deembedding (skrf.calibration.deembedding
De-embedding is the procedure of removing effects of the test fixture that is often present in the measurement of a device or circuit. It is based on a lumped element approximation of the test fixture which needs removal from the raw data, and its equivalent circuit often needs to be known a-priori. This is often required since implementation of calibration methods such as Thru-Reflect-Line (TRL) becomes too expensive for implementation in on-wafer measurement environments where space is limited, or insufficiently accurate as in the case of Short-Open-Load-Thru (SOLT) calibration where the load cannot be manufactured accurately. De-embedding is often performed as a second step, after a SOLT, TRL or similar calibration to the end of a known reference plane, like the probe-tips in on-wafer measurements.
This module provides objects to implement commonly used de-embedding
method in on-wafer applications.
Each de-embedding method inherits from the common abstract base
class Deembedding
Base Class
Abstract Base Class for all de-embedding objects. |
De-embedding Methods
Remove open parasitics followed by short parasitics. |
Remove open parasitics only. |
Remove short parasitics followed by open parasitics. |
Remove short parasitics only. |
Remove shunt and series parasitics assuming pi-type embedding network. |
Remove series and shunt parasitics assuming tee-type embedding network. |
Cancel shunt admittance by swapping (a.k.a Mangan's method). |
Cancel series impedance by swapping. |
Abstract Base Class for all IEEEP370 de-embedding class. |
Creates error boxes from a test fixture 2xThru network. |
Creates error boxes from a 4-port test fixture 2xThru. |
Creates error boxes from 2x-Thru and FIX-DUT-FIX networks. |
Creates error boxes from a 4-port from 2x-Thru and FIX-DUT-FIX networks. |