
When :func:`Deembedding.deembed` is applied, the s-parameters of FIX-1 and
FIX-2 are deembedded from FIX_DUT_FIX network.
This method is applicable only when there is 2xThru and FIX_DUT_FIX
The possible difference of impedance between 2x-Thru and FIX-DUT-FIX
is corrected.
The algorithm computes the length of the fixtures by halving the delay of
2x-Thru in time domain transmission. The propagation constant gamma is also
determined from the 2xThru. It then peels the FIX-DUT-FIX time domain
impedance profile iteratively in cycles of determining start impedance and
deembedding a single time sample long transmission line.
>>> import skrf as rf
>>> from skrf.calibration import IEEEP370_SE_ZC_2xThru
Create network objects for 2xThru and FIX-DUT-FIX
>>> s2xthru = rf.Network('2xthru.s2p')
>>> fdf = rf.Network('f-dut-f.s2p')
Create de-embedding object
>>> dm = IEEEP370_SE_ZC_2xThru(dummy_2xthru = s2xthru, dummy_fix_dut_fix = fdf,
bandwidth_limit = 10e9,
pullback1 = 0, pullback2 = 0,
leadin = 0,
name = 'zc2xthru')
Apply deembedding to get the DUT
>>> dut = dm.deembed(fdf)
numbering diagram::
+----+ +----+ +----+
-|1 2|---|1 2|---|2 1|-
+----+ +----+ +----+
There is one difference compared to the original matlab implementation
- FIX-2 is flipped (see diagram above)
.. [I3E370] https://opensource.ieee.org/elec-char/ieee-370/-/blob/master/TG1/IEEEP370Zc2xThru.m
commit 49ddd78cf68ad5a7c0aaa57a73415075b5178aa6
def __init__(self, dummy_2xthru: Network, dummy_fix_dut_fix: Network,
name: str = None,
z0: float = 50, bandwidth_limit: float = 0,
pullback1: int = 0, pullback2: int = 0,
side1: bool = True, side2: bool = True,
NRP_enable: bool = True, leadin: int = 1,
verbose: bool = False,
*args, **kwargs) -> None:
IEEEP370_SE_ZC_2xThru De-embedding Initializer
dummy_2xthru : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
2xThru (FIX-FIX) network.
name : string
optional name of de-embedding object
z0 :
reference impedance of the S-parameters (default: 50)
bandwidth_limit :
max frequency for a fitting function
(default: 0, use all s-parameters without fit)
pullback1, pullback2 :
a number of discrete points to leave in the fixture on side 1
respectively on side 2 (default: 0 leave all)
side1, side2 :
set to de-embed the side1 resp. side2 errorbox (default: True)
NRP_enable :
set to enforce the Nyquist Rate Point during de-embedding and to
add the appropriote delay to the errorboxes (default: True)
leadin :
a number of discrete points before t = 0 that are non-zero from
calibration error (default: 1)
verbose :
view the process (default: False)
args, kwargs:
passed to :func:`Deembedding.__init__`
See Also
self.s2xthru = dummy_2xthru.copy()
self.sfix_dut_fix = dummy_fix_dut_fix.copy()
dummies = [self.s2xthru]
self.z0 = z0
self.bandwidth_limit = bandwidth_limit
self.pullback1 = pullback1
self.pullback2 = pullback2
self.side1 = side1
self.side2 = side2
self.NRP_enable = NRP_enable
self.leadin = leadin
self.verbose = verbose
self.flag_DC = False
self.flag_df = False
# debug outputs
self.gamma = None
self.x_end = None
self.z_side1 = None
self.z_side2 = None
IEEEP370.__init__(self, dummies, name, *args, **kwargs)
self.s_side1, self.s_side2 = self.split2xthru(self.s2xthru.copy(),
def deembed(self, ntwk: Network) -> Network:
Perform the de-embedding calculation
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
FIX-DUT-FIX network from which FIX-1 and FIX-2 fixtures needs to
be removed via de-embedding
caled : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of the device after de-embedding
# check if the frequencies match with dummy frequencies
if ntwk.frequency != self.s2xthru.frequency:
warnings.warn('Network frequencies dont match dummy frequencies, attempting overlap.',
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
ntwk, s2xthru = overlap_multi([ntwk, self.s2xthru])
s_side1, s_side2 = self.split2xthru(s2xthru,
s_side1 = self.s_side1
s_side2 = self.s_side2
return s_side1.inv ** ntwk ** s_side2.flipped().inv
def makeErrorBox_v7(self, s_dut: Network, s2x: Network, gamma: ndarray,
z0: float, pullback:int) -> (Network, Network):
Extract the fixtures on both sides.
f = s2x.frequency.f
n = len(f)
s212x = s2x.s[:, 1, 0]
DC21 = IEEEP370.dc_interp(s212x, f)
x = np.argmax(irfft(concatenate(([DC21], s212x))))
self.x_end = x - pullback # index of last TDR point of fixture
#define relative length
#python first index is 0, thus 1 should be added to get the length
l = 1. / (2 * (x + 1))
#define the reflections to be mimicked
s11dut = s_dut.s[:, 0, 0]
s22dut = s_dut.s[:, 1, 1]
if self.verbose:
z1 = IEEEP370.getz(s11dut, f, z0)
z2 = IEEEP370.getz(s22dut, f, z0)
#peel the fixture away and create the fixture model
#python range to n-1, thus 1 to be added to have proper iteration number
for i in range(self.x_end + 1):
zline1 = IEEEP370.getz(s11dut, f, z0)[0]
zline2 = IEEEP370.getz(s22dut, f, z0)[0]
TL1 = self.makeTL(zline1,z0,gamma,l)
TL2 = self.makeTL(zline2,z0,gamma,l)
sTL1 = s_dut.copy()
sTL1.s = TL1
sTL2 = s_dut.copy()
sTL2.s = TL2
if i == 0:
errorbox1 = sTL1
errorbox2 = sTL2
errorbox1 = errorbox1 ** sTL1
errorbox2 = errorbox2 ** sTL2
# equivalent to function removeTL(in,TL1,TL2,z0)
# no need to flip sTL2 because it is symmetrical
s_dut = sTL1.inv ** s_dut ** sTL2.inv
#IEEE abcd implementation
# abcd_TL1 = sTL1.a
# abcd_TL2 = sTL2.a
# abcd_in = s_dut.a
# for j in range(len(s_dut.frequency.f)):
# abcd_in[j, :, :] = np.linalg.lstsq(abcd_TL1[j, :, :].T,
# np.linalg.lstsq(abcd_TL1[j, :, :], abcd_in[j, :, :],
# rcond=None)[0].T, rcond=None)[0].T
# s_dut.a = abcd_in
s11dut = s_dut.s[:, 0, 0]
s22dut = s_dut.s[:, 1, 1]
# store fixture z for debug
if(i == self.x_end):
self.z_side1 = IEEEP370.getz(errorbox1.s[:, 0, 0], f, z0)
self.z_side2 = IEEEP370.getz(errorbox2.s[:, 0, 0], f, z0)
if self.verbose:
zdut1 = IEEEP370.getz(s11dut, f, z0)
zdut2 = IEEEP370.getz(s22dut, f, z0)
fig, axs = subplots(1, 2, sharex = True, figsize=(2*6.4, 4.8))
axs[0].plot(ifftshift(zdut1), label = 'DUT')
axs[0].plot(ifftshift(self.z_side1), label = 'FIX-1')
axs[0].plot(ifftshift(z1), color = 'k', linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'FIX-DUT-FIX')
axs[0].set_xlim((n-50, n+x*2+50))
axs[0].set_ylabel('Z (ohm)')
axs[1].plot(ifftshift(zdut2), label = 'DUT')
axs[1].plot(ifftshift(self.z_side2), label = 'FIX-2')
axs[1].plot(ifftshift(z2), color = 'k', linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'FIX-DUT-FIX')
axs[1].set_xlim((n-50, n+x*2+50))
axs[1].set_ylabel('Z (ohm)')
return errorbox1, errorbox2.flipped()
def makeErrorBox_v8(self, s_dut: Network, s2x: Network, gamma: ndarray,
z0: float, pullback: int) -> Network:
Extract the fixture only on a single side.
f = s2x.frequency.f
n = len(f)
s212x = s2x.s[:, 1, 0]
# extract midpoint of 2x-thru
DC21 = IEEEP370.dc_interp(s212x, f)
x = np.argmax(irfft(concatenate(([DC21], s212x))))
self.x_end = x - pullback # index of last TDR point of fixture
#define relative length
#python first index is 0, thus 1 should be added to get the length
l = 1. / (2 * (x + 1))
#define the reflections to be mimicked
s11dut = s_dut.s[:, 0, 0]
if self.verbose:
z1 = IEEEP370.getz(s11dut, f, z0)
#peel the fixture away and create the fixture model
#python range to n-1, thus 1 to be added to have proper iteration number
for i in range(self.x_end + 1):
zline1 = IEEEP370.getz(s11dut, f, z0)[0]
TL1 = self.makeTL(zline1,z0,gamma,l)
sTL1 = s_dut.copy()
sTL1.s = TL1
if i == 0:
errorbox1 = sTL1
errorbox1 = errorbox1 ** sTL1
# equivalent to function removeTL_side1(in,TL,z0)
s_dut = sTL1.inv ** s_dut
s11dut = s_dut.s[:, 0, 0]
# store fixture z for debug
if(i == self.x_end):
self.z_side1 = IEEEP370.getz(errorbox1.s[:, 0, 0], f, z0)
if self.verbose:
zdut1 = IEEEP370.getz(s11dut, f, z0)
fig, axs = subplots(1, 1, sharex = True, figsize=(6.4, 4.8))
axs.plot(ifftshift(zdut1), label = 'DUT')
axs.plot(ifftshift(self.z_side1), label = 'FIX')
axs.plot(ifftshift(z1), color = 'k', linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'FIX-DUT-FIX')
axs.set_xlim((n-50, n+x*2+50))
axs.set_ylabel('Z (ohm)')
return errorbox1
def split2xthru(self, s2xthru: Network, sfix_dut_fix: Network) -> (Network, Network):
Perform the fixtures extraction.
f = sfix_dut_fix.frequency.f
s = sfix_dut_fix.s
# check for bad inputs
# check for DC point
if(f[0] == 0):
"DC point detected. The included DC point will not be used during extraction.",
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2
self.flag_DC = True
f = f[1:]
s = s[1:]
sfix_dut_fix = Network(frequency = Frequency.from_f(f, 'Hz'), s = s)
s2xthru.interpolate_self(Frequency.from_f(f, 'Hz'))
# check for bad frequency vector
df = f[1] - f[0]
tol = 0.1 # allow a tolerance of 0.1 from delta-f to starting f (prevent non-issues from precision)
if(np.abs(f[0] - df) > tol):
"""Non-uniform frequency vector detected. An interpolated S-parameter matrix will be created for
this calculation. The output results will be re-interpolated to the original vector.""",
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2
self.flag_df = True
f_original = f
projected_n = np.floor(f[-1]/f[0])
fnew = f[0] * (np.arange(0, projected_n) + 1)
f_interp = Frequency.from_f(fnew, unit = 'Hz')
sfix_dut_fix.interpolate_self(f_interp, kind = 'cubic',
fill_value = 'extrapolate')
s2xthru.interpolate_self(f_interp, kind = 'cubic',
fill_value = 'extrapolate')
f = fnew
# check if 2x-thru is not the same frequency vector as the
# fixture-dut-fixture
if(not np.array_equal(sfix_dut_fix.frequency.f, s2xthru.frequency.f)):
s2xthru.interpolate(sfix_dut_fix.frequency, kind = 'cubic',
fill_value = 'extrapolate')
"""2x-thru does not have the same frequency vector as the fixture-dut-fixture.
Interpolating to fix problem.""",
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2
# enforce Nyquist rate point
if self.NRP_enable:
sfix_dut_fix, TD = IEEEP370.NRP(sfix_dut_fix)
s2xthru, _ = IEEEP370.NRP(s2xthru, -TD)
# remove lead-in points
if self.leadin > 0:
_, temp1, temp2 = IEEEP370.peelNPointsLossless(
IEEEP370.shiftNPoints(sfix_dut_fix, self.leadin), self.leadin,
z0 = self.z0)
leadin1 = IEEEP370.shiftOnePort(temp1, -self.leadin, 0)
leadin2 = IEEEP370.shiftOnePort(temp2, -self.leadin, 1)
# calculate gamma
#grabbing s21
s212x = s2xthru.s[:, 1, 0]
#get the attenuation and phase constant per length
beta_per_length = -unwrap(angle(s212x))
# because lossless would be abs(S11)**2 + abs(S21)**2 = 1
attenuation = np.abs(s2xthru.s[:,1,0])**2 / (1. - np.abs(s2xthru.s[:,0,0])**2)
alpha_per_length = (10.0 * np.log10(attenuation)) / -8.686 # not 20 * log10() because of **2 above
if self.bandwidth_limit == 0:
#divide by 2*n + 1 to get prop constant per discrete unit length
self.gamma = alpha_per_length + 1j * beta_per_length # gamma without DC
#fit the attenuation up to the limited bandwidth
bwl_x = np.argmin(np.abs(f - self.bandwidth_limit))
X = np.array([np.sqrt(f[0:bwl_x+1]), f[0:bwl_x+1], f[0:bwl_x+1]**2])
b = np.linalg.lstsq(X.conj().T, alpha_per_length[0:bwl_x+1], rcond=None)[0]
alpha_per_length_fit = b[0] * np.sqrt(f) + b[1] * f + b[2] * f**2
#divide by 2*n + 1 to get prop constant per discrete unit length
self.gamma = alpha_per_length_fit + 1j * beta_per_length # gamma without DC
if self.verbose:
fig, axs = subplots(1, 2, figsize=(2*6.4, 4.8))
fig.suptitle('Gamma determination')
axs[0].plot(s2xthru.frequency.f_scaled, alpha_per_length, label = 'alpha per length')
if self.bandwidth_limit != 0:
f_bw_hz = self.bandwidth_limit
f_bw = f_bw_hz / s2xthru.frequency.multiplier
unit = s2xthru.frequency.unit
alpha_bw = b[0] * np.sqrt(f_bw_hz) + b[1] * f_bw_hz + b[2] * f_bw_hz**2
axs[0].plot(s2xthru.frequency.f_scaled, alpha_per_length_fit,
label = 'alpha per length fit')
axs[0].plot([f_bw], [alpha_bw], color = 'k', marker = 'o', linestyle = None,
label = f'bandwidth_limit = {f_bw} {unit}')
axs[0].set_xlabel(f'Frequency ({s2xthru.frequency.unit})')
axs[0].set_ylabel('Alpha (Neper/length)')
axs[1].plot(s2xthru.frequency.f_scaled, beta_per_length, label = 'beta per length')
axs[1].set_xlabel(f'Frequency ({s2xthru.frequency.unit})')
axs[1].set_ylabel('Beta (rad/length)')
# extract error boxes
# make the both error box
s_side1 = IEEEP370.thru(sfix_dut_fix)
s_side2 = IEEEP370.thru(sfix_dut_fix)
# In the implementation, FIX-2 is flipped.
# This does not met IEEEP370 numbering recommandation but is left as
# is for comparison ease.
if self.pullback1 == self.pullback2 and self.side1 and self.side2:
(s_side1, s_side2) = self.makeErrorBox_v7(sfix_dut_fix, s2xthru,
self.gamma, self.z0, self.pullback1)
elif self.side1 and self.side2:
s_side1 = self.makeErrorBox_v8(sfix_dut_fix, s2xthru,
self.gamma, self.z0, self.pullback1)
s_side2 = self.makeErrorBox_v8(sfix_dut_fix.flipped(),s2xthru,
self.gamma, self.z0, self.pullback2)
s_side2 = s_side2.flipped()
elif self.side1:
s_side1 = self.makeErrorBox_v8(sfix_dut_fix, s2xthru,
self.gamma, self.z0, self.pullback1)
elif self.side2:
s_side2 = self.makeErrorBox_v8(sfix_dut_fix.flipped(),s2xthru,
self.gamma, self.z0, self.pullback2)
s_side2 = s_side2.flipped()
"no output because no output was requested",
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2
# interpolate to original frequency if needed
# revert back to original frequency vector
if self.flag_df:
f_interp = Frequency.from_f(f_original, unit = 'Hz')
s_side1.interpolate_self(f_interp, kind = 'cubic',
fill_value = 'extrapolate')
s_side2.interpolate_self(f_interp, kind = 'cubic',
fill_value = 'extrapolate')
# add DC back in
if self.flag_DC:
s_side1 = IEEEP370.add_dc(s_side1)
s_side2 = IEEEP370.add_dc(s_side2)
# remove lead in
if self.leadin > 0:
s_side1 = leadin1 ** s_side1
s_side2 = s_side2 ** leadin2
# if Nyquist Rate Point enforcement is enabled
if self.NRP_enable:
s_side1, _ = IEEEP370.NRP(s_side1, TD, 0)
s_side2, _ = IEEEP370.NRP(s_side2, TD, 1)
# unflip FIX-2 as per IEEEP370 numbering recommandation
return (s_side1, s_side2.flipped())
def plot_check_residuals(self, ax: Axes = None) -> (Figure, Axes):
res = self.deembed(self.s2xthru)
res.name = 'Residuals'
if ax is None:
fig, ax = subplots(1, 2, sharex = True, figsize=(10, 5))
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.suptitle('Consistency test #1: Self de-embedding of 2X-Thru')
ax[0].set_title('Magnitude residuals')
res.plot_s_db(1,0, ax = ax[0], color = '0.5')
res.plot_s_db(0,1, ax = ax[0], color = 'k')
ax[0].plot([res.frequency.f[0], res.frequency.f[-1]],
[0.1, 0.1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r', label = 'Limit')
ax[0].plot([res.frequency.f[0], res.frequency.f[-1]],
[-0.1, -0.1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r')
ax[0].legend(loc = 'upper right')
ax[1].set_title('Phase residuals')
res.plot_s_deg(1,0, ax = ax[1], color = '0.5')
res.plot_s_deg(0,1, ax = ax[1], color = 'k')
ax[1].plot([res.frequency.f[0], res.frequency.f[-1]],
[1, 1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r', label = 'Limit')
ax[1].plot([res.frequency.f[0], res.frequency.f[-1]],
[-1, -1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r')
ax[1].legend(loc = 'upper right')
return (fig, ax)
def plot_check_impedance(self, fix_dut_fix: Network = None, ax: Axes = None,
window: str = 'hamming') -> (Figure, Axes):
# if dc point already exists, it will be replaced
s2xthru = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(self.s2xthru)
fix1 = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(self.s_side1)
fix2 = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(self.s_side2)
if fix_dut_fix is not None:
fix_dut_fix = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(fix_dut_fix)
fix_dut_fix = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(self.sfix_dut_fix)
n = s2xthru.frequency.npoints * 2 - 1
dt = 1e9 / (n * s2xthru.frequency.step) # ns
if ax is None:
fig, ax = subplots(1, 2, sharex = True, figsize=(10, 5))
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.suptitle('Consistency test #2: Compare the TDR of the fixture model to the FIX-DUT-FIX')
ax[0].set_title('Side 1')
fix1.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[0], color = 'k')
y = ax[0].lines[-1].get_ydata()
s2xthru.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[0], linestyle = 'dotted', color = '0.2')
fix_dut_fix.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[0], linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'm')
ax[0].plot([-self.leadin * dt], [y[n // 2 - self.leadin]], marker = 's', color = 'k',
label = f'start (leadin = {self.leadin})')
ax[0].plot([self.x_end * dt], [y[self.x_end + n // 2]], marker = 'o', color = 'k',
label = f'end (pullback1 = {self.pullback1})')
# fit the plot around fix and 2x-thru in case FIX-DUT-FIX is much larger
ymax = np.max(np.array([ax[0].lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)],
ax[0].lines[2].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)]]))
ymin = np.min(np.array([ax[0].lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)],
ax[0].lines[2].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)]]))
ax[0].set_ylim((ymin - 5, ymax + 5))
ax[0].legend(loc = 'lower left')
ax[1].set_title('Side 2')
fix2.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[1], color = 'k')
y = ax[1].lines[-1].get_ydata()
s2xthru.plot_z_time_step(1, 1, window = window,
ax = ax[1], linestyle = 'dotted', color = '0.2')
fix_dut_fix.plot_z_time_step(1, 1, window = window,
ax = ax[1], linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'm')
ax[1].plot([-self.leadin * dt], [y[n // 2 - self.leadin]], marker = 's', color = 'k',
label = f'start (leadin = {self.leadin})')
ax[1].plot([self.x_end * dt], [y[self.x_end + n // 2]], marker = 'o', color = 'k',
label = f'end (pullback2 = {self.pullback2})')
# fit the plot around fix and 2x-thru in case FIX-DUT-FIX is much larger
ymax = np.max(np.array([ax[1].lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)],
ax[1].lines[2].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)]]))
ymin = np.min(np.array([ax[1].lines[0].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)],
ax[1].lines[2].get_ydata()[(n // 2):(self.x_end + n // 2)]]))
ax[1].set_ylim((ymin - 5, ymax + 5))
delay = 2 * self.x_end * dt
ax[1].set_xlim((-0.5 * delay, 1.5 * delay))
ax[1].legend(loc = 'lower left')
return (fig, ax)
class IEEEP370_MM_ZC_2xThru(IEEEP370):
Creates error boxes from a 4-port from 2x-Thru and FIX-DUT-FIX networks.
Based on [I3E370]_.
A deembedding object is created with 2x-Thru (FIX-FIX) and FIX-DUT-FIX
measurements, which are split into left (FIX-1_2) and right (FIX-3_4)
fixtures with IEEEP370 Zc2xThru method.
When :func:`Deembedding.deembed` is applied, the s-parameters of FIX-1_2
and FIX-3_4 are deembedded from FIX_DUT_FIX network.
This method is applicable only when there is 2xThru and FIX_DUT_FIX
The possible difference of impedance between 2x-Thru and FIX-DUT-FIX
is corrected.
The algorithm computes the length of the fixtures by halving the delay of
2x-Thru in time domain transmission. The propagation constant gamma is also
determined from the 2xThru. It then peels the FIX-DUT-FIX time domain
impedance profile iteratively in cycles of determining start impedance and
deembedding a single time sample long transmission line.
The `port_order` ='first', means front-to-back also known as odd/even,
while `port_order`='second' means left-to-right also known as sequential.
`port_order`='third' means yet another numbering method.
Next figure show example of port numbering with 4-port networks.
The `scikit-rf` cascade ** 2N-port operator use second scheme. This is very
convenient to write compact deembedding and other expressions.
numbering diagram::
port_order = 'first'
-|0 1|-
-|2 3|-
port_order = 'second'
-|0 2|-
-|1 3|-
port_order = 'third'
-|0 3|-
-|1 2|-
use `Network.renumber` to change port ordering.
>>> import skrf as rf
>>> from skrf.calibration import IEEEP370_MM_ZC_2xThru
Create network objects for 2xThru and FIX-DUT-FIX
>>> s2xthru = rf.Network('2xthru.s4p')
>>> fdf = rf.Network('f-dut-f.s4p')
Create de-embedding object
>>> dm = IEEEP370_MM_ZC_2xThru(dummy_2xthru = s2xthru,
dummy_fix_dut_fix = fdf,
bandwidth_limit = 10e9,
pullback1 = 0, pullback2 = 0,
leadin = 0,
name = 'zc2xthru')
Apply deembedding to get the DUT
>>> dut = dm.deembed(fdf)
numbering diagram::
FIX-1_2 DUT FIX-3_4
+----+ +----+ +----+
-|1 3|---|1 3|---|3 1|-
-|2 4|---|2 4|---|4 2|-
+----+ +----+ +----+
There is one difference compared to the original matlab implementation
- FIX-2 is flipped (see diagram above)
.. [I3E370] https://opensource.ieee.org/elec-char/ieee-370/-/blob/master/TG1/IEEEP370mmZc2xthru.m
commit 49ddd78cf68ad5a7c0aaa57a73415075b5178aa6
def __init__(self, dummy_2xthru: Network, dummy_fix_dut_fix: Network,
name: str = None,
z0: float = 50, port_order: PortOrderT = 'second',
bandwidth_limit: float = 0,
pullback1: int = 0, pullback2: int = 0,
side1: bool = True, side2: bool = True,
NRP_enable: bool = True, leadin: int = 1,
verbose: bool = False,
*args, **kwargs) -> None:
IEEEP370_MM_ZC_2xThru De-embedding Initializer
dummy_2xthru : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
2xThru (FIX-FIX) network.
name : string
optional name of de-embedding object
z0 :
reference impedance of the S-parameters (default: 50)
port_order : ['first', 'second', 'third']
specify what numbering scheme to use. See above. (default: second)
bandwidth_limit :
max frequency for a fitting function
(default: 0, use all s-parameters without fit)
pullback1, pullback2 :
a number of discrete points to leave in the fixture on side 1
respectively on side 2 (default: 0 leave all)
side1, side2 :
set to de-embed the side1 resp. side2 errorbox (default: True)
NRP_enable :
set to enforce the Nyquist Rate Point during de-embedding and to
add the appropriote delay to the errorboxes (default: True)
leadin :
a number of discrete points before t = 0 that are non-zero from
calibration error (default: 1)
verbose :
view the process (default: False)
args, kwargs:
passed to :func:`Deembedding.__init__`
See Also
self.s2xthru = dummy_2xthru.copy()
self.sfix_dut_fix = dummy_fix_dut_fix.copy()
dummies = [self.s2xthru]
self.z0 = z0
self.port_order = port_order
self.bandwidth_limit = bandwidth_limit
self.pullback1 = pullback1
self.pullback2 = pullback2
self.side1 = side1
self.side2 = side2
self.NRP_enable = NRP_enable
self.leadin = leadin
self.verbose = verbose
self.flag_DC = False
self.flag_df = False
# debug outputs
self.gamma_dd = None
self.x_end_dd = None
self.z_side1_dd = None
self.z_side2_dd = None
self.gamma_cc = None
self.x_end_cc = None
self.z_side1_cc = None
self.z_side2_cc = None
IEEEP370.__init__(self, dummies, name, *args, **kwargs)
self.se_side1, self.se_side2 = self.split2xthru(self.s2xthru,
def deembed(self, ntwk: Network) -> Network:
Perform the de-embedding calculation
ntwk : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
FIX-DUT-FIX network from which FIX-1_2 and FIX-3_4 fixtures needs
to be removed via de-embedding
caled : :class:`~skrf.network.Network` object
Network data of the device after de-embedding
# check if the frequencies match with dummy frequencies
if ntwk.frequency != self.s2xthru.frequency:
warnings.warn('Network frequencies dont match dummy frequencies, attempting overlap.',
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
ntwk, s2xthru = overlap_multi([ntwk, self.s2xthru])
se_side1, se_side2 = self.split2xthru(s2xthru, self.sfix_dut_fix)
se_side1 = self.se_side1
se_side2 = self.se_side2
# check if 4-port
if ntwk.nports != 4:
raise(ValueError('2xthru has to be a 4-port network.'))
# renumber if required
if self.port_order == 'first':
N = ntwk.nports
old_order = list(range(N))
new_order = list(range(0, N, 2)) + list(range(1, N, 2))
ntwk.renumber(old_order, new_order)
elif self.port_order == 'third':
N = ntwk.nports
old_order = list(range(N))
new_order = list(range(0, N//2)) + list(range(N-1, N//2-1, -1))
ntwk.renumber(old_order, new_order)
deembedded = se_side1.inv ** ntwk ** se_side2.flipped().inv
#renumber back if required
if self.port_order != 'second':
deembedded.renumber(new_order, old_order)
return deembedded
def split2xthru(self, se_2xthru: Network, se_fdf: Network) -> (Network, Network):
Perform the fixtures extraction.
# check if 4-port
if se_2xthru.nports != 4 or se_fdf.nports != 4:
raise(ValueError('2xthru has to be a 4-port network.'))
# renumber if required
if self.port_order == 'first':
N = se_2xthru.nports
old_order = list(range(N))
new_order = list(range(0, N, 2)) + list(range(1, N, 2))
se_2xthru.renumber(old_order, new_order)
se_fdf.renumber(old_order, new_order)
elif self.port_order == 'third':
N = se_2xthru.nports
old_order = list(range(N))
new_order = list(range(0, N//2)) + list(range(N-1, N//2-1, -1))
se_2xthru.renumber(old_order, new_order)
se_fdf.renumber(old_order, new_order)
#convert to mixed-modes
mm_2xthru = se_2xthru.copy()
mm_2xthru.se2gmm(p = 2)
mm_fdf = se_fdf.copy()
mm_fdf.se2gmm(p = 2)
#extract common and differential mode and model fixtures for each
sdd = subnetwork(mm_2xthru, [0, 1])
scc = subnetwork(mm_2xthru, [2, 3])
sdd_fdf = subnetwork(mm_fdf, [0, 1])
scc_fdf = subnetwork(mm_fdf, [2, 3])
dm_dd = IEEEP370_SE_ZC_2xThru(dummy_2xthru = sdd,
dummy_fix_dut_fix = sdd_fdf,
z0 = self.z0 * 2,
bandwidth_limit = self.bandwidth_limit,
pullback1 = self.pullback1,
pullback2 = self.pullback2,
side1 = self.side1,
side2 = self.side2,
NRP_enable = self.NRP_enable,
leadin = self.leadin,
verbose = self.verbose)
# debug outputs
self.gamma_dd = dm_dd.gamma
self.x_end_dd = dm_dd.x_end
self.z_side1_dd = dm_dd.z_side1
self.z_side2_dd = dm_dd.z_side2
dm_cc = IEEEP370_SE_ZC_2xThru(dummy_2xthru = scc,
dummy_fix_dut_fix = scc_fdf,
z0 = self.z0 / 2,
bandwidth_limit = self.bandwidth_limit,
pullback1 = self.pullback1,
pullback2 = self.pullback2,
side1 = self.side1,
side2 = self.side2,
NRP_enable = self.NRP_enable,
leadin = self.leadin,
verbose = self.verbose)
# debug outputs
self.gamma_cc = dm_cc.gamma
self.x_end_cc = dm_cc.x_end
self.z_side1_cc = dm_cc.z_side1
self.z_side2_cc = dm_cc.z_side2
#convert back to single-ended
mm_side1 = concat_ports([dm_dd.s_side1, dm_cc.s_side1], port_order = 'first')
se_side1 = mm_side1.copy()
se_side1.gmm2se(p = 2)
mm_side2 = concat_ports([dm_dd.s_side2, dm_cc.s_side2], port_order = 'first')
se_side2 = mm_side2.copy()
se_side2.gmm2se(p = 2)
return (se_side1, se_side2)
def plot_check_residuals(self, ax: Axes = None) -> (Figure, Axes):
res = self.deembed(self.s2xthru)
res.name = 'Residuals'
if ax is None:
fig, ax = subplots(1, 2, sharex = True, figsize=(10, 5))
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.suptitle('Consistency test #1: Self de-embedding of 2X-Thru')
ax[0].set_title('Magnitude residuals')
res.plot_s_db(1,0, ax = ax[0])
res.plot_s_db(0,1, ax = ax[0])
res.plot_s_db(3,2, ax = ax[0])
res.plot_s_db(2,3, ax = ax[0])
ax[0].plot([res.frequency.f[0], res.frequency.f[-1]],
[0.1, 0.1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r', label = 'Limit')
ax[0].plot([res.frequency.f[0], res.frequency.f[-1]],
[-0.1, -0.1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r')
ax[0].legend(loc = 'upper right')
ax[1].set_title('Phase residuals')
res.plot_s_deg(1,0, ax = ax[1])
res.plot_s_deg(0,1, ax = ax[1])
res.plot_s_deg(3,2, ax = ax[1])
res.plot_s_deg(2,3, ax = ax[1])
ax[1].plot([res.frequency.f[0], res.frequency.f[-1]],
[1, 1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r', label = 'Limit')
ax[1].plot([res.frequency.f[0], res.frequency.f[-1]],
[-1, -1],
linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'r')
ax[1].legend(loc = 'upper right')
return (fig, ax)
def plot_check_impedance(self, fix_dut_fix: Network = None, ax: Axes = None,
window: str = 'hamming') -> (Figure, Axes):
# if dc point already exists, it will be replaced
s2xthru = self.s2xthru.copy()
s2xthru = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(s2xthru)
fix1 = self.se_side1.copy()
fix1 = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(fix1)
fix2 = self.se_side2.copy()
fix2 = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(fix2)
if fix_dut_fix is not None:
fix_dut_fix = fix_dut_fix.copy()
fix_dut_fix = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(fix_dut_fix)
fix_dut_fix = self.sfix_dut_fix.copy()
fix_dut_fix = IEEEP370.extrapolate_to_dc(fix_dut_fix)
n = s2xthru.frequency.npoints * 2 - 1
dt = 1e9 / (n * s2xthru.frequency.step) # ns
if ax is None:
fig, ax = subplots(1, 2, sharex = True, figsize=(10, 5))
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.suptitle('Consistency test #2: Compare the TDR of the fixture model to the FIX-DUT-FIX')
ax[0].set_title('Side 1')
fix1.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[0], color = 'k')
y = ax[0].lines[-1].get_ydata()
s2xthru.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[0], linestyle = 'dotted', color = '0.2')
fix_dut_fix.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[0], linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'm')
ax[0].plot([-self.leadin * dt], [y[n // 2 - self.leadin]], marker = 's', color = 'k',
label = f'start (leadin = {self.leadin})')
ax[0].plot([self.x_end_dd * dt], [y[self.x_end_dd + n // 2]], marker = 'o', color = 'k',
label = f'end (pullback1 = {self.pullback1})')
fix1.plot_z_time_step(2, 2, window = window,
ax = ax[0], color = 'k')
s2xthru.plot_z_time_step(2, 2, window = window,
ax = ax[0], linestyle = 'dotted', color = '0.2')
fix_dut_fix.plot_z_time_step(2, 2, window = window,
ax = ax[0], linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'b')
ax[0].legend(loc = 'center left')
ax[1].set_title('Side 2')
fix2.plot_z_time_step(0, 0, window = window,
ax = ax[1], color = 'k')
y = ax[1].lines[-1].get_ydata()
s2xthru.plot_z_time_step(1, 1, window = window,
ax = ax[1], linestyle = 'dotted', color = '0.2')
fix_dut_fix.plot_z_time_step(1, 1, window = window,
ax = ax[1], linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'm')
ax[1].plot([-self.leadin * dt], [y[n // 2 - self.leadin]], marker = 's', color = 'k',
label = f'start (leadin = {self.leadin})')
ax[1].plot([self.x_end_dd * dt], [y[self.x_end_dd + n // 2]], marker = 'o', color = 'k',
label = f'end (pullback2 = {self.pullback2})')
fix2.plot_z_time_step(2, 2, window = window,
ax = ax[1], color = 'k')
s2xthru.plot_z_time_step(3, 3, window = window,
ax = ax[1], linestyle = 'dotted', color = '0.2')
fix_dut_fix.plot_z_time_step(3, 3, window = window,
ax = ax[1], linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'b')
delay = 2 * self.x_end_dd * dt
ax[1].set_xlim((-0.5 * delay, 1.5 * delay))
ax[1].legend(loc = 'center left')
return (fig, ax)