- class skrf.calibration.calibration.SixteenTerm(measured, ideals, switch_terms=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
General SixteenTerm (aka Error-box) Two-port calibration.
16-term error model is a complete error model that can solve for leakages between the different VNA receivers.
There are several different combinations of calibration standards that can be used. At least five two port measurements are needed. Using through, open, short, and load standards some combinations result in singular matrix. See [1] for list of non-singular combinations.
Intermediate matrices used for embedding and de-embedding. |
Estimate of biased error for overdetermined calibration with multiple connections of each standard. |
Return a NetworkSet for each caled_ntwk, grouped by their names. |
List of the corrected calibration standards. |
Dictionary or error coefficients in form of numpy arrays. |
Dictionary of error coefficients for 12-term Model. |
Dictionary or error coefficients in form of Network objects. |
Dictionary of error coefficients for One-port Error model. |
Dictionary of error coefficients in form of Network objects. |
Dictionary of error coefficients for 8-term (Error-box) Model. |
Dictionary of error coefficients in form of Network objects. |
Dictionary of error coefficients in form of Network objects. |
The calculated error Network or Network[s]. |
Directivity normalized to the reflection tracking. |
Number of ideal/measurement pairs in calibration. |
Return any output from the |
Returns a NetworkSet for each residual_ntwk, grouped by their names. |
Dictionary of residual Networks. |
Estimate of total error for overdetermined calibration with multiple connections of each standard.This is the combined effects of both biased and un-biased errors. |
Estimate of unbiased error for overdetermined calibration with multiple connections of each standard. |
Convert solved calibration T matrices to S-parameters. |
SixteenTerm Initializer. |
Applies the calibration to the input network. |
Apply correction to all touchstone files in a given directory. |
Apply correction to list or dict of Networks. |
Apply correction to a NetworkSet. |
Applies the error boxes to the calibrated input network. |
Create a calibration from its error coefficients. |
Create a calibration from its error coefficients. |
Plot corrected calibration standards. |
Plot biased, unbiased and total error in dB scaled. |
Plot residual networks. |
Remove and return tuple of (ideal, measured) at index. |
Remove a cal standard and correct it, returning correct and ideal. |
Run the calibration algorithm. |
Terminate a network with switch terms. |
Unterminate switch terms from a raw measurement. |
Update current dict of error coefficients. |
Write the Calibration to disk using |