
TUGMultilineTRL.__init__(line_meas, line_lengths, er_est=1 + 0j, reflect_meas=None, reflect_est=None, reflect_offset=0, ref_plane=0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

TUGMultilineTRL initializer.

The order of the lines in line_meas and line_lengths should be the same. Also, the first line is defined as thru. If non-zero, the calibration plane is shifted by half of its length using the extracted propagation constant.

You can perform calibration without reflect measurements, but this will only provide you with the propagation constant and relative effective permittivity. Without reflect measurements, you can accurately calibrate S21 and S12 of a DUT. However, calibrating S11 and S22 requires a symmetric reflect as part of the calibration process.


This implementation inherits from EightTerm. Don’t forget to pass switch_terms.

  • line_meas (list of two-port Network) – measurement of the lines. First line is defined as thru.

  • line_lengths (list of float) – Lengths of the lines. If thru is non-zero length, the calibration plane is shifted by half of its length using the solved propagation constant. Units are in meters.

  • er_est (complex) – Estimated permittivity of the lines at first frequency point of the measurement. Negative imaginary part indicates losses.

  • reflect_meas (a two-port Network or a list of two-port Network) – measurement of symmetric reflect. Multiple symmetric reflect can be passed in a list, which is used to compute to average solution of the error terms.

  • reflect_est (complex or list of complex) – Estimated reflection coefficients of reflect standards at first frequency point of the measurement. Usually -1 for short or +1 for open.

  • reflect_offset (float or list of float) – Offset of the reflect standards from the reference plane. Units are in meters.

  • ref_plane (float or list of float) –

    Reference plane shift after the calibration. Negative length is towards the VNA. Units are in meters.

    Different shifts can be given to different ports by giving a two element list. First element is shift of port 1 and second is shift of port 2.

  • *args (passed to EightTerm.__init__) – dont forget the switch_terms argument is important

  • **kwargs (passed to EightTerm.__init__) – dont forget the switch_terms argument is important