mathFunctions (skrf.mathFunctions
Provides commonly used mathematical functions.
Mathematical Constants
Some convenient constants are defined in the skrf.constants
Complex Component Conversion
Return real and imaginary parts of a complex number. |
Return the magnitude of the complex argument. |
Return the magnitude in dB of a complex number (as \(20\log_{10}(|z|)\)).. |
Return the magnitude in dB of a complex number (as \(10\log_{10}(|z|)\)). |
Return the angle complex argument in radian. |
Returns the angle complex argument in degree. |
Return the magnitude of the complex argument. |
Take a complex number and returns quadrature, which is (length, arc-length from real axis) |
Phase Unwrapping
Unwraps a phase given in radians. |
Take the square root of a complex number with unwrapped phase. |
Unit Conversion
Convert angles from radians to degrees. |
Convert angles from degrees to radians. |
Converts a value in Nepers (Np) to decibel (dB). |
Converts a value in decibel (dB) to neper (Np). |
Scalar-Complex Conversion
These conversions are useful for wrapping other functions that don’t support complex numbers.
Serialize a list/array of complex numbers |
Unserialize a list/array of real and imag numbers into a complex array. |
Special Functions
Calculate Dirac function. |
Calculate Neumans number. |
Calculate the null space of matrix A. |
Calculate the cross ratio of a quadruple of distinct points on the real line. |
Various Utility Functions
Convert a one sided complex spectrum into a real time-signal. |
Interpolates function using rational polynomials of degree d. |
Transforms S-parameters to time-domain bandpass. |
Transforms S-parameters to time-domain, assuming complex conjugates for values corresponding to negative frequencies. |
Tests whether mat is a square matrix. |
Tests mat for symmetry. |
Tests whether mat is Hermitian. |
Tests mat for positive definiteness. |
Tests mat for positive semidefiniteness. |
Returns the conjugate transpose of mat. |