- skrf.plotting.signature(self, m=0, n=0, component='s_mag', vmax=None, vs_time=False, cbar_label=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Visualization of a NetworkSet.
Creates a colored image representing the some component of each Network in the NetworkSet, vs frequency.
- Parameters:
m (int, optional) – first s-parameters index. Default is 0.
n (int, optional) – second s-parameter index. Default is 0.
component (['s_mag','s_db','s_deg' ..]) – scalar component of Network to visualize. should be a property of the Network object.
vmax (number or None.) – sets upper limit of colorbar, if None, will be set to 3*mean of the magnitude of the complex difference. Default is None.
vs_time (Boolean, optional.) – if True, then we assume each was made with rf.now_string, and we make the y-axis a datetime axis. Default is False.
cbar_label (String or None, optional) – label for the colorbar. Default is None
*args (arguments, keyword arguments) – passed to
**kw (arguments, keyword arguments) – passed to
self (NetworkSet)